Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 146: Ardius Fortress Siege Battle – Battle of the Special Operations Unit

Chapter 146: Ardius Fortress Siege Battle – Battle of the Special Operations Unit

The exchange of fire between the Dragon Roar cannons and the defensive weapons had been going on for a long time. During that time, infantry soldiers were fully focused on intercepting the incoming drones. The members of the special operations unit were no exception.

“There, here comes the next wave! Stay sharp, guys!”


The one fervently rallying the squad was Tigar. He lowered the massive sword he had taken from a defeated white-armored soldier he killed with his own hand and infused it with spiritual power before raising it towards the sky. Countless branches of lightning shot out from the blade, piercing through the drones in the air.

Following him, various colorful spiritual arts soared into the sky, causing most of the drones they targeted to explode in mid-air. However, some drones managed to evade their attacks.

“These drones themselves aren’t that tough. Let’s accurately destroy the ones Tigar and the others missed!” Zald sad.


The few remaining drones were thoroughly destroyed under Zald’s command. Not a single drone that passed through survived.

“Clear away the wreckage. It’s obstructing the battle,” Zald ordered.


When you destroy drones, it’s only natural that wreckage remains. Asumi and her team were responsible for swiftly and accurately gathering it. Asumi led a group of demons synthesized with various creatures and they were known for their lower intelligence, but when it came to cleaning up the battlefield, they followed instructions well.

There were three units with distinct roles: one focused on intercepting drones in a wide range, another ensured the destruction of any drones that managed to break through, and the third unit handled the debris. With these three units led by their respective leaders rotating their roles, the special operations unit, although small in numbers, maneuvered through the battle without sustaining more than minor injuries.

“Phew… I’m counting on you for the next interception, Asumi.”

“Leave it to me.”

“We’re going to rummage through the debris this time. If you find any parts that could be used for weapon repairs, gather them up as well,” Zald instructed.

Having temporarily weathered the drone onslaught, they switched roles. Asumi’s unit would handle the next wave of attacks, Tigar’s unit would eliminate any drones they missed, and Zald’s team would manage the debris.

However, when it came to Tigar and Zald’s units handling the debris, they were also collecting salvageable junk parts. These would be used for weapon repairs, a task that was more challenging for the demon beings under Asumi’s command due to their diminished intelligence.

“Sophie, what kind of components are we currently lacking?”

“We’re running short on metal plates used for armor. There were many areas in need of repairs.”

“In that case, let’s gather armor from the drones with the least damage.”

The demon soldiers were not supplied with equipment, but they were allowed to use gear they had taken from the enemy. Since they had to perform their own repairs and adjustments, these materials were essential.

Without access to forging facilities, their repairs and adjustments merely involved shaping the armor with spiritual art. As a result, the designs were inconsistent, and the equipment appeared somewhat crude. They lacked the knowledge to inscribe spiritual circuits, so adding special effects to the equipment was also beyond their capabilities. The special operations unit gear might look shabby among the elite troops on the battlefield.

However, it was a fact that having armor significantly reduced the probability of sustaining severe injuries compared to being unprotected. They were accustomed to being ridiculed and mocked by their surroundings, and the other demons on the central front wore nothing but tattered clothing, making them even more ragged than the special operations unit. The members of the special operations unit wore their armor without caring about the judgmental gazes of others.

“I’m tired~! Big brother has it easy, just lounging over there… Ouch, what was that!?”

“Don’t talk nonsense. If that golden bastard shows up, the boss will have to fight for his life.”

As one of the kids complained, their father gave them a solid tap on the head. The child rubbed their head and apologized to their father. Watching this, Leo approached his father, Tigar, and spoke in a hushed tone.

“Dad, can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Well, it’s about Lappy…”

Leo observed Lappy discreetly. There, Lappy sat, openly displaying her unhappiness with a disgruntled expression on her face. Ariel, who was by her side, attempted to engage in conversation, but there was no sign of her mood improving.

Seeing this, Tigar muttered, “Again?” and let out an exasperated sigh. Lappy had one clear reason for being unhappy: her “big brother” was not here.

She held deep admiration for the demon known as the Hades scorpion demon, treating him like a father or older brother figure. Whenever she had to be away from him for a while, she invariably became upset.

“If she could just see the boss’s face, her mood would instantly improve.”

“Even though she listens and moves just as well even when she’s in a bad mood… It’s just that, the atmosphere around her is off.”

If her discontent led to disobedience or a decline in performance, it would be easier to reprimand her. However, in Lappy’s case, it never came to that. Moreover, she never took her frustration out on her comrades, making it even more difficult to scold her.

In the past, during such times, Sharl had been adept at improving her mood. But Tigar’s beloved wife was currently pregnant and resting in the rear wagon. Ariel seemed to be trying to fill in for her, but it wasn’t going particularly well.

“I wish Mom was here…” Leo said.

“What are you talking about, you idiot? Shal is about to give birth to your little brother or sister, you know? Don’t even think about relying on her.” Tigar reprimanded.

“I don’t intend to rely on her! But I just can’t come up with a good idea… What would Dad do?”

Leo respected his father, but instead of offering assistance or advice when he was genuinely in a bind, he ended up scolding him. It was frustrating, but he couldn’t help it.

Driven by his rising rebellious spirit, Leo asked Tigar how he would handle the situation. If he didn’t even have a vision of a solution, Leo intended to remind him that he had no right to scold him.

“I wouldn’t do anything. If you’re holding your ground properly in the battle, leave it be. If it gets too dangerous, there won’t be time to whine about it.”

“Eh… What kind of advice is that?”

Leo went beyond anger and found himself exasperated. It was because his father had asserted that there was no need to even attempt to create a solution, let alone search for one.

However, at the same time, Leo thought this was just like his dad. When it came to matters involving the lives of their comrades, Tigar was cautious, but his character was also characterized by a laid-back attitude, and he didn’t concern himself with small details. To him, as long as he wasn’t causing harm to those around him, it was within an acceptable range.

Leo couldn’t help but wonder if that was okay, but Tigar had been leading the unit with that approach for a long time. He had kept their comrades alive all this time. If that was his father’s judgment, then it was probably right. Leo was trying to convince himself of that.

“Oh, right. If you’re really concerned, there’s one good way.”

“Huh!? Is that true!?”

“It’s not a lie. Well, the boss might have a bit of a tough time later… Is that still okay with you?”

“Big brother will…?”

Leo hesitated when Tigar asked him. He might inconvenience the Hades scorpion demon, whom he respected just as much as his father. Was that okay, even if it meant causing trouble for “big brother”?

After pondering for a while, Leo turned to Tigar and made up his mind.

“Big brother would probably say, ‘If you thought it was necessary at that time, it’s fine.’ So, please, Dad, tell me.”

“You really get it, don’t you? Well, it’s not that complicated. Basically, you just need to get Lappy to focus on the battle, right? So…”

Listening to the words that followed from Tigar, Leo couldn’t help but think that maybe he shouldn’t have asked after all. However, he also understood that this method would likely be effective. It was a proposal that Leo couldn’t help but agree with.

However, Leo felt it might cause trouble later on for his “big brother” as Tigar had mentioned. With a sense of guilt, he approached the unhappy Lappy.

“Lappy, can you please not be angry? Okay?”

“…I’m not angry.”

When Leo approached, Lappy remained in her disgruntled state. Ariel was desperately trying to calm her down, but there was no sign of her mood improving. She furrowed her brows in a troubled manner.

Meanwhile, Julius had been idly standing by. He had a strong desire to lend a hand to Ariel, but he still harbored a sense of unease from being knocked out by Lappy before.

Moreover, his tendency to have a sharp tongue made him hesitate to intervene unnecessarily, fearing that it might further worsen Lappy’s mood. At worst, it could provoke her anger, and then she could potentially knock him out again. Thinking about these possibilities, he couldn’t bring himself to do anything.

Bolts, who could be considered another teammate, remained aloof. He refused to get involved with anyone in the special operations unit. The same held true for Julius and Ariel.

“Hey, Lappy.”


“Maybe it’s time to stop sulking. Ariel is bothered by it, you know?”

“I…I’m not sulking.”

Having been admonished by Leo, Lappy pouted and turned her face away from him. Leo speculated that she was also aware that she wasn’t acting very well, so he decided to convey the words he had learned from Tigar.

“Well, you see, Big Brother left a message for you before the march,” Leo began.

“Big brother?”

Lappy’s long ears, due to her still being in her demon form, perked up noticeably, and Leo, feeling a hint of exasperation at her reaction to the mention of Big Brother’s name, continued speaking.

“Big brother said that if you work together with everyone and give it your all, he will give you a reward.”


Of course, the Hades scorpion demon had never actually said such a thing. It was a lie concocted by Tigar. However, that lie had a dramatic effect. Lappy remained expressionless, but the irritable atmosphere she had been exuding just moments ago completely vanished. In its place, Leo could envision a fiery determination rising from her.

Sorry for dropping your name like that. Leo silently apologized to his revered big brother in his mind. Nevertheless, he believed that this wouldn’t create any awkward tension with Lappy. With the battle now looming, Leo thought about how challenging it would be for his big bother even after it was all over, and he made his way to report that the problem had been resolved to his father.

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