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Chapter 232: Evening Party Riot (2)

Chapter 232: Evening Party Riot (2)

In the royal capital of the Galar Kingdom, Gaelia, the kingdom was not directly exposed to the ravages of war, yet it grappled with various problems due to the wars impact. Although the war itself was nearing its end, the question remained: how many years would it take to solve the aftermath and restore everything to pre-war standards? The true end of the war was still far off.

However, the evening party held tonight was a stark contrast to such grim future predictions. The lavish banquet spread across the large tables featured resplendent and luxurious dishes, including rare seafood delicacies uncommon in the landlocked Galar Kingdom. They also have a selection of high-quality alcoholic beverages, which is a specialty of the kingdom, and that alone is sure to be a fortune.

I had imagined how itd be, but To think it would be so glittery.

Oh my, great-aunt

Amidst this, Marianne who was still clad in her mourning clothes wore a smile on her face that did not reach her eyes. She had heard from her son, the Minister of Finance, about the economic toll the war had taken on the kingdom. It was difficult to feel good about such an extravagant evening party while the nation was in dire straits.

Moreover, any responsible ruler would frown upon learning the source of funding for such an event. Were heavy taxes being imposed on their own territory, war expenses being embezzled for personal gain, or was there another method of amassing wealth? Regardless of the means, it would be difficult to hold a positive image of those indulging in luxury while the nation lacked surplus.

Its not admirable to make such snide remarks, is it?

Hehehe, Liese, you worry too much. Its fine even if someone hears us. After all, its the truth.

Although Liselotte advised caution, Marianne remained composed with a smile tinged with a hint of menace. Though she appeared as an elegant lady, she was actually a harsh person who could sometimes harshly criticize her opponents with a smile on her face. Even if reproached for her sarcasm, she would have retorted calmly.

However, when Marianne entered the venue, the attention of those present was captured not by her but by Liselotte and her attendants. A beautiful yet unfamiliar girl followed by a warrior who seemed to follow the Goddess of Protection and a pair of charming young servants, a boy and a girl. It was clear this girl was related to Marianne, but beyond that, her identity remained a mystery.

Ah, Lady Rowell! Welcome, welcome!

Who could that be? While everyone was watching with great interest, Marianne and Lieselotte were greeted by the count, who was also the host of the evening party. He was a man in his mid-thirties, of average build, with a neatly trimmed beard as his distinguishing feature.

Despite a slightly protruding belly, his eyes brimmed with unmistakable intelligence and confidence. Beside him stood his wife who also wore a luxurious dress and at their feet, a tense child of about four or five years old, presumably their son, stood stiffly. This was the counts family.

We are grateful for your invitation today. Normally, such a glamorous event would not befit me, but refusing would have seemed rude.

Do not jest about being unfit. Im proud to have been able to invite you to my familys evening party.

Both exchanged greetings with smiles on the surface, but their words hid sharp barbs. Marianne criticized the count for hosting a lavish evening party given the current circumstances, while the counts words meant that you could not have refused my invitation.

After continuing their veiled verbal sparring behind smiles for a while, the count shifted his gaze to Liselotte who was smiling softly next to Marianne. Sensing the attention turn to her, Liselotte gracefully curtsied with flawless poise. The count raised his eyebrows in admiration.

What a smart-looking young lady. Are you a relative of the Rowell family?

No, she is not from the Rowell family but a relative of mine. Liselotte, please introduce yourself.

Yes, great aunt. Its an honor to meet you, Lord count. I am Liselotte Herzfeldt, from the Kingdom of Harlasia.

Liselotte introduced herself smoothly and without pretense. While such behavior is expected of nobility, her ability to conduct herself with such composure at an evening party in a foreign country she was visiting for the first time was proof of her careful upbringing. The count showed a smile that was genuine and different from the one he had made up until then.

Such a courteous introduction; Im deeply impressed. Indeed, she is a splendid young woman. To think shes so composed at an evening party in my estate, unlike my son whos been nervous all along! Right? said.

You are absolutely right. Come now; you must also behave properly.

The count then turned his attention to his wife standing beside him. She too was impressed and nudged their young son at her feet to greet Liselotte. Yet the young boy was still tense and he remained silent for a while.

Liselotte offered the boy a reassuring smile, hoping to ease his tension. However, this only made the boys face turn even redder and he stiffened even more, unable to say anything. The count, watching his son, wore a troubled yet kind smile.

Hahahahahahaha! It seems hes embarrassed in front of the beautiful lady! As much as I enjoy this conversation, we must greet the other guests. Excuse us.

With that, the count along with his wife and son, departed. Marianne and Liselotte watched them leave without attempting to hold them back, then exchanged glances before moving on. Soon, a large man approached them along with a small girl.

There were many medals glittering on the mans chest, and it seemed like he was a man who had accomplished military feats that earned him so many medals. However, the person himself was quite young. No matter how one looked at him, he was probably not even in his thirties.

Long time no see, Lady Rowell.

Oh my? What a surprise to meet you here, Captain of the Royal Guards.

The man who respectfully bowed to Marianne was the captain of the Royal Guards, responsible for protecting the king. Though Lieslotte maintained her smile, she was secretly astonished to meet such an important figure here.

The young and distinguished hero, renowned as the kings personal sword, isnt known to favor such glamorous events, is he?

Whether I prefer them or not, there are duties I must attend to. I am the kings sword. For the royal family, my personal beliefs and principles are but trivial matters. Now then excuse me.

He exchanged only a few words before departing from the pair. While maintaining her calm expression, Marianne cast a skeptical gaze at his retreating figure.

To have the young sword of the king in a place like this its quite unusual.

The person who addressed Marianne was an old gentleman, accompanied by a young girl in tow. He was slim yet considerably tall; he even surpassed the large Tigar by a head. His hair was completely white and his equally white beard extended down to his chest.

The girl beside the old man appeared to be about the same age as the counts son the two women encountered earlier. With her shimmering blonde hair and wide blue eyes, she was undoubtedly destined to grow into a beautiful woman.

The girl was staring intently at Liselotte while being led by the old mans hand. When Liselotte returned her gaze with a smile, the girl also smiled broadly.

Its been a long time, Lady Marianne.

Yes, Lord Cornell, you seem well, which is good to see.

The old man, who seemed to be called Cornell, exchanged pleasantries with Marianne. Judging from the fact that they called each other by their first names, Liselotte guessed that the two of them had a close relationship in their private lives as well.

Liselotte, this is my husbands friend, Cornell Kehren. He served as the Foreign Minister until a few years ago. Back when he was active, we often dined together at each others residences. Lord Cornell, this is my niece, Liselotte.

I am Liselotte Herzfeldt. Since you mentioned the Kehren family, are you perhaps from a Marquis family?

Oh, you are well-informed. But I am just a retired old man now and has long since passed the family to my son. Theres no need to be so formal with me.

Cornell laughed heartily with a kakaka sound. Despite his slender and tall stature, reminiscent of a withered tree, his back was standing straight and the strength of his laughter could rival that of a younger man.

Liselotte speculated with a hidden smile that he must be thoroughly enjoying his life after retirement. He looked to be an energetic old man after all.

Come now, Fio. Its your turn to greet them.

Aight, Granchpa. Im Fiora Kehren. Niche to meetch chou.

Urged by Cornell, the little girl bowed her head as she introduced herself. Although her speech was slightly unclear, everyone present admired her for managing to greet them properly.

My, my, such a lively and smart-looking girl you are.

Indeed, indeed. Shes my youngest granddaughter, the first girl Ah, shes so dear to me, I just cant help it.

Cornell seemed immensely fond of his granddaughter and looked to be quite pleased with the compliments she received. Marianne whispered to Liselotte that Cornell had several sons but no daughters, and while he had a few grandchildren, Fiora was the only girl among them. There were old nobles like him in her home country too, so Liselotte could understand.

Just as Cornell was about to boast more about his granddaughter, Fiora herself toddled over to Liselotte and while looking up at her, took her hand.

Oh, it seems Fio wants to be friends with Miss Liselotte. Miss Liselotte, would you mind spending some time chatting with my granddaughter?

Of course. Lets go, Lady Fiora.

Aight. Granchpa, Ill be back shoon.

Upon Cornells request, Liselotte moved to a more secluded area with Fiora. Left behind were Marianne, Cornell, and Gina, who was Mariannes attendant.

Now that the children are away Lady Marianne, how much are you aware of the situation?

I only know that my family is in a dangerous situation.

The Rowell family has always been weak in intelligence gathering. Robert is trying his best, but let me share with you some information Ive obtained through my own connections.

Cornell kept the same expression on his face and spoke in a hushed tone audible only to them. He spoke of rumors about a group of refugees plotting to start a riot.

Robert hadnt obtained more information than these rumors, but he had felt an indescribable unease, which led him to hire Antares and others as temporary guards. The details that spilled from Cornells mouth were enough to convince Marianne that her sons decision was correct.

Lady Marianne, are you aware of the plan to relocate the refugees to the countryside?

Yes, Ive heard about it from my son. Its about the strategy to distribute some of the refugees, who are concentrated in the royal capital, to the rural areas, right?

Indeed. The noble faction is reluctant to do so, but it is also true that the current situation places too great a burden on capital. We are in a situation where we have no choice but to accept it.

The deterioration of the capitals public order and economic downturn were indeed largely due to the war and the refugees. Therefore, there were movements to distribute the burden of refugees by dispersing them to various regional cities.

For the lords who were told to accept the refugees, their true desire was to refuse, fearing the same issues that plagued the royal capital might arise in their own territories. However, they were aware of the immense burden on the royal capital as well. Even those aligned with the noble faction didnt wish for the kingdoms collapse, and so they were coming to terms with accepting the refugees, albeit reluctantly.

But there are those who wish to completely overturn this situation.

Overturn it? Impossible!

Youve guessed it. If were overwhelmed with refugees, reducing their numbers would solve the problem It seems factions are collaborating on this matter, and certainly, a major incident is bound to


Before Cornell could finish his words, a womans piercing scream echoed through the evening partys venue. Surprised, the two turned towards the source of the noise, only to see men dressed as servants, armed and pointing their blades at a noblewoman.

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