Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 80: The boss’s heart is so dirty

Chapter 80: The boss’s heart is so dirty

Chapter 80 The bosss heart is so dirty

After leaving Qianqin Square, Jiang Qin came to 208s entrepreneurial base.

Lu Xuemei and Pang Hai have already arrived in advance. They have prepared banners and promotional images, and are adding the Xitian logo on site. They will then connect with Sunai and go online.

The long white table is filled with computers, with plugs here and there. Although it is messy, it gives the feeling of wild weeds growing wildly.

Jiang Qin saw that the time was almost up, so he called for them to hold a meeting and announced the work content for the next stage.

The content team should continue to provide articles to keep the topic fresh and add fuel to the competition.

The technical department will continue to optimize and develop real-time rankings, because without this, the competitiveness will not be reflected.

Pang Hais work focus was temporarily separated from the website, and he concentrated on designing offline promotional materials for Xitian, seamlessly connecting offline promotional activities and online competitions.

Lao Pang, please communicate with Shengshi Printing and use their channels to customize a batch of limited-edition milk tea cups. The pattern of the cups is designed to be the name of the school belle Xitianjia.

"Sunai, look at the data. Once a candidate gets two thousand flowers, Xitian will launch a limited edition campus beauty milk tea. Each cup of milk tea can contribute two flowers to the designated goddess. The sales volume reaches two hundred cups. It will become permanent packaging.

"Writer, you will take people to interview the most popular school beauty candidates in the past few days, and then give them a biography. It is best to match the name of a milk tea flavor, such as Hong Yan from the Department of Law, which is fragrant and elegant, and looks like Ji Ji. Got succulent grapes.

Wei Lanlan, continue to talk about advertisers, and reveal to them intentionally or unintentionally that Xitian spent 100,000 yuan in naming fees.

Wei Lanlan was stunned for a moment, and then said with some confusion: "Is it 80,000?"

Jiang Qin paused for a moment: "They definitely didn't believe you when you said one hundred thousand, so they would secretly find an opportunity to inquire. Then they heard that it turned out to be eighty thousand, and they immediately believed it, because rumors are unreliable, and what you find out by yourself is more true."

The boss is really dirty. He obviously put the money from his left pocket into his right pocket, but still boasted an extra 20,000 yuan. Tan Qing beeped in a low voice.

Wei Lanlan lowered his voice: "Qingqing, you have to learn a little better. Doing business depends on blowing."

In the following time, the technical team, content team, design team and external editing team began to carry out business step by step according to the plan set by Jiang Qin.

The key point is to allocate part of the energy from the website to the offline Xitian milk tea shop.

The traffic of the website is aimed at the college students as users, while the Xitian milk tea shop is aimed at merchants near the university town.

The two public opinions lead two different groups of people respectively, thereby achieving a coherent effect.

Have you heard that Xiao Lius milk tea shop invested 100,000 yuan in advertising for the new forum?

"Don't listen to their nonsense. I went to find out yesterday. It was 80,000."

The little girl who came to advertise that day told me personally that it was one hundred thousand.

"Lao Zhang, you have been in business for so long, you can't even tell when you are bragging. If they want to charge advertising fees, the money must be higher. You believe me, it is 80,000."

Eighty thousand is not a lot, is Xiao Liu crazy?

"She was also driven to death by the college supermarket. She probably wanted to treat a dead horse as a living horse!"

Xueyue Supermarket is really not authentic. They engage in price wars at every turn. Its disgusting. They just rely on their great business.

You cant blame them, theyre all in business. If you want to make money, you cant be honest.

No, eighty thousand is too much, Xiao Liu cant handle it?

"I guess she is giving it her last try. If it works, it will be fine. If it doesn't, it will be transferred at a low price."

Xiao Liu is really unwise at such a young age. There are a lot of people on that forum, but only a few are willing to read the ads. The money will probably be wasted!

Several business owners in the square got together and had a focused discussion on Wei Lanlan's deliberate disclosure. Of course, most of them are not optimistic about the effect of naming this event, and feel that it is most likely to make a profit at a loss.

Are you kidding me, can a half-dead milk tea shop be brought back to life with just one advertisement?

If business were to be so easy, they would have already established a nationwide chain!

Furthermore, people who do business, especially those who are close to businesses, generally feel a little bit uncomfortable with other people's good deeds.

This thought lasted until Wednesday morning. When a white truck drove over and carried out a large amount of promotional materials, the surrounding merchants knew that this was going to be serious.

Masters, please lend a hand and help us put the board up, facing the direction of the teaching building.

Theres still that banner, just help us hang it on the street lamp and the pole at the door.

If you want to set up a sign, you can place it anywhere on the college road. Just put the Xitian and Zhihu signs at the front. There are no other requirements.

Pang Hai got off the truck and directed the workers of Shengshi to start the installation.

The first thing that was carried down was a two-meter-high PVC school beauties ranking board. The words school beauties ranking were written in pink cartoon fonts. The logos of Xitian and Zhihu were printed on the upper right corner. It was eye-catching as soon as you left the teaching building. See.

The masters worked in groups, first erected the boards, and then quickly installed the brackets.

In addition, there are various custom-made signs, banners and other things that have been hung one by one.

The scene at the door was huge, and the atmosphere immediately rose.

However, this scene not only attracted the surrounding merchants, but also attracted the security guards who were patrolling the school on motorcycles.

What are you doing?

Hold an event.

Do you have any documents? If you dont have any documents, you cant just leave it like this!

Pang Hai opened his bag and took out a self-employment book and registration form from Zhihu to show them.

Jiang Qin had told him in advance to keep these things in his bag, but he didn't expect that they would actually be put to use.

At this moment, Pang Hai felt that the boss was indeed a bit far-sighted and had considered almost every detail clearly.

Of course, the security guards will not look carefully at what is written in your documents. As long as they see the school's red seal on the back, they will ignore it.

But when the security guards were leaving, Pang Hai followed Jiang Qin's previous instructions and gave each of them a pack of cigarettes.

If you want to hold activities at school, you will inevitably have to deal with these security guards in the future. It is necessary to maintain a good relationship. After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.

After all the promotional materials were put away, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

A large number of students poured out of the three teaching buildings at the same time. They were thinking about what to order in the cafeteria, but they couldn't move when they reached the front square.

The school beauty contest has been in preparation for a whole week, and even the stray dogs in the school can shout a few words, so a large number of people quickly came to the door of Xitian, all of whom stretched their heads to look at the huge ranking list. .

Although the dog days of summer have passed, the autumn tiger is still strong. The students watching the excitement feel so hot just standing there, so they turn around and go to the store to buy milk tea.

This kind of phenomenon will happen twice once once, and three times if there are two times.

So, before the advertising effect was fully realized, the store had already sold more than a dozen cups of milk tea.

Fang Xiaoxuan has never seen so many guests before, and she was so busy that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

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