Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 224: Head of the Rowell Family

Chapter 224: Head of the Rowell Family

After we finished our conversation with Chirik, we returned from the refugee camp to the Rowell mansion. It seemed that Tigar and the others had already returned, so I invited Decius and Tigar into my room to exchange updates on our respective accomplishments.

“The shopping went well, but there was someone tailing you? How far did they follow you?”

“They followed us up to this mansion.”

“There are no lookouts outside, so perhaps knowing where we’re staying is enough for them. For now, they don’t seem to have harmful intentions, but we must remain vigilant.”

First and foremost, the crucial task of purchasing necessary supplies had apparently gone smoothly. Moreover, the most expensive items, the wagons and the cattle and horses to pull them, were acquired at a surprisingly low cost. Decius attributed this to luck and Tigar’s help, but it was his negotiation skills that truly made the difference. This should be considered Decius’s achievement.

At this time, Bolts’ discerning eye also proved useful for the other purchases. Although Gina had already filtered out stores selling poor-quality or overpriced goods, having someone who could assess product quality seemed to deter sellers from trying to take advantage of them. Decius and Bolts seemed to have contributed equally.

And because Tigar kept an eye on their surroundings, they were not targeted by pickpockets or the like. It appeared that all three had effectively fulfilled their roles.

“Now, let’s talk about what I’ve heard. I came across some rather interesting information.”

I shared the information gathered in the city and the refugee camp, as well as the encounters I had there. While Tigar and the others had picked up some details about the inner workings of the royal capital during their shopping, it was the information about the refugee camp that particularly piqued Decius’s interest.

Decius was particularly intrigued by the information about criminal organizations. The connection between the organizations inside and outside the city walls and the existence of a vigilante group striving to maintain order on their own were details that seemed to surprise him greatly.

“I see… It appears to be a rather complex web of organizations.”

“Is the city fine with the people who are planning a riot?”

“Who knows? They might not even exist for real. Even if we’re cautious, there’s not much we can do about it.”

“Yes. Just keep it in mind; that should suffice.”

Tigar seemed concerned about the rumored existence of a radical group, but the truth of their existence was dubious. As Decius suggested, it was best to simply remember this information.


“What’s the matter?”

“Someone’s coming.”

Just as we finished sharing information, someone approached the mansion. Decius didn’t seem to notice, but the rest of us demons were already aware through our heightened senses.

Among us, I had the sharpest perception, and I concentrated to discern the approaching person’s appearance and other details. Interpreting various pieces of information from vibrations was my forte.

“Hmm… A man. Judging by his weight, he’s lean but seems well-trained. He could be a decent fighter in terms of sheer skill.”

“The door just opened. Gina is addressing him as ‘Master’, so he must be the head of the Rowell family.”

“The owner of this place, then. Shouldn’t we go greet him?”

Based on his age and what Gina said, Decius concluded that this man called master was the current head of the Rowell family. This meant he was the son of that noblewoman. What kind of person could he be?

Perhaps we should take the initiative to greet him just like Tigar suggested. But meeting face-to-face without Lieselotte present was a bit… I decided to seek Decius’ judgment on the matter.

“I think it’s best to stay put until Gina calls us. I believe we will be summoned shortly, and we should avoid doing anything unnecessary.”

Decius’ decision was to wait. That man must have returned on horseback, and I was sure he had noticed the unfamiliar horses in the stable. If that was the case, it was clear that communication would soon be established.

Currently, he was asking Gina about the horses he saw. The carriage would have been obvious if one saw it, but it seemed he hadn’t noticed the carriage that was taken to the back of the stable. He looked to be unaware of Lieselotte’s situation, and Gina was telling him it would be best to ask the old lady. Things seemed to be going just like Decius said. His judgment was probably correct.

“Alright. Oh, I forgot to mention. This is a personal matter, but I need to go to the refugee camp again tomorrow.”

“Huh? Why’s that?”

“Actually, I met the son of a man named Yaro who was synthesized with me. I’ve been asked to teach the child spiritual arts, so I’m going to teach him.”


When I announced my intention to visit Yaro’s son, Tigar and Decius looked to be stunned and unable to comprehend the sudden news. However, they quickly demanded a more detailed explanation with a scolding tone. Their reaction was different from what I had expected, so I hurried to explain the matter to them.


While Tigar and Decius were interrogating Antares, Marianne Rowell, Lieselotte’s great-aunt and Gina’s mistress, was elegantly enjoying her tea. Her beloved grandniece, accompanied by two guards, had gone for a tour of the royal capital and was not at home.

Instead, there were suspicious individuals downstairs who were reportedly hired by Lieselotte herself. However, Marianne wasn’t overly concerned, mainly because Gina was by her side.

“Madam, master has returned.”

“I’m home now, Mother.”

As Gina announced his return, the one who entered Marianne’s room was a cheerful gentleman, bearing a bright smile. His combed hair and well-groomed mustache, along with a slim yet toned physique, were accentuated by his fine clothing.

Though he must have been over forty, he appeared to be at least ten years younger. Marianne couldn’t help but admire her son’s youthful appearance.

“Welcome home. You’re back early today, Robert.”

“Hahaha. Fortunately, the war situation has turned quite favorable. The supply lines are running smoothly, so I shouldn’t be stuck at the palace for days on end like before.”

Marianne’s son, Robert Rowell, sat down opposite her with a lively laugh. Timing it perfectly, Gina prepared tea and placed it in front of Robert. He expressed his thanks and then savored the aroma before enjoying its taste.

Robert was not only the master of this old mansion but also the Finance Minister of the Galar Kingdom, and he hailed from the Rowell family. The Rowell lineage had traditionally held finance-related positions in the kingdom, and they produced a number of finance ministers over the generations, establishing themselves as a distinguished family.

Their family motto centered around selfless service and frugality. Due to the family tradition of hating wasteful spending, both the mansions in the royal capital and the mansions in the territory were so modest that you wouldn’t expect them to be home to important figures in the country. Although Robert owned quality formal wear to avoid appearing shabby at the royal palace, his collection was significantly smaller than that of other nobles.

Renowned for his incorruptible and upright character, Robert tolerated no corruption, yet he possessed the flexibility to adapt as necessary. The ongoing war and various problems caused by refugees had not led to a financial collapse, largely thanks to Robert’s skills and this fact was well known to all. This was why the guards who had escorted Antares and others showed them such great respect.

However, even while supporting the Galar Kingdom, Robert found a moment to relax over tea and asked his mother about something that had been on his mind since he returned home. It concerned the unfamiliar horses he had seen in the stables.

“By the way, Mother, there’s something I wish to inquire about.”

“Yes, I know what you’re about to ask. Actually, Lieselotte finally arrived at our home today.”

“Ah, that’s good to hear. I’m relieved she arrived safely.”

It was evident from his letter writing that Rober knew about Lieselotte’s visit. He was greatly upset over a noble lady being sent on such a dangerous journey on her own and had penned a letter filled with words of reproach for Lieselotte’s uncle.

Robert understood that Lieselotte had arrived, but this realization led him to another question. Why were there more horses than there should be?

“She brought along some mercenaries she hired during her journey. I’ve decided to have them stay in the guest room on the first floor.”

“Mercenaries, you say? Well, warriors who follow the ‘Goddess of Protection’ are skilled, but they can be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Considering the dangers of her journey, hiring them seems like a wise decision. Gina, from your perspective, how capable did these mercenaries appear?”

As Robert sipped his tea again, he posed this question to Gina. Antares was right in his assumption: Gina was also a warrior who followed the “Goddess of Protection”. She had served at Marianne’s side since she was young, supporting her as both a servant and a bodyguard.

Marianne was also well aware of Gina’s abilities from their long relationship with her. Even in her older years, Gina was capable enough to contend with the elite of the Galar Kingdom. It was because of Gina’s presence that Marianne felt little concern about whatever Antares and the others might be planning.

“If I had to say it in one word, they are exceptional.”

“And to what extent is that?”

“Even if it were one-on-one, I can only say that I could possibly defeat one of them. If we were to oppose them, even if all the daughters were together, it’s doubtful we could buy enough time to ensure your and the young lady’s escape.”

Hearing this, Marianne and Robert froze with their teacups tilted. They both knew Gina never joked about such matters. Her assessment was genuinely how she felt about the mercenaries’ strength.

However, Gina added that they should not pose them any harm. She elaborated on her reasoning.

“Warriors who worship the ‘Goddess of Protection’ have a gesture known only among themselves. I used this gesture to inquire whether they posed any danger, and it seems there are no issues.”

“If it’s a gesture unique to your group, then the likelihood of it being their true intention is high. Trustworthy mercenaries outside the mainstream are indeed interesting… Gina, could you arrange a meeting with them after dinner?”

Gina had declared that this group, which was not hostile to them, was stronger than herself. Robert wanted to meet them, not just out of personal curiosity but more so because, as an important figure of the nation, he felt that establishing ties with them could be beneficial for the country.

Furthermore, there was one particular concern on his mind. He thought about seeking Antares’ help for this reason.

“Understood. However, there are two pieces of advice I would like to offer.”

“What are they?”

“The first concerns Sir Antares, their leader. He is a person of great power and even worthy of being called a hero. He is rational, but should he become enraged, consider that half of the royal capital could be destroyed.”

Antares had been trying to conceal his true abilities, but Gina sensed his real strength. It wasn’t that she had seen through him; rather, she felt it with the sense of a warrior who never neglected her training.

“That great…! Then what’s the second piece of advice?”

“The one I mentioned I could face off with is the young man named Decius. I believe that the two children in the group possess even greater combat abilities than me. Please do not underestimate them.”

While Robert took Gina’s advice to heart, Marianne was stunned. She couldn’t believe that Lappy, that cute young girl, was stronger than Gina.

With Marianne unusually shocked and frozen in disbelief, Robert and Gina were deciding the next steps. They planned to have dinner with Liselotte once she returned, followed by a meeting with Antares and his group. Gina then began preparing for these arrangements.

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