What to Do If I Become the Villain’s Daughter

Chapter 56

The white canvas was covered with large swathes of dark green, so deep it was almost black.

The oppressive sky hung low, nearly merging with the vast sea.

Over the grey-white ocean, fierce winds swept across, massive waves crashing against the shore, sending sprays of foam into the air.

On the expansive, dark green beach, faint hints of tender green could be seen, spreading thinly like moss.

The painting style was somber, yet powerful in its grandeur.

The subtle touch of green, set against the heavy tones, appeared vibrant with life.

Zuo Qinfang's eyes held admiration: "Is this the vitality in Ningning's heart?"

Huo Guining nodded: "Just like flowers blooming on a cliff, the struggle for survival always gives a sense of vigorous life."

Zuo Qinfang seemed lost in thought.

Huo Yueze's expression was equally complex. He frowned and said to Huo Guining, "How do you have such an old soul at such a young age?"

Huo Guining's heart skipped a beat, but she feigned innocence, tilting her head: "What do you mean, big brother?"

Zuo Qinfang understood and playfully scolded him: "Don't tease your sister!"

Back at the old house, Zuo Qinfang had seen Ningning painting before, but she had assumed it was just a child's scribbles and hadn't paid much attention.

Now she realized that Ningning had some real talent.

"Ningning, would you like to learn painting from Auntie?"

Huo Guining nodded: "I'd love to."

In her previous life, she had died too young, and painting was one of her unfulfilled dreams.

Zuo Qinfang stroked her hair.

She took a photo of the painting and sent it to Huo Xiaozheng.

She briefed him about today's class and added a comment.

"Ningning has some talent in painting, I think we should nurture it."

Far away overseas, Huo Xiaozheng's thoughts upon seeing the painting were completely different from Zuo Qinfang's.

If the photo Huo Yueze had sent earlier had made Huo Xiaozheng think Ningning's condition was improving,

Then the painting Zuo Qinfang sent brutally brought him back to reality.

Ningning's inner world was still oppressive and dark.

Huo Xiaozheng even felt that the thin layer of tender green was only there to respond to Zuo Qinfang's theme of life.

Zuo Qinfang, not knowing Huo Guining well yet, hadn't thought of this aspect.

At that moment, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Students started leaving the classroom in small groups.

Huo Yueze packed Ningning's painting into his backpack and took out some snacks and juice for her.

"You should go back to class. I'll take your sister home after lunch," Zuo Qinfang said to Huo Yueze while tidying up her teaching materials.

Huo Guining gulped down the juice, finishing it quickly.

"Why don't you go ahead? I'll bring Ningning home after my classes," Huo Yueze suggested.

Zuo Qinfang gave him a stern look: "What are you talking about? You want Ningning to sit through your classes?"

Huo Yueze thought for a moment: "Ningning, do you want to go to the amusement park?"

Huo Guining's eyes lit up.

The weather was perfect today, and by noon, the temperature would be ideal for an outing.

Come to think of it, she had been following Huo Xiaozheng to work every day and had hardly been anywhere for fun.

The only notable outing was when Yin Su took her shopping for a dress.

"Can we?" Huo Guining asked.

Huo Yueze raised an eyebrow and smiled: "Of course we can."

Zuo Qinfang laughed, exasperated: "Are you two conspiring right in front of me?"

Huo Yueze hugged Zuo Qinfang, pleading: "Dear mother, can't you see the longing in my sister's eyes?"

Receiving the cue, Huo Guining's large eyes became even more poignant, her desire almost tangible as it pierced towards Zuo Qinfang.

"Fine, go ahead. I'll excuse you for these couple of days, so you can spend time with your sister."

Zuo Qinfang conceded defeat.

Huo Yueze had originally planned to just let Huo Guining experience campus life, but now that Zuo Qinfang had agreed, he naturally accepted without hesitation.

"Let's go, little sister!"

With that, he scooped up Huo Guining and dashed towards the school exit.

Zuo Qinfang shook her head and called after them: "Be back before dinner, and take good care of your sister!"

Huo Yueze waved his hand and quickly disappeared around the corner.

"Big brother, are you sure this won't affect your studies?" Huo Guining belatedly felt a twinge of guilt.

Huo Yueze laughed and patted her little head: "Of course not. If it would, Mom definitely wouldn't have let me skip class to play."

Huo Guining felt relieved.

"You think a lot for such a little one," Huo Yueze teased.

Huo Guining gave a shy smile.

With the power of money, they quickly arrived at the amusement park and entered through the VIP channel.

Although it was a Wednesday, the park was quite busy.

Considering Huo Guining's young age, Huo Yueze first took her to ride the carousel.

"I'm too big for this now, so I'll take photos of you from down here. Go on."

The carousel was large and luxurious, with a very dreamy decoration.

Huo Guining's eyes sparkled with desire. She nodded at Huo Yueze and, with the help of the staff, climbed onto a little horse.

As the carousel began to rotate and rise, Huo Guining felt as if she had been transported into a magical world, with each note of music around her dancing with joy.

Huo Yueze watched her with a smile, occasionally waving at her.

When Huo Guining came down, Huo Yueze helped her retie her loosened hair and asked:

"Are you hungry? Shall we have lunch before continuing?"

Huo Guining nodded.

It was lunchtime, and all the restaurants were packed.

Huo Guining chose the pirate-themed restaurant. After Huo Yueze scanned the QR code to order, he told Huo Guining to stay put and save their seats while he went to collect the food.

Huo Guining obediently waited at the table.

"Little one, are you alone? Can we sit here?"

A bespectacled couple sat down opposite her, directly pushing aside the chair next to her. They asked if they could sit, but their words didn't match their actions as they had already placed their bags on the table.

Before Huo Guining could answer, they also seated their son next to her.

Just like that, this family of three had occupied three seats at the four-person table.

Huo Guining frowned: "This seat is mine. You can't sit here."

The couple raised their eyebrows and smiled, ignoring Huo Guining.

Their son, who looked about 7 or 8 years old, directly punched Huo Guining: "You go away, this is our seat!"

Huo Guining was stunned.

This was the first time she had encountered such a rude child.

The punch wasn't light; Huo Guining even heard a 'thud' sound.

Huo Guining got angry: "You're the one who should go away. This is my seat."

The bespectacled couple first looked around, and seeing no adult with Huo Guining, they said: "Chengcheng, you shouldn't do that. Come, tell mommy what you want to eat."

Hearing this, the child called Chengcheng became even more arrogant, even making faces at Huo Guining.

In a corner unnoticed by the bespectacled couple, two tall, burly men approached.

However, Huo Guining's actions were even quicker than theirs.

She raised her hand and, with lightning speed and considerable force, gave the rude child a resounding slap.


The previously bustling restaurant fell into an eerie silence.

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