Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 286 Intermission: The Interference Of An Old Sponsor (Final)

The bloody screams of the servants inside all collapsed into one malding shout before quickly disappearing.

I saw the walls and ceiling crumble onto me, but I was suddenly saved by a string sticking straight through my torso and ripping me out of the palace just in time.

"Don't just sit still with your dick in hand… get out of there," Arachne sighed before looking down at the stare-off between both of the gods.

Despite Athena's rageful words, she didn't do a single thing.

It was obvious she was completely powerless within Ares' domain, though that didn't stop her from doing as much damage as possible.

"I thought you were going to teach me how to kill a god…." I muttered, looking down at Ares, who skillfully clashed with Athena.

Both of them started off with hand-to-hand combat, and with each strike of theirs, a blast of wind so strong penetrated through the atmosphere, seemingly shattering even more of the domain.

The entire domain had been flipped on its head, torn apart, and then suddenly rebuilt as Ares began to manipulate it.

He used it to his advantage, throwing the debris after rebuilding it and crashing it into Athena, who was surprisingly damaged by such a thing.

"Hm? How is he able to do that? Is his domain, in general, just that strong?" I asked Arachne, who carefully watched the fight from above, standing right next to me.

"No… he's infusing his power into the debris, making anything he wills a weapon strong enough to injure a god… I will say, for a non-combatant goddess, she's holding up quite well.

Even though the woman beside me said that, I couldn't help but raise my evaluation of Athena yet again.

She was practically on par with Ares, the literal God of War, in terms of hand-to-hand combat, and her movement might be even better than his.

"Seems it's about time that he finishes up," Arachne muttered, yanking me by my collar and dragging me to the crumbled floor of this shattered domain.

Each piece surrounding me was like a shard of glass, shattered with the reflection of memories flowing through them, some pieces even displaying just a sliver of his past.

But, the one thing they all had in common was obvious… each and every single one was dyed blood-red.


All of a sudden, Athena had a hole blown through her stomach as a bolt of red lightning erupted from Ares' hand, reinforcing and hastening his blow.

His knuckles were bleeding from the impact, but Athena, whose regeneration was surprisingly slowing down, dropped to her knees, coughing up a mouthful of blood and then looking at me with a rageful expression.

"I'll call you when the time is right," She smirked despite her pitiful stance and appearance.

I said nothing back as her body shattered into hundreds of gold pieces, slowly disappearing into the atmosphere.

"Boy… if you want to kill a god, you must weaken their endless stamina. Continuously beating them and having them bleed ichor, you, of course, weaken them… only then will you be able to kill an immortal and invincible being… But! Gods you see can rebirth in their own domain, so in actuality, you can't kill them… but you can… it's a confusing process,"

"No, no, I understand. But it seems more like quasi-immortality to me," I shrugged and bent down to investigate the river of ichor flowing beneath me.

Such a substance was a wonder to all mortals as was the blood of the gods really the perfect potion ingredient?

I was highly intrigued and almost wanted to give it a lick myself… but that would come with the resentment of the gods, as consuming such a divine substance must come with repercussions.

Suddenly, a hand reached across my face, slowly dragging a glass vial through the thick golden liquid, which shimmered with an elasticity like liquid metal.

As I looked up at the man who had collected this ichor, I noticed the palace behind him had been rebuilt.

Even the terrain was back to normal, and the bustling sounds of servants constantly attending to such a gargantuan place continued to flow.

"What do you need that for?"

"You'll see in just a bit. Your training will also resume swiftly tomorrow… for now, get more rest," He muttered, slowly walking off into the distance

The next day during breakfast, I found myself sitting at the dining table myself, peacefully eating unattended to.

The only time this calming peace was broken was when a maid would refill my glass of water or maybe top off the sides I had requested… but then, she came.

"Alright, kid. Here, drink this," Arachne announced, tossing me a vial of bright white liquid, practically glowing with the substance poured straight from the clouds.

It was as if they had condensed a literal cloud and mixed it with the shimmering gold liquid from before… it was incredible.

And even the smell wafted over to me, but it wasn't unpleasant… more like a mellow vanilla stench that infected the rest of my foods.

As I caught the vial, I popped open the cork and looked back up at Arachne suspiciously.

"If you're worried I poisoned it, then don't even bother… it's a concoction your father had made. The best of the best alchemists worked on that for an illegal sum of money… so drink it quickly before Zeus finds out,"

A drop of sweat ran down my cheek upon hearing the word "Zeus," causing me to drink the liquid much faster than anticipated.

It went down without a problem, and I didn't feel much of a change, but before I could ask for its use, Arachne had already disappeared, and this strange warm feeling spread through my chest.

It felt as if a gate had been opened within me, letting a substance air out inside of me, bringing me just the slightest bit of drowsiness.

But through the day, that drowsiness got worse, eventually forcing me to skip dinner and just head right to bed.

And soon, once I closed my eyes, they were forced back open, revealing a plane of white around me.

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