Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 172: Despair, change, and hope

Chapter 172: Despair, change, and hope

The battle to take down the giant battleship of the Republic Army ended in victory for the Imperial Army. However, it was not an easy victory. The Empire also suffered significant losses.

The cause of this was the fact that the giant battleship, which was about the size of an island, broke from the middle and sank. The swirling vortex created by its sinking engulfed the Imperial fleet, causing nearly ninety percent of their ships to go down. The human casualties were substantial, with over half of the Imperial soldiers aboard the giant battleship perishing or going missing after falling into the water.

In normal circumstances, it wouldn’t have been surprising if everyone involved in that battle had been wiped out, but there were two reasons the damage was contained. One reason was the sheer enormity of the battleship itself. It split in half, with the bow and stern pointing straight up, but the remaining hull managed to float for some time.

This floating provided a window of time, and the second reason was the aid of the sea demons. Even though they suffered many casualties from the Great Sea Serpents, they surprisingly cooperated wholeheartedly in the rescue effort. It was said that the person who took command was a former pirate captain.

The losses were significant, but the Imperial Army had already considered the possibility that not everyone would make it back, and so it fell within an acceptable range for them. With this victory, the Empire successfully expelled the Republic Army from the Eastern Front. They proudly announced the reclamation of their entire territory, and the entire Empire was engulfed in a victorious atmosphere.


“I understand how you feel, but don’t let out a sigh like that. It affects the morale of the whole group.”

“You’re right. But you know, it’s not easy to switch so quickly… especially when I think about the boss.”

Amidst such sentiments within the Empire, the Special Operations unit was advancing towards other fronts. While the Republic Army had completely retreated from the Eastern Front, combat still raged on on the Central and Western Fronts. That’s why the Special Operations unit, fresh from their battle on the giant battleship, was dispatched as reinforcements.

The Special Operations unit, accustomed to being constantly thrust into battle, no longer complained about being sent to the battlefield. They knew that voicing such complaints would be entirely futile.

However, their demeanor was unusually somber. There was only one reason for it; their leader and the mightiest demon, the Hades scorpion demon, had gone missing.

After the giant battleship was split in two, he had shielded Marcellus and Asumi from the surprise attack of a fallen drone. As a result, the claws of the drone caught him so swiftly that he plunged into the sea before the others could move to help.

“Boss was the strongest in the special operations unit and an excellent strategist by nature. On the battlefield, he was the most dependable man out there. But you know, more important than all that is Boss was the one who guided all of us and he was the glue holding all of us together. isn’t that so?”

“…Yeah, you’re right.”

When Tigar and the others who were Atonement Soldiers were turned into demons, those who were transformed at the same time were integrated into a single unit. Even though they were all Atonement Soldiers, the sudden merging of two different units would typically lead to disputes about who should be the leader of the newly formed unit.

However, within their midst, an anomaly had slipped in—the demon known as the Hades scorpion demon. At first, they unified by keeping a vigilant eye on this anomaly. Yet they soon realized that this person harbored no hostility and, instead, was a dependable ally.

The newfound addition to their ranks proved to be the strongest warrior among them, leaving no room for dissent when it came to leadership. Not only did he not act arrogantly after becoming the leader, but he was surprisingly good at looking after the children, earning their affection. He generously shared his knowledge of martial arts, which he had learned from a renowned knight, with his comrades and worked to strengthen the entire unit.

Even when Asumi and the others joined up, thanks to him being the leader, there were no unnecessary conflicts. Although the intelligence of the new demons, excluding Asumi, had diminished, they could sense his exceptional strength through their heightened wild instincts.

He was aware of this himself, but more than he realized, the Hades scorpion demon was the linchpin of the Special Operations unit. He was an essential symbolic presence, uniting them as one cohesive group.

There was no way to take such a loss in stride. Almost everyone was in mourning, with many feeling lethargic. Some of the demons were behaving normally, but this was to encourage those around them, not because they didn’t feel a sense of loss.

On the contrary, the three newcomers remained largely unchanged. One significant reason was that they hadn’t had as much time to bond with the Hades scorpion demon as the others had.

However, this didn’t mean that they were not affected at all. Julius spent more time training than before, and his intensity had increased. The others also found solace in physical activity, actively participating in training.

Ariel, on the other hand, made an effort to brighten the atmosphere, especially considering how downcast the others were. Their efforts were paying off, and the younger ones, in particular, were gradually regaining their smiles, with only a few exceptions.

Perhaps the one least affected was Bolts. He had nearly instigated a violent incident before, but now he appeared much calmer. There was none of the same sense of urgency that had characterized him before that battle. This difference set him apart from the rest, making him stand out even more.

“The only relief… if we can even call it that, is that there is no corpse.”

“Yeah, the sea demons apologized for not being able to find the Hades scorpion demon either.”

The sea demons had been working tirelessly to rescue soldiers from the sinking giant battleship. After the battle was over, they had come to apologize to Tigar’s group for not being able to save the Hades scorpion demon. Their change in attitude compared to their first encounter initially made Tigar and the others somewhat wary.

However, the sea demons were genuinely apologetic. Tigar and the others accepted their apology and, while doing so, inquired about the reasons for their change of heart and the circumstances surrounding the demon’s disappearance. The sea demons answered Tigar and the others honestly.

First, as to why the attitude of the sea demons changed, It stemmed from witnessing the Hades scorpion demon single-handedly annihilate a swarm of sea serpents. For these former pirates, the sea serpents represented a sort of embodiment of despair. Defeating them was an extraordinary feat worthy of sailors’ respect.

Next, regarding the circumstances of the Hades scorpion demon’s disappearance, they had limited knowledge. The sea demons saw him fall into the sea, but what happened afterward remained a mystery. They had wanted to go to his aid, but the swirling currents generated by the sinking giant battleship were so tumultuous that even sea demons could have perished.

“The sea folks, huh? They were the ones who said there might be a chance he survived, right?”

“Absolutely. Without that glimmer of hope, who knows what would have happened to Mika and Lappy.”

Two demons, Mika and Lappy, were particularly downcast over the disappearance of the Hades scorpion demon. Mika had already lost one master and now found himself losing the one he had chosen as his new master. He couldn’t help but lament his lack of strength.

However, in his case, he was gradually getting back on his feet; it was all thanks to Rinne’s unwavering support. Since the four of them, including the Hades scorpion demon and Marcellus, embarked on that infiltration mission, the two of them had developed a particularly strong bond. She couldn’t be said to be good at socializing, but Rinne’s heartfelt efforts to uplift him made it impossible for him to stay downhearted.

On the other hand, Lappy’s situation was extremely serious. She had seen the Hades scorpion demon as a father figure ever since she met him in her childhood. Losing him had left her in a state of shock for a while, to the point where nothing seemed to reach her. Subsequently, she completely withdrew and refused to come out from the back of the wagon.

“I remember bawling my eyes out and shutting myself in when my old man and mother passed away, but I think it’s about time for her to come out.”

“That’s right. Ariel and the others are doing their best to make her feel better, but if she stays like this for too long, we might have to pull her out forcibly.”

“Even if she comes out, she won’t be able to get close to Asumi.”

Tigar cast a bitter gaze toward the back of the wagon. While the Special Operations unit members were taking turns delivering meals to the depressed Lappy, something happened when she saw Asumi’s face. Lappy had blurted out, “It’s your fault that big brother fell.”

At that moment, Farl, who had brought the meal with Asumi, got furious and scolded Lappy. However, the one who had spoken out was now even more withdrawn. Asumi, who had endured Lappy’s outburst, appeared calm on the surface, but her face had tensed noticeably.

Asumi was well aware that the Hades scorpion demon had fallen into the sea because he was protecting her and Marcellus. She realized she had been saved by him, and everyone knew she was tormented by a sense of self-blame. That’s why no one blamed or confronted her.

During such a time, it was impossible to remain calm when berated by a girl who regarded the Hades scorpion demon as her father. Although she wasn’t as withdrawn as Lappy, it was clear that Asumi lacked her usual vigor.

“Our boss is missing; Asumi is… well, I guess I’m in the same boat,” Tigar said.

“I’m in the same boat too. I shudder to think what it would be like if ‘that man’ was still our commander.” Zald added

Currently, it was Decius who was accompanying the Special Operations unit and was directly overseeing their operations. He used to be Marcellus’s right-hand man, but the commander of the Special Operations unit had gone missing during the battle with the massive battleship. As a stand-in, Decius had joined the squad.

Marcellus seemed to have contemplated accompanying the unit out of guilt, but Decius didn’t allow it. Marcellus held the position of commander of the Demon Regiment, and, more importantly, Decius anticipated that some members might go out of control if Marcellus were present.

In fact, if Marcellus had accompanied them, Lappy would likely have launched a violent assault filled with clear killing intent. The attempt would have ended in failure due to the binding spiritual circuit, but there was no doubt that it would have turned into an unforgivable incident. Tigar and the others were grateful for Decius’s foresight.

“Yeah. If that man was here, he’d probably be insulting the boss all the time. Even someone as easygoing as me wouldn’t let it slide.” Tigar said.

“Leaving aside whether you’re easygoing, I’m sure I’ll get my hands on him too… Huh, Decius?” Zald added.

“What’s up? You’ve got quite the complicated expression on your face.”

As the two were conversing, Decius approached them. In Tigar and the others’ eyes, Decius was known for his calm demeanor and sound judgment. However, even he seemed to be facing a situation that left him with furrowed brows and a grave expression.

It appeared that even he might be grappling with a difficult situation. The two of them sighed simultaneously, not knowing how many times today this would add to their woes.

“Hey, what’s up? You look pretty downcast.” Tigar asked.

“I’m sure it’s similar for you guys. But more importantly, we’ve received an urgent message from the homeland. We’re heading back.”

“Heading back? We’re on the verge of the central front. Did a big problem occur?”

“It’s not just big; it’s a massive event. His Imperial Majesty has passed away. They’ve officially announced it as a natural death, but it’s likely an assassination. The country is in chaos, and it’s almost certain that a civil war will break out. To prepare for that…. it’s an order from the regiment commander that we return.”

The assassination of the Emperor and the ominous anticipation of civil war. It was clear that a major event was unfolding within the empire, which explained Decius’s troubled expression. Tigar and Zald exchanged glances and then began to command their comrades to prepare for withdrawal.



While Tigar and Zald were in conversation, Lappy was huddled in the back of the wagon and crying. There were several reasons why she was crying. The demon she had admired as “big brother” had gone missing, her regret over saying terrible things to Asumi, and her deep self-loathing for not being able to apologize or recover.

In truth, on the night she had lashed out at Asumi after everyone had fallen asleep, Asumi had stealthily made her way to Lappy’s bedside without making a sound. One of the beasts Asumi was synthesized with was a type of cat, and she excelled at moving silently.

At first, Lappy thought Asumi had come for revenge. She had prepared herself to strike back if Asumi made any hostile move.

However, contrary to her expectations, Asumi offered an apology to Lappy. She apologized for the disappearance of the Hades scorpion demon, explaining that it was indeed the fault of Marcellus and herself, and, above all…. she expressed her remorse for feeling a sense of relief after being blamed by Lappy.

Everyone knows that the reason why Hades scorpion’s demon fell into the sea was because he protected Marcellus and Asumi. However, no one blamed them so that they wouldn’t feel bad and think it was their fault. While she appreciated her companions’ consideration, the inability to assign blame tormented her.

Until Lappy confronted her, Asumi hadn’t been aware of this. But when Lappy accused her, the first thing she felt was relief.

Filled with shame over her actions, Asumi expressed gratitude to Lappy and offered a heartfelt apology. Lappy was listening to Asumi’s confession, but she kept pretending to be asleep the whole time. As Lappy’s back showed no signs of moving, Asumi looked sad and apologized once more before leaving the wagon.

As she listened to Asumi’s confession, Lappy finally came to a self-realization about how wrong she had been to lash out in the heat of her emotions. She then made an attempt to gather the courage to sit up and apologize, but in the end, she couldn’t. Because she didn’t have the courage to do so.

Her heart was churned by various negative emotions, a mix of regret and self-pity; this made it even harder for her to recover. Because of this, she found herself sinking deeper into despair, overwhelmed by this negative spiral.

“Sniff… Wha?”

Lappy, who had been crying as usual, felt a small hand patting her. Normally, she might have ignored it, but the hand that touched her leg was even smaller than a baby’s hand. Wondering what was going on, she looked down and saw tiny people no bigger than the palm of her hand…the Popi race.

“Been crying for a while. Sad?”

“You okay?”

The two Popi people who appeared before her gazed up at her with concern. Lappy had heard of their existence, but seeing them for the first time left her amazed, and she stared at them for a moment, forgetting her sadness.

After a while, she regained some composure and began speaking in shambles while looking down with a gloomy face. She talked about the disappearance of the Hades scorpion demon, who had been like a father to her…he was missing, but he was probably dead is what she thought. She also expressed her regret about not being able to apologize for the wrong things she had done.

This was something she had never confided in anyone before, but perhaps it was easier to open up to someone she had just met. The Popi people had been listening to Lappy’s story until the end, but their reaction was nothing short of puzzling as they tilted their heads inquisitively.

“He’s not dead, you know?”


“Your friend, he’s not dead.”

“He’s far away. But not dead. Don’t you understand?”

What had puzzled the Popi people was the fact that the basic premise was wrong in the first place. While they might be physically frail compared to other races, they possessed various special abilities. With these abilities, they not only knew whether the Hades demon was alive or dead but also had a rough idea of his location.

When Lappy suddenly learned of her “Big Brother’s” survival, she was initially wide-eyed and bewildered. However, gradually, her expression changed, and she burst into tears. It was not out of sadness, but rather of sheer joy.

Under normal circumstances, she might not have readily believed the words of the Popi people. Yet, hearing them speak with such certainty and, above all, hearing the words she had longed for someone to affirm, she believed them.

“…Thank you. I’ve gained courage.”

“Feeling better?”

“That’s great!”

After shedding tears for a while, she wiped them away and rose to her feet. There was no longer a hint of despair in her eyes; instead, they held the gleam of determination. Lappy would first make amends to everyone for the trouble she had caused, and above all, she would apologize to Asumi more than anyone else. That’s why she took her first steps out of the dark wagon.


TN: Lappy…

TN: And this marks the end of the third volume, the next volume is called Liberation.

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