Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 230: Complex Internal Affairs

Chapter 230: Complex Internal Affairs

After sparring with Robert for a while, our training was interrupted by Gina, who came to announce that breakfast was ready. She had prepared breakfast not only for Robert and Lieselotte but also for us. Although we wouldn’t be sharing the same table with them, we decided to wrap up our training and have breakfast as well.

After eating breakfast in our own rooms, we were then summoned by Robert. The place he called us to was his study, the same one where we first met. It was just Decius and me who went to the study while thinking it was about today’s security details. This assumption wasn’t wrong, but the content of the conversation turned out to be quite unexpected.

“Let’s get down to business first. I thought I’d give you this. Gina?”

“Yes, Master.”

What Gina presented to us was a tray. On it lay a piece of cloth of fine quality with a pleasant touch. The cloth was dyed a deep red and it was bordered with gold thread and seemed to have some pattern embroidered in gold as well.

The cloth was folded, so I couldn’t make out the pattern. Nonetheless, there must be some reason for giving us such a fine piece of cloth.

“What is this?”

“This is a cloak bearing the crest of our Rowell family. Please, unfold it and have a look.”

As instructed, I picked up the cloth and unfolded it. There, embroidered on it, was a winged horse rearing up on its front legs. This winged horse must be the emblem of the Rowell family. It felt both elegant and powerful. Yes, I liked it.

However, the cloak turned out to be surprisingly small. My only reference for cloaks were those we used for travel, which typically extended from the shoulders down past the waist, so I naturally assumed this would be similar in length. But the cloak before us was only about an eighth of the size I had imagined.

Would it even reach both of Bolts’s shoulders for it to reach mine? As I stood perplexed, not knowing how to use it, Robert explained with a laugh.

“It’s meant to be worn on the shoulder. To be more precise, you attach it to your left shoulder and let it drape over your back. Gina, you have prepared their clothes, haven’t you?”

“Yes. All that remains is for them to wear it and make any minor adjustments needed.”

Gina then brought out a white shirt and black trousers. It seemed that we were supposed to wear these under the cloak. These clothes were brand new, stark white, and the fabric was of a much finer quality than what we usually wore.

I realized that wearing the cloak with the family crest over these clothes would prevent any suspicion of us being intruders. Although I felt uneasy not wearing the clothes I had received from Aiwass, I couldn’t go against the wishes of my employer, Robert. It seemed I would have to dress as instructed.

“With the crest of our house on your back, you won’t have any trouble walking around the vicinity of the evening party. However, I would like you to avoid conflicts with the servants of other houses as much as possible. You understand why, right?”

“Yes. Though it might sound rude to say, this likely reflects the less commendable traits of the nobility.”

At Decius’s response, Robert nodded his head with a complicated expression on his face. Robert later said to me, who was the only one who didn’t understand the meaning that there were many nobles who prioritized certain things over efficiency.

Originally, there should have been soldiers guarding the evening party. In addition to that, just like Robert sensed something amiss, there must be other nobles who felt the same way and had hired their own guards. The security was almost certainly tightened.

However, although the number of security personnel had increased, it couldn’t be said that the security was well organized. This was because we were employed by Robert and not under the command of the organizer’s hired guards

“I was concerned about that. Shouldn’t we be under the command of the guards?”

“You’re absolutely right. Personally, if we were to prioritize efficiency, it certainly makes more sense to work with them. Even taking into account the difficulty of coordination due to the haphazard assembly, it’s still better than having many small, independent groups.”

“Then why don’t we…”

“That’s where the complexities of noble society come in… the importance of factions and power dynamics.”

Robert explained to us that the evening party which Lieselotte and others were attending was organized by a regional noble of the kingdom. That family was an earldom just like Robert’s, but they seemed to belong to different factions.

In the Galar Kingdom, there are factions heavily involved in national politics, factions that focus on managing their own territories while keeping a distance from national politics, and neutral factions that belong to neither. While the relations among these three factions aren’t extremely hostile, there is always a struggle for dominance.

Naturally, the security of the evening party was arranged by the organizers and their faction. The situation warranted increased security, which was why some thought it necessary. However, the problem lay in the factional relationships.

Robert’s faction was different from that of the organizers. If we, his employees, were placed under their command, it might be perceived as Robert aligning with a different faction. To avoid this misconception, we couldn’t be placed under the command of the organizers’ guards.

Then why not form a group with those who were recruited for security under the same faction as Robert? As if he was preempting my thoughts, Robert continued to explain that even within the same faction, there are smaller factions, each with its own delicate balance of power.

“The issue within the faction is also about who takes the lead. And if someone does assume leadership, it tends to complicate matters.”

“Why is that? Even if it’s a small group, being organized would surely be better.”

“Yes, you’re right… But it’s better that you perceive nobles as a different breed. They prioritize their own interests and pride over noble concepts like efficiency. Many are fixated on such unproductive behaviors.”

According to Robert, struggles for dominance exist even within the same faction. In a sense, because they are relatives, these struggles seem to be more insidious. If one person is set up as the leader, their employer gains a higher standing. This establishes a hierarchy within the faction. Considering the hierarchical relationship within the faction, it seems that even if you try to get to the top, you will not be able to make it in the end because you will be sabotaged.

Even in the event that a leader was chosen, the ensuing phase would be one of sabotage and obstruction. This involved deliberately creating issues or inciting disobedience, all to ensure that the appointed leader would be held accountable for these orchestrated failures.

Hearing this, I couldn’t help but be exasperated, thinking it all seemed so inefficient. However, there was a reason for this dire situation…that was because the militant nobles within the country were mostly engaged on the frontlines of the war with the republic.

In the first place, the concern about security at the evening parties stemmed from the fact that, due to the war, most of the guards left in the royal capital were inexperienced. If there were any issues, it would have been better to leave everything to the skilled nobles and their knight subordinates, who were adept at using force.

The military forces led by the militant nobles were said to have a well-established chain of command for such emergencies. This meant that there was a clear hierarchy, and anyone who tried to undermine it would be ostracized.

Especially when there is a national crisis like the current one, factions would sometimes unite and overcome their differences. Indeed, the militant factions currently fighting on the front lines used to be united with the generals and knights under the direct control of the royal family at the top. And the reason I said “used to” was because…. Robert said that the war had started to turn in their favor.

“When we gain a little advantage and start to feel comfortable, there are those who emerge, eager to outdo each other and earn military achievements. Right now, they’re probably all tense, vying for positions where they can make a name for themselves.”

…What can I say? In a way, even the seemingly most sensible militant faction, once you scratch beneath the surface, appeared to be motivated by the same noble principles. While it was somewhat better that they could take necessary actions during emergencies, from my perspective—having survived by constantly thinking and fighting desperately with my sword—it all seemed incredibly foolish.

The war drove talented soldiers to the frontlines, the flames of war pushed refugees to the rear, the dissatisfied refugees disrupted public order, and the disorganized crowd was left to deal with these issues. It all pointed to war as the root cause of these troubles, serving as evidence of the inherent futility and destructiveness of war itself.

But leaving that aside to return to the main topic at hand, it seemed that we were to be solely responsible for guarding the area where the evening party was taking place. Hearing the inside story, I must admit that my enthusiasm for the task considerably waned. But if someone were to ask me if this meant I would be slacking off, I had no such intention. I just decided to keep this conversation a secret from Tigar and Bolts until the job was done, especially since Tigar would likely be furious.

“I understand there are various circumstances. As your Excellency instructed, I will be patrolling around the venue wearing these clothes and the cloak.”

“That would be a great help. Oh, and if there happens to be an accident and the attackers manage to escape from the venue…I’d like you to do everything in your power to catch them. After all, having some achievements is better than none.”


Robert casually mentioned this while smiling cheerfully. He didn’t seem to be aiming for any special achievements, but he wouldn’t mind adding them to his record. He appeared to be quite shrewd in that regard.

Suppressing the urge to sigh in exasperation, I nodded in agreement with Robert’s request. In truth, I had no other choice. Lappy and Leo had spent an entire day desperately learning to infiltrate the evening party. There was no way I could back out now.

After leaving Robert’s study, we went downstairs with Gina. We called Tigar and Bolts and had Gina make some fine adjustments to our clothing. The clothes, deliberately chosen to be slightly large, had sleeves and hems that were too long and looked awkward as they were.

Anticipating this, Gina skillfully altered our clothes. In no time, she finished the adjustments, and we each went to our rooms to change into the clothes and put on our cloaks. With that, we were fully prepared.

Well, I don’t think anything major will happen. With such optimistic thoughts in my mind, we headed out of the mansion.

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