Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 148: Ardius Fortress Siege Battle – A Second One

Chapter 148: Ardius Fortress Siege Battle – A Second One

In the days following the start of the Ardius Fortress siege, the battlefield was dominated by a relentless exchange of heavy fire. From the central front, the Dragon Roar cannons belched fire, piercing the outer walls, which prompted the Republic Army to retaliate with their defensive weapons and more.

During this time, the infantry occasionally intercepted incoming drones, minimizing casualties. However, the Republic’s forces were not content with repeating the same attacks. It appeared they had equipped their drones with poisonous gas, which was dispersed upon the drones’ crashes.

The individuals present here could be considered elite, and their extensive combat experience made them knowledgeable about their opponents’ tactics. In other words, they were prepared for poisonous gas attacks and knew how to counter them.

The spiritualists, who had been vigilant about poisonous gas, used the wind to disperse it, and most soldiers successfully enhanced their healing abilities through fighting spirit to detoxify themselves. Those who were unlucky enough to inhale a significant amount during the initial stages perished, but afterward, no major damage was caused.

Although some people were killed in battle, the destruction of the outer wall was progressing. On the second day, a concentrated barrage from the Dragon Roar cannons left significant breaches in the outer wall. They continued to fire the Dragon Roar cannons to widen these gaps.

The enemy appeared to be hurrying with repairs, but with our night raids disrupting their efforts, they were clearly falling behind. Could it be that, at this rate, we might unexpectedly breach the outer wall quite easily? Uncharacteristically of me, an optimistic thought crossed my mind.

“Oh! It’s collapsing!”

At that moment, the section of the outer wall that had been under concentrated bombardment finally crumbled. With that, even heavy infantry could probably leap over it.

Although it would be pointless to charge immediately since another wall loomed beyond, it was still a significant accomplishment, marking the breach of one wall. The morale on the central front soared, and cheers resounded throughout the area.

At this time, there were no commanders urging a reckless charge, but there were also no commanders dampening the soldiers’ enthusiasm. In other words, the offensive was gaining momentum.

“Focus the firepower deeper into the collapsed section! Shatter the inner wall as well!”


The Dragon Roar cannon unit was also in high spirits. The commanders raised their voices as if it were the opportune moment, and the spiritualists ignited their fervor to use their spiritual power. Using spiritual arts required spiritual power, and overusing it could lead to physical fatigue…but it seemed like they were pushing themselves to their limits while using the Dragon Roar cannons without a second thought.

Once the wall completely crumbled, it seemed there was no room for repairs. The area of the outer wall collapse expanded due to the incoming projectiles, beginning to damage the next outer wall beyond it. It seemed the area around the breach would no longer serve its defensive purpose.

The armored soldiers near the collapsed section had retreated, and it seemed the Republic Army had given up on defending that breach. However, they had no intention of abandoning the outermost wall. From defensive positions further away from the breach, constant heavy fire rained down.

“It collapsed.”

“Yes! But do not let your guard down. It’s precisely when we’re winning that we become most vulnerable!”

While the overall atmosphere among the coalition army was one of pushing forward relentlessly, master remained unaffected by it. Instead, he kept a sharp eye on his surroundings.

Master’s demeanor might have disrupted the prevailing mood, but luckily, there were hardly any people around, and, most importantly, I might be the only one who could hear amidst the thunderous roar of the Dragon Roar cannons. Master’s booming voice was dwarfed by the cannon’s noise.

Nevertheless, I believed Master’s approach was the right one. Even though there was no immediate charge, becoming overly eager in this situation could lead to significant losses if we were attacked from the sides or rear. Glancing sideways for a moment, I saw Lady Altissia also tightening her expression in the same way.

“Hmm! Those things came out!”

I sharpened my senses, attempting to discern the various sounds and ground vibrations that were smeared by the Dragon Roar cannons’ voice. However, before I could do that, the fortress’s side began to move. A multitude of objects emerged from the breach created by the Dragon Roar cannons. They were the four-legged self-propelled artillery; the one I and Marcellus had captured before.

These four-legged self-propelled artillery weapons have become a familiar sight on the battlefield since then. While they carried fewer weapons compared to standard self-propelled artillery, their ability to remain stable in rough terrain and scale steep cliffs was a significant advantage. The Republic Army had exploited this advantage on various fronts, often catching us off guard.

Their number exceeded a hundred, and they rapidly approached us, their four legs moving vigorously. It would be impossible for wheeled, self-propelled artillery to traverse the jagged, rubble-strewn terrain. This made the most of the strengths of the four-legged type.

“Huh! Are they splitting into three groups?”

The self-propelled artillery that had set out from the fortress divided into three groups as they began their maneuvers. The first and largest group advanced straight ahead, firing their cannons as they went. At this rate, they would run into the infantry units.

The remaining two groups split off to the left and right, evidently attempting to circumvent the battlefield and approach from behind. It was almost certain they were targeting the Dragon Roar cannons. Since the golden-armored soldier wasn’t deployed at the moment, our primary mission was still to protect the Dragon Roar cannons. It might have been our first task since the siege began.

“Worry not, my disciple! Look!”

Master pointed ahead to a group of two heavy cavalry units. They were charging towards the self-propelled artillery groups that had split to the left and right. It seemed they were pitting agile cavalry against similarly agile self-propelled artillery.

Enhanced by their fighting spirit and wielding formidable weapons adorned with spiritual circuits, these heavy cavalry units boasted the mightiest striking power. They could shatter even self-propelled artillery units with ease.

Especially on the left flank, it appeared that the group heading in that direction was likely comprised of Master’s subordinates, known as the “Dragonblood Knights”, judging by their distinctive armor design and the glimpses of their faces visible through their helmets. They were, to my knowledge, the most formidable cavalry unit around, fully capable of easily scattering self-propelled artillery.

As for those heading to the right, I had no knowledge of their identities. However, considering they were launching their assault simultaneously with the “Dragonblood Knights” at this critical juncture, they too must belong to a powerful knight order. In that case, there seemed to be no need to worry too much.

As I had anticipated, the two cavalry units employed spiritual arts to deflect most of the incoming artillery fire raining down upon them. Occasionally, a projectile would slip through and explode on the ground, but both horse and rider remained unwavering, shielded by robust armor.

“Ah, those are the ‘Warchain Knights’! Quite the formidable ones!”

“Yes, they’re a Kniight order from the western Kerten Kingdom, I believe. Known for using special weapons…”

“Hmm, does Lady Altissia, the spiritualist, not know of them? Their techniques are beyond the reach of ordinary folk! Make sure to etch that sight into your memory!”

Master didn’t even turn his gaze towards his own subordinates; he remained fixated solely on the “Warchain Knights”. This wasn’t a reflection of indifference toward his subordinates but rather a testament to the unwavering trust he had in them.

I was well aware of their capabilities; after all, I trained alongside them on several occasions. That’s why I decided to focus my attention on the movements of the “Warchain Knights”.

Being the elite of a nation, they were all clad in the same equipment, wearing sturdy armor and donning burnt brown cloaks. Their armament consisted of long, imposing swords strapped to their backs, yet curiously, none of them drew their weapons, despite an imminent engagement. I wonder why they refrained from unsheathing their swords.

The answer to my question became evident without delay. All of them, except those employing spiritual arts, reached for their waists and retrieved a chain, which was part of their knight order’s namesake. One end of the chain was threaded through a buckle on their armored waist, while the other end bore a substantial claw-like attachment.

They hurled these chains toward the self-propelled artillery group. Clearly, they had undergone extensive training, as not a single chain missed its mark. Each chain ensnared one of the self-propelled artillery’s legs, and they collectively pulled, causing the artillery to topple over.

Though some of the self-propelled artillery remained unbound by chains, they were already moving at such a high velocity that they couldn’t come to a sudden halt. They stumbled over the obstructed artillery and toppled, most of them getting ensnared in the process.

“That’s the closely guarded secret technique of the ‘Warchain Knights’—the Iron Chain Technique! They bind their enemies with those chains they masterfully control, then finish them off with the longswords on their backs! Even if you know about it, it’s an exceedingly difficult skill to defend against! That’s why they’re feared as cavalry slayers!”

Following Master’s description, the “Warchain Knights” drew their longswords from their backs and swiftly increased their speed as they closed in. They skillfully cleaved through the self-propelled artillery, which had now become a heap of metal scraps. The blades of their longswords featured spiritual circuits, enhancing their cutting power.

Simultaneously, on the opposite side, the “Dragonblood Knights” charged at the group of self-propelled artillery. Like Master, they wielded poleaxes, and their overwhelming strength allowed them to crush the self-propelled artillery with ease. It was a powerful attack that reminded me of master.

The shattered self-propelled artillery erupted in spectacular explosions, yet the “Dragonblood Knights” remained unfazed by the blast. They tore through the group of self-propelled artillery, wreaking havoc, making a U-turn a short distance away, and then launching another assault.

The self-propelled artillery groups had suffered a severe blow, and now their complete annihilation was imminent. Just as everyone thought so, I was overcome by a chilling sensation down my spine. The cause was nearby, or more precisely, it emanated from the remnants of the self-propelled artillery mercilessly sliced apart by the “Warchain Knights”.

Initially, I doubted my own senses. After all, from within the fortress I could still feel that there was a strong power inside…I could feel the presence of the golden-armored soldier I had fought against. However, the wreckage of the self-propelled artillery emitted an equally potent energy.

“Could it be a second one…?”

Perhaps I had been avoiding this thought from the start. The possibility that there were multiple monstrosities stronger than even my master and the grim realization that I might need to face them all at once.

While I trembled in shock, events continued to unfold around me. The entity behind the sudden surge in power seemed to believe there was no longer any need to conceal his strength. The remnants of the self-propelled artillery were sent flying from within by a tempest of spiritual power, scattering in all directions at bullet-like speeds.

The “Warchain Knights” appeared to attempt an instant fortification of their defenses, but it was too late. They found themselves engulfed by the approaching debris from the destroyed self-propelled artillery and the shockwaves that followed from close quarters. There was no way to withstand it, and they were swept away by the steel tempest.

“Phew, that was close! Time to let off some steam, huh?”

As expected, a golden-armored soldier stood where the wreckage of the self-propelled artillery had been. He spun his shoulders, appearing to target the Dragon Roar Cannon in front of us…..only to then charge at the main force from the flank!

The main force was locked in a fierce battle with the advancing self-propelled artillery on the front, and it was clear that significant casualties were inevitable if things continued this way. With a silent exchange of glances between my master, Lady Altesia, and myself, we began to act to fulfill our respective roles.

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