Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 69: For the honor of the department!

Chapter 69: For the honor of the department!

Chapter 69 For the honor of the department!

The day after the dinner, the guidance of the direction of public opinion began vigorously.

Dong Wenhao's ability to control content is really strong. It only took five people to completely mobilize the atmosphere of the entire forum. All registered users began to participate in the discussion on the topic of "school beauty", and in a short time caused widespread controversy.

Liu Yiyi from the School of Liberal Arts is also considered a campus beauty? Nonsense, at most she has some temperament!

Please, the campus beauty of Linda is not said to be the most beautiful girl in the country, but she cant be this Xiaojiabiyu type!

The literature department is not good. There are two freshmen in the law department this year. One is named Chu Siqi and the other is Hong Yan. Only with such good looks can we be called campus beauties!

"Why are the people in the law and literature departments so confident? Our senior sister Fang Xuan in the media department is the real school beauty, okay? Everyone has been on Linchuan TV!"

Pull it down, Wu Meng from our Department of Construction Engineering is the school beauty!

Hahaha, I laughed. There is also a school beauty in the monk temple of Jiangong? What kind of posture can I sleep in such a dream?

Okay, okay, dont argue anymore. The recognized campus beauty of our Computer Science Department is Senior Sister Liu Tian. If you dont accept it, come and argue!

The Department of Computing is not much better than the Department of Construction, so go and take a shower.

The number of posts on the forum soared as the topic became popular, and the entire confession wall and anonymous tree hole were filled in an instant.

This phenomenon is actually not surprising. After all, who didnt have a goddess in their dreams when they were students? If you want to say that so-and-so is more beautiful than my goddess, then I definitely cant agree to it.

As for the girls, the phenomenon of secret competition is even more intense. Even sisters in the dormitory are not merciless when it comes to their appearance.

What's wrong with you? My **** are still big, shouldnt this be a bonus?

What's wrong with your big breasts? My **** is so curved that I cant accept it!

In the past, no one had the opportunity to compare, or was embarrassed to compare, but the forums publicity just lit the fuse.

Moreover, you can post anonymously in this forum. Even if you complain about the sisters' appearance, it will not destroy the friendship between the sisters. It is simply beautiful.

In addition, the question of who the school beauty is is not just a matter of appearance, it even involves the honor of the department and the conflict of opinions between men and women.

Why are you the school belle?

Why cant the school beauty be from our department?

Among all the departments, the Department of Architecture and Engineering behaved the most crazily, because when other departments mentioned it, they said it was a monk temple. They were very dissatisfied and tried their best to prove that there were beauties in their own department.

These days, there are very few entertainments for college students. A topic that can cause widespread controversy can easily become popular. Coupled with Dong Wenhaos support and the reposting of space, the discussion about who is the campus beauty swept across the world in an instant. The whole school.

Senior Wu Meng from the Department of Construction Engineering, Yan Guanlinda, attaches a high-definition selfie!

Ten photos of Liu Tian, a senior from the Department of Computer Science, in student outfits, apply to compete!

Liu Yiyi from the Department of Literature, took a photo casually and was astonished!

Military training photo of Chu Siqi from the Department of Law, please improve your aesthetics quickly, not just anyone can be called a campus beauty!

Hong Yancai from the Department of Law is one of the most beautiful women in the world. She and Chu Siqi are both known as double flowers, and she is definitely ahead of other departments!

Our campus forum has been a bit strange recently. Why is the issue of campus beauties suddenly discussed?

Director, that is not our official forum, it is a new forum that has suddenly appeared in the past few days.

Oh, let me tell you, when did our crappy forum become so fashionable?

Wearing reading glasses and holding a mouse, the dean of the Academic Affairs Office of the Department of Literature liked the post about Liu Yiyicai, the school beauty of the Department of Literature, and also disliked posts from other colleges.This forum is quite interesting, much more fun than the old forum.

The head of the Literature Department browsed around in other sections and saw a post called "The Simple and Rich Second Generation".


What a strange name. He couldn't help but read a few articles. As a result, his eyebrows became more and more frowned as he read it. In the end, he even got angry and jabbed at the keyboard with two fingers.


It blatantly promotes money worship and hedonism, and takes pride in leisure and indolence. Every line is tacky. Did your book end up in a dogs belly?!

You are considered a student of Linda University? Which department are you from?

Cao Guangyu: ?

Cao Guangyu: Blocked, hee hee!


The head of the literature department is over fifty this year, and for the first time he has the urge to take a kitchen knife and cut all the way along the network cable. The enrollment level of Linda has really become worse and worse in recent years. How come such exaggerated people are so arrogant? Recruit in!

At the same time, similar things were happening in other department offices.

Everyone is talking about this inexplicable forum and the sudden competition among school beauties, and they also have their own ideas about who is good-looking and who is not.

This does not mean that teachers must be old-fashioned. On the contrary, the more this kind of profession can reach young people, the easier it is to be attracted by popular culture.

Some teachers actually know exactly which girl in their department is good-looking, which boy is handsome, which girl likes to fall in love, and which Neptune is in multiple boats.

They will also discuss it privately in the office, especially middle-aged female teachers, whose gossip mentality is even worse than that of young female students.

It's just that in front of students, they still have to have the attitude of being a teacher, so they are serious about words, but in this world, who is not a common person?

However, when this incident reached the Department of Construction Engineering, their style of painting became slightly different.

Over the years, it has been difficult to recruit students to the Department of Construction Engineering because girls dont like to come. Boys know that girls dont like to come to this department, so naturally they dont like to come either.

As a student who has just graduated from high school, who said that I must be an architect? Even top academics will actually refer to the male-to-female ratio when choosing a major.


There is anything to learn, and there are many popular professions. Why do I have to live in a monks temple?

So the entire Department of Construction and Engineering supports the post that Wu Meng is the campus beauty, and even the student union cadres are intentionally or unintentionally asking people to like it. If the campus beauty of Linyi University comes from the Department of Construction and Engineering, then there will be trouble in recruiting students in the coming year.

Twin treasures for admissions: there are school beauties in the department and air-conditioning in the dormitories.

At the same time, someone in the school committee office also noticed this forum called "Zhihu". After all, the school already had an old forum. Although it was half dead, it was still an official project. Now there is another forum. In their view, Of course it is quite strange to come here, especially in the past two days, there are always people coming to the old forum to recommend this new forum, which makes a lot of noise.

I heard that this forum was started by students from our school?

"Seems to be."

Which department is it from? Is it registered?

This is not very clear.

The website is quite thoughtful, but it is a little too entertaining. It would be nice to add some study materials. It would be better if there are also lecture materials from professors in various departments, so it can be called a campus network.

Principal Wang, if Im not mistaken, we seem to have a forum for the forum you mentioned, but its said that dogs dont even use it.

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