Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 137: Ardius Fortress Siege Battle – Encounter

Chapter 137: Ardius Fortress Siege Battle – Encounter

The days of training with weapons continued until the day before the departure for the battlefield. It might have been rushed training, but I believe all three of them became capable enough to hold their own in combat. At the very least, they wouldn’t disgrace themselves by dying without achieving anything.

And so, the coalition army of the central front set out from the Shira Fortress. More than a hundred thousand soldiers, including demons and elites from various nations, marched northward like a giant snake. However, this snake had several gaps. One of those gaps was filled by the vanguard, a detachment that advanced ahead of the main force.

We were part of the vanguard, moving forward alongside the demons under the command of the central front and hundreds of soldiers from the coalition army. Our weapons weren’t in our hands yet; they were loaded onto the wagon pulled by Shuu and Apao, together with tents and provisions.

“Calling it restraint so that we don’t rampage, but then shackling us while we march… that’s quite risky.”

“And the fact that those of us who haven’t lost control have to cover for that as well is just tiresome.”

Just like my companions behind me grumbly said, Karelvo’s demons were prone to going berserk, so during the march, they were restrained with handcuffs and chains. While these restraints could be removed immediately in case of surprise attacks, we had to cover for the time until they were taken off.

While I didn’t want the other demons to die in vain, my top priority remained the lives of the Special Operations Unit members. In situations where our allies couldn’t be saved unless my comrades put their lives on the line, I wouldn’t hesitate to abandon them, except when bound by orders. The battlefield wasn’t a forgiving place to the extent that I believed I could save everyone, and I wasn’t conceited to that degree.

“Whoa! No matter how many times I hear it, I never get used to this sound.”

“Since becoming a demon, my hearing has improved. I’ve become sensitive to loud noises.”

While I was thinking about such matters, a rumbling sound accompanied by billowing smoke emerged from beyond the horizon. There must have been a base used for reconnaissance by the Republic’s army. The reconnaissance unit was systematically destroying bases that were close to their path.

Since it was strictly a reconnaissance base, the premises were compact, and the personnel had long since evacuated. However, traps might have been set inside, and machines instructed to counterattack might still be lingering, so we blew them away with high-powered spiritual arts. This was a crucial step every time we invaded a territory occupied by the Republic’s army.

“Nevertheless, they really blew that up in a very flashy way this time… Guh!?”

“Stinks!? And damn, it hurts!? Those bastards really did it to us, those damn idiots!”

However, since the other party knew that we were going to deal with the bases on all fronts, traps that exploited this knowledge were sometimes set. One of these traps involved poisonous gas emitting an intensely pungent odor, and it seemed that the reconnaissance unit had triggered it this time.

The poisonous gas that reached us from a distant location had become considerably diluted, so neither regular soldiers nor demons would die from it alone. However, our heightened sense of smell was stimulated by the odor of the poisonous gas, causing many demons to writhe in agony.

I don’t think the Republic’s army is planning to eliminate us with the poisonous gas. This wasn’t so much about killing as it was about obstructing our advance, particularly targeting demons with this special nuisance. The demons’ excellent sense of smell has become their enemy.

This trap likely came into play after the battle at Carnela Port, so it could be regarded as a measure against demons. Currently, demons, including the Special Operations unit, were incapacitated by it, exactly as the enemy had intended. By the way, I temporarily shut off my sense of smell, so I was unaffected. Like with pain sensitivity, being able to manipulate my senses at will was handy in moments like these.

The stench caused nearly all the demons to suffer, with some unable to even stand, let alone walk. Whether we rested or not, the pace of our march inevitably slowed down due to the odor’s effects. As a result, the Vanguard had no choice but to temporarily halt their march.

“Hii… hii… Ahh~, this is terrible. I’ve never experienced anything like this. The back of my nose is tingling.”

“The newcomers… oh, they’re foaming at the mouth. Having an overly keen sense of smell is something to think about.”

Of the three newcomers, Julius and Bolts, who had been marching in a tense state, were now collapsed, eyes rolled back, and foaming at the mouth. Both Julius and Bolts seemed to possess highly sensitive noses, and they were greatly affected by the smell.

Ariel was the only one unharmed among them, and despite appearing somewhat distressed due to the odor, she diligently attended to the fallen Julius. How devoted and lovely. On the other hand, Bolts, who had fallen in a similar manner, was laid on the ground by Leo and Kelf.

“Muu… I hate this smell.”

“It’s not something I can do anything about; it’s clearly the enemy’s doing. So, please refrain from taking it out on me.”

Due to the smell of poisonous gas, Lappy, who was in a sour mood, protested by tapping on my back as I sat resting on the ground. However, it was beyond my power to resolve. All we could do was wait for the Coalition Army’s spiritualists to use wind art to disperse the gas until its odor was no longer bothersome.

With no other choice, I swayed my tail in front of Lappy, causing it to dangle and sway. When Lappy reached out to touch its tip, I deftly pulled it away. This game has become Lappy’s recent favorite. It was a strategy to distract Lappy’s mind from the situation by engaging in this playful diversion.

And the strategy worked. While Lappy was engrossed in playing with my tail, the smell had completely dissipated, and it was time to resume our march. The two who had previously fainted were already revived, standing in line and starting to walk, albeit with pale faces.

“Are you alright? Similar things might happen a few more times, so brace yourself.”


Leo candidly informed Julius, whose complexion looked grim. Since offering false reassurance would only be superficial, this was Leo’s way of showing kindness. Whether Julius understood that or not, he simply hung his head without protesting. Was he feeling more down than when he was told we were setting out?

Whether Julius was surprised by Leo’s revelation or not, the march continued onward. After encountering several hindrances, the vanguard team, including our special operations unit, finally arrived at a location where the Ardius Fortress could be seen.

“Hey, Boss. We’re gonna siege that thing next, right?”

“Yeah, that’s the plan.”

“…But is it even possible?”

“…Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

Tigar and I spoke in hushed tones, inadvertently voicing our concerns as we gazed at the imposing Ardius Fortress before us. The reason for our unease was that this Ardius Fortress was a seemingly impregnable stronghold, far surpassing the resilience of the Carnela Port one.

Ardius Fortress was originally a city ruled by a nation in this region, but it had been subjected to such extensive magical modification that it was almost unbelievable. While it was enclosed by a triple layer of outer walls, just like in Carnela Port, these walls were noticeably thicker. Consequently, the defensive weapons mounted atop those walls were more massive, and recklessly charging in would likely result in swift annihilation.

The familiar metallic outer walls formed a perfect hexagon, each corner featuring a small fortified outpost shielded by double walls. While these outposts might not be incredibly sturdy on their own, they were by no means easy to crush in an instant.

It was clear that the fortress would launch attacks in the midst of the siege. And, ignoring them meant being shot at from behind. No matter what decisions the higher-ups of the Coalition Army would make, they will certainly be forced to bleed.

And the greatest issue was the presence of a formidable enemy within the fortress, which resonated with my senses. The past couple of days had brought on a chilling sensation that made my skin prickle, and as we neared the fortress, this feeling grew gradually stronger. Now, my survival instincts were ringing alarm bells louder than ever, urging me that it was dangerous to remain and that I needed to depart immediately.

Observing the trembling of my hands, encased by an exoskeleton, I believed there was an enemy so terrifying that it made me unconsciously afraid. Even when facing the elite white-armored soldiers, I had never been gripped by such intense apprehension. What on earth could be over there?

“Fall back! Secure the main camp where the main force is positioned!”

While I was gripped by trepidation due to the presence of the unknown formidable enemy, the commander of the central front leading the vanguard gave the order to retreat. This commander had boasted before our departure that if possible, we’d launch an attack to gauge the enemy’s response. Yet, it seemed he had concluded that such an action would be futile, resulting in nothing but being overwhelmed.

I also consider it a wise decision. With such limited forces, it was inevitable that we would be wiped out by a concentrated barrage of artillery fire before even gauging the enemy’s response. The decision was sound, and the order to retreat came not a moment too soon… Yet, even so, it was too late for the decision to be made.


“Huh? What’s wrong, boss?”

A distinct and formidable presence from within the fortress was rapidly drawing near. It seemed that I was the only one who had noticed. Despite being aware that I was disobeying orders, I hurriedly dashed towards the wagon and drew my twin swords from their scabbards.

Upon witnessing my sense of urgency, my comrades, except for the three newcomers, swiftly sprang into action. Much like me, they climbed onto the wagon, retrieved their weapons, and loaded those who were still unable to fight onto the bed of the wagon. Shuu and Apao, who had been pulling the wagon, also transformed into their demon forms and each grabbed the weapons they had placed on the roof of the wagon.

“What in the world are you all doing! Taking out weapons without permission…”

“W-What the… is that!?”

The imperial soldiers assigned to watch over us attempted to reprimand and punish us, but before they could carry out their intentions, someone pointed to the sky and shouted loudly. There, floating in the air, was the source of fear that I had been sensing and that had been drawing closer. It was a big armored soldier, larger than usual and gleaming in a golden hue.

The golden-armored soldier didn’t spew flames from his back to fly, nor did he brandish any weapons. he simply glared down at us, unarmed but imposing, as if observing from a safe distance. Yet, my instincts vehemently rejected the notion that he was merely observing. The idea that he wouldn’t attack immediately was dismissed as a fleeting thought; once he launched an attack, we would be wiped out in an instant. Such dire thoughts consumed my mind.

While it’s possible that I was the only one on such high alert, everyone in the vanguard couldn’t tear their gaze away from the golden-armored soldier. Some appeared perplexed, while others gazed upward in sheer astonishment. Even the commander seemed at a loss for what orders to issue in response to this sudden development.

“Could it be… Is it even possible…that it truly exists?”

“Do you know something about this, Asumi?”

At that moment, Asumi, a former white-armored soldier, murmured softly with a trembling voice. My senses were heightened to the extreme due to the sense of impending danger, and I didn’t let her words slip by unnoticed. While keeping my eyes locked onto the golden armor, I inquired with a strong tone.

In response, she began to speak about this person’s true identity with a quivering tone. Her words carried a weight of despair for those who heard them.

“In the culture of our Khan race, the right to wear the color of gold is reserved solely for the gods who once led us and ruled over the continent. In other words, the being within that golden armor… is a descendant of the gods.”


TN: A golden armored soldier!!

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