Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 58: Motto 20th Edition

Chapter 58: Motto 20th Edition

Chapter 58 Motto Version 2.0

Lu Xuemei just put the two design drafts together and asked ten unknown people to judge them. As a result, seven people thought the first version was better, two thought the final version was good, and one was undecided.

Then which one is higher and which one is lower is already obvious.

"Whatever it is, I'll just say it. It's better not to change it. It's really a blind command."

Jiang Qin took the computer and raised his head calmly: "Is there anyone curious about the content of the website after seeing the pictures?"

Lu Xuemei nodded: "Of course some people are curious, and they also want to know when this website will be available."

Then which design draft are you referring to?

The second one.

Lu Xuemei was slightly stunned after finishing her words. She found that the scene just now flashed through her mind again, and her eyes gradually became shocked.

Thats right, those people seemed to be pointing to the simplest design draft, which was the later revised version, when asking about the website.

Why is this happening? Lu Xuemei was a little confused.

"This is normal, because the previous design was good-looking, and indeed very high-end, but there were too many elements, and you couldn't grasp the key points at a glance. After deleting the redundant elements, the information transmission became intuitive.

Jiang Qin put the computer back in front of Pang Hai and spoke in a calm voice.

But only good-looking advertisements will make people want to watch them. If people dont even want to watch them, its useless no matter how concise your message is.

Lu Xuemei feels very unconvinced. The efficiency of information transmission is indeed important, but whats the use if no one reads it.

But its a fan. Jiang Qin looked at her and said.

Hearing this sentence, Lu Xuemei was slightly stunned, as if she suddenly figured out something, and any words she wanted to argue suddenly died in her throat.

The weather is so hot now. When you go to the toilet, eat in the cafeteria, participate in club activities, or even go to class, you always use a fan, right? Even if it is not so beautiful, is it difficult to take a second to read the information on the fan?

Pang Hai couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling like he suddenly understood: "It makes sense..."

Jiang Qin rubbed his arm that was blown by the air-conditioning and continued: "The flyer must be designed to look good because it has no practical value. If it is not attractive, it will be thrown away. Most people will not care what is written on it. , but fans are different. Fans have the ability to be retained and have practical value, so why do we have to let the beauty of the design hinder the transmission of information?

Lu Xuemei pursed her lips, unable to say a word.

She admitted that her eyes had always been on the beauty of graphic design itself, without considering its carrier.

But just like Jiang Qin said just now, since we know that people who get the fans will not throw them away, why should we hinder the accurate transmission of information and be too demanding on the aesthetic sense?

Pang Hai raised his head and glanced: "Boss, have you studied business design and advertising marketing before?"

No, I just have a few million more talents and talents than ordinary people.

"Talent? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?" Lu Xuemei was dissatisfied.

Jiang Qin raised the corner of his mouth and thought she was just a child having a tantrum: "Little girl, you are so blind at such a young age. How pitiful you are."

Okay, Lao Pang, please send the design draft to Shengshi. I have military training in the afternoon, so Ill leave first.

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he called his little rich lady and left the library and went straight to the milk tea shop.

"Military training? He is a freshman?" Lu Xuemei's eyes widened in disbelief, and she suddenly felt a sense of frustration in her heart. She had been studying design for two years, but she was taught how to be a human being by a freshman who had just entered the school, and she was still in her own professional field. This was something she couldn't accept.

Pang Hai put away the computer slowly and reached out to pat her shoulder: "Xuemei, don't be discouraged. Don't tell me it's you. In fact, I haven't even considered the communication medium."

Really, Master? Lu Xuemei looked up at him.

"It's true. I've taken on many flyer designs for nearby small businesses this year. I always feel that I have a good aesthetic and good skills, and the customer's requirements are simple. As long as the font is black and bold and not ugly, I'm fine with it. I was complacent, but it wasnt until today that I realized that real commercial design is not so simple.

Pang Hai couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder some designers can only do orders of a few hundred, but some designers can do orders of hundreds of thousands."

Lu Xuemei was lost for a while and then suddenly looked up: "Then how did he know? He's not even our major!"

You have to admit that some peoples vision is better suited to seeing the overall situation.

At noon, Pang Hai boasted about Jiang Qin's prowess from behind, but Jiang Qin was in dire straits during the military training in the afternoon.

As soon as he walked to the playground, he was warmly greeted by the instructor, and then received a conspicuous package that included five laps on the playground, one hour of military posture, and shouting "all disbanded" to the wall a thousand times.

After this was done, Jiang Qin vowed never to perform any talent again in his life.

Catch the first bird and make money as early as possible.

Lets not talk about love dogs, but going to bed early is good for your health.

Read more when you have time, and touch your feet when you are bored.

The soft rice does not hurt the teeth, the rich woman is really good.

Jiang Qin took a branch and wrote version 2.0 of his life motto under the wall.

However, being the first person is not without its benefits. At least after he returned, the freshmen from his own team and the other three teams expressed their high gratitude and warm applause to him.

Nothing else, just because a simple talent show gave four teams a three-hour vacation, and they still punished themselves when they came back. This spirit has moved many people.

But when the military training ended in the afternoon and Jiang Qin returned to the dormitory after dinner, he was mercilessly laughed at by Cao Guangyu.

Lao Cao didn't need military training after the circumcision, nor did he need Jiang Qin's favor, but when he heard something as awesome as shouting "all disbanded" that had nothing to do with him, he felt uncomfortable, and he wanted to add insult to injury.

Lao Jiang, I heard that you shouted at the wall all afternoon to disperse, scaring away the stray dogs?

Haha. Jiang Qin sneered.

Cao Guangyu was lying on the bed with five people and six people, his mouth was as flat as the waistband of cotton pants: "I told you a long time ago, don't be so high-profile. There are some things you can't control."

Jiang Qin turned to look at him: "Old Cao, is your peeing tool okay?"

I still need to rest for three or four days, whats the matter?

Then let me show you something good.

Jiang Qin opened his notebook, entered the URL he gave to Sunai before, and clicked on the video section.

Cao Guangyu's face turned pale, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

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