Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 119: The Carnela Port Recapture Operation (26)

Chapter 119: The Carnela Port Recapture Operation (26)

Marcellus and the others had successfully recaptured the Governor’s office, but they hadn’t yet taken control of the warehouse district. Within the recaptured Governor’s office, they began reorganizing their forces while providing first aid to the wounded.

“Vice Commander, the reorganization of our forces is complete. We can move out at any time.”

“Good, I understand.”

“Additionally, the other unit that attacked with us suffered significant casualties. They had a direct confrontation with the enemy inside the building.”

Upon hearing the situation from Decius, Marcellus grimaced, understanding that the situation couldn’t have been worse. The other unit, which had attacked the Governor’s office alongside them, sustained heavy losses in the battle. They fought in a flamboyant manner, drawing attention to themselves after noticing Marcellus’s unexpected breach over the wall.

Knowing that they had to continue fighting until they fully recaptured the Governor’s office, Marcellus carefully commanded his troops to avoid unnecessary losses. While their casualty count remained low, the number of wounded was substantial.

Marcellus and his unit, having breached the area, had many wounded, but the most perilous task was bravely undertaken by the suicide squad. Surprisingly, there were relatively few severely injured soldiers. Fatigue was evident, but they were all skilled warriors. None of them couldn’t recover their energy by enhancing their fighting spirit.

“As discussed, we’ll leave the severely wounded to him and head towards the warehouse district for control.”

“Understood.” Decius replied.

Marcellus then held a discussion with the commander of the other unit. One commander would venture outside to continue securing the area, while the other stayed would behind at the Governor’s office to tend to the wounded. They couldn’t abandon those who were unable to continue fighting, and leaving the Governor’s office unguarded again would be foolish.

They decided to use the Governor’s office as a temporary base, with the other unit, which had more wounded soldiers, taking on the defense while also accommodating the wounded from Marcellus’s unit. It was akin to a field hospital, but they had enough remaining forces for defense. Even if the Republic’s forces, equal in strength to those previously stationed at the Governor’s office, were to attack, they could hold out for some time.

Thus, Marcellus and his unit proceeded with the warehouse district’s control without worrying about their rear. Since the battle started before they could regroup at the Governor’s office, some of their members got stranded in the warehouse district, resulting in more skirmishes than Marcellus had initially imagined.

“Though there have been many battles, it’s clear that more and more have chosen to surrender after the fall of the Governor’s office.”

“Yes, you’re right. It’s only natural for them to think that way, considering they witnessed the most heavily fortified place in this vicinity being captured… Even though I never thought these folks had any heart in them, to begin with.”

Marcellus felt exasperated by Decius’s unnecessary remark about the Khan race, but he acknowledged that everything else he said was true. While not as formidable as the outer walls, the Governor’s office was a robust fortress.

Yet, the people who had brought it down were coming before them, and in greater numbers than themselves. Though they had the will to resist, the prospect of having their lives spared, if they surrendered, changed the situation. Their spirits were broken, and they surrendered without much resistance.

Due to the large number of those who surrendered, Marcellus and the others ended up spending more time than expected. Finally, they arrived at a warehouse filled with specimens of the human species, a place Marcellus intentionally tried to avoid as much as possible. If he had a choice, he would never set foot in this place again, but his strong sense of responsibility pushed him to venture into the warehouse filled with products of madness.


“What’s….this stench…!?”

As soon as they opened the doors of the warehouse, a nauseating stench greeted Marcellus and the other soldiers. The distinct odor of chemicals mingled with the putrid smell and the fresh scent of blood was enough to drive anyone of weak resolve to madness just from the strong smell.

However, everyone present here was a tough Imperial soldier. Though the smell made them feel nauseous, it didn’t deter them from entering. Despite their grimaces, they proceeded into the warehouse, maintaining their vigilance.

“Ugh, I stepped on something…”

“Is this where the smell is coming from?”

Upon entering the warehouse, they noticed that all the shelves near the entrance were toppled, and the neatly arranged glass bottles had been shattered. A soldier who accidentally stepped on the contents grimaced as he tried to shake off the bits of flesh stuck to the soles of his boots.

Carefully navigating through the mess of chemicals, rotten specimens, and broken glass bottles, they made their way to the second floor and pushed open the door to the office. It was a common layout for all warehouses to have an office on the second floor for managing goods.

As is often the case, it is also the very spot where enemies would attempt to conceal themselves—be it in blind spots among the goods or within the office. Taking charge of these areas first had become a familiar tactic for them. However, what Marcellus and his team saw inside the warehouse office was a scene they never expected.

“What on earth happened here?”

“Could it have been a friendly fire incident?”

As they stormed into the office, they laid eyes on a disheartening sight—a dozen or so armored soldiers submerged in a sea of blood, several men and women huddled in a corner trembling, and amidst the corpses of the armored soldiers stood a blood-darkened figure of a Khan man, holding what appeared to be a weapon in one hand.

Initially, Marcellus thought the Khan man might be a soldier, but his frail physique suggested otherwise. It was evident that he had never undergone any combat training. Yet, it was precisely this amateurish look that made him unpredictable. Marcellus chose his words carefully, so as not to provoke any unwanted actions.

“■■■■■■■■■■. ■■■….” (Calm down and listen to me. We are….)

“Oh, it’s alright. I can speak the Ditto language. I still struggle with complex words, but, uh… my name is Larman Haddin. Nice to meet you.”

When Marcellus attempted to convince the man, whom he just heard was named Larman, to put down his weapon using sentences he learned from Asumi, he received an unexpected response in the official language of the Enzo continent, the Ditto language. The voice, despite coming from someone standing amidst bloodshed, was surprisingly calm and gentle.

Marcellus was taken aback, never expecting to hear their own words spoken back to him. He wondered if those who had received the surrender calls felt the same way.

Due to the peculiar intonation of the man, Marcellus realized that using complex words might indeed be impossible for him. He cleared his throat and decided to deliver the surrender call using simple words.

“Then, let me speak in Ditto language, Sir Haddin. We are soldiers of the Empire. We ask that you surrender peacefully. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand. I will surrender. However, could you grant me one favor?”

“A favor?”

Marcellus couldn’t help but furrow his brows as he stared at Larman. Although Larman stood above a sea of blood, he remained composed, which initially made Marcellus cautious. However, the surprisingly sincere and gentle demeanor gradually eased Marcellus’s guard.

Yet, he couldn’t discount the possibility that this might be a tactic to lure them into accepting conditions for his surrender. If that were the case, it revealed a strength that could not be underestimated. Curious about what Larman had in mind, Marcellus decided to hear him out.

“I can’t guarantee if it’s possible, but go ahead and tell me,” Marcellus replied.

“I am a scientist. I have a passion for research and seek an environment where I can conduct my studies. Of course, I promise to provide the empire with valuable research for its benefits.”

His request was to be treated as a scientist and given the necessary facilities for his research. In return, he would offer his research findings to the Empire. Marcellus felt a bit relieved, as the conditions seemed more reasonable than he had anticipated.

Having a scientist from the Republic, who possessed unknown technologies, work for the Empire would undoubtedly be beneficial to the nation. It might even give them an advantage in their conflict against the Republic’s Army. Marcellus didn’t hold the authority to make the final decision, but he understood the potential significance of such an arrangement.

Therefore, relaying this guy’s request to the higher-ups was not out of the question. However, there was one thing Marcellus wanted to make sure of before doing so. And that was…

“It’s not a problem to convey your request, but before that, I want to ask something. Why did you, a scientist of the Republic, kill your country’s armored soldiers?”

Marcellus’ question was straightforward, seeking an explanation about the current situation. It was natural for soldiers of the Empire and the Republic to fight each other, but it was unusual for a scientist, especially one from the Republic, to be killing his compatriots. It was only right for him to inquire.

Larman blinked his eyes rapidly as if questioning why such an obvious matter was being asked. Nevertheless, since he had been asked, he had to provide an answer. In that manner, he began to speak.

“They deliberately destroyed the specimens and research data I had worked so hard to collect. They said it was to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Empire… but that’s unforgivable. They deserved to die.”

“That’s… quite unfortunate.”

With just that one statement, Marcellus fully understood that the man before him was a researcher who prioritized his findings over the lives of others, and he recognized the dangerous nature of such a person.

The actions of the armored soldiers, disposing of research results obtained at the expense of the budget to prevent them from falling into enemy hands, were calculated and could be appreciated even from an enemy’s perspective. If Marcellus were in their position, he might have done the same.

However, this man did not approve of that course of action. Moreover, he seemed to believe it was acceptable to kill his fellow soldiers. He placed his research at the pinnacle of all values.

Individuals like him were exceptionally talented, but the cause of their potential trouble was unpredictable. They were a double-edged sword, so to speak.

Marcellus glanced briefly at Decius, who seemed to convey with his eyes, “I am unwilling, but I will have to report this to our superiors.” Marcellus sighed inwardly, knowing there was no other choice but to accept this Larman guy for now.


TN: Mad scientist, kind of reminds of me of Orvo….

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