Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 269 Saving?

"What a clown show," I muttered.

The next few days were just explaining the plan, which honestly was pretty simple. Especially our job, which was to just sit back and wait until the signal to fight was given.

Of course, the succubus didn't give up on seducing me but ultimately failed several times, and on the day that we went out to go attack the demon lord's palace, I didn't see her.

"Did she chicken out?" I lightly muttered under my breath as me and my siblings took our own personal routes to the palace.

Of the few minutes that it took us to get to the palace, there was a strange pressure that hung in the atmosphere of this horny city.

It was tense yet filled with a bit of excitement, though it seemed everybody else around here was completely clueless as to what was currently happening.

"Hmmmmm… I'm a bit suspicious, but what can I do? It's not like saving the entire city from the backlash is possible," I muttered to myself. "You all understand what our objective is, right?"

"Of course,"

"No doubt,"

"Already locked in… Just save our siblings, right?" Cy attempted to confirm, and as I nodded my head, we perched at the top of a building at the very foot of the hundred-yard dash straight up that massive flight of stairs.

There was no need to actually kill Asmodeus as of now… in fact, killing him would just bring more trouble to us… and from what I know about Luna, I feel we can gain an advantage for later on with this small event.

"This is gonna be fun," Aisa lightly smirked.

The signal should appear in five, four, three… two… one.


The whistling of a firework tore through the air, eventually exploding into its display show that caused everybody in the streets of this corrupt city to gawk in awe.

It was a beautiful spectacle as we ran up the flight of stairs; other succubi and incubi were also seen running up the small hill this palace had been perched on.

Under the loud crackling and bursting of this firework, we were able to get close to the palace before anybody could even greet us.

And by the time we reached the top, all of the butlers and maids attending to the mansion just barely managed to slow us down as we pushed our way through each and every entrance.

When there wasn't an entrance of some sort, we would destroy the windows and make our very own entrance that allowed easy passage… and a slick route straight to that damn demon lord.

(Luna POV)

As we were dressed in long white robes, our ankles and wrists shackled together under the porcelain cloth, we were led down a flight of stairs similar to the one leading up to the palace.

Over the course of the past week, I have been trying my best to manipulate or at least gain the favor of some people around us… though it seems they were highly trained.

Whenever I attempted to observe or talk to them, it felt as if I was communicating with a brick wall.

They displayed not even an ounce of personality, and they never talked despite how much I taunted them with the most passive-aggressive words I could muster.

Bella, on the other hand, was staying strong, and I was proud of her, but it could only take her so far as worry soon began to set in.

Up until the day of what seemed to be some kind of ritual, she gradually began to get more nervous, lose more sleep, and overall just become super paranoid.

The only time she would truly get some restful and good sleep was when I comforted her and let her sleep in my embrace, but I worried that she would become too dependent on me.

I was not only thinking about the future of inside the palace but also when we escaped… because I knew Orion would eventually come.

"L-Luna… I-If we die, we'll respawn in that other demon lord's territory, right?" Bella asked before being whipped in the back by one of the soldiers making sure we couldn't escape… but it was truly hopeless for just us.

Without any outside forces, we were destined to concur to the wills of whatever the fuck this perverted demon lord wanted to do.

And if it was to ravage somebody, I was going to be first, just so I could buy enough time for Bella to escape with her purity.

"*sigh*... What a pain," I muttered under my breath and was obviously whipped in the back, but the built up tension caused me to turn back towards the soldier and glare so intently that he stumbled on the stairs and nearly tumbled downward.

Geez… I'm seriously losing it.

As I calmed back down, we soon reached the end of the stairs, which led into a massive underground room that seemingly stretched for miles, but the only thing present was a strange altar.

Bella gulped down a massive drop of saliva upon seeing the altar, and as the ground above us slightly shook, causing some debris to fall over us, I knew it had already begun.

And just to confirm it, I looked at the demon lord's face, which had a mix of annoyance but also a light smile that stretched across his face.

Seems I was already chosen to be the first one sacrificed or whatever bullshit was about to happen, so as I was led up to the raised piece of stone with a massive white star painted across it, I turned back towards Bella.

She suddenly began to regret not going first upon seeing my comforting smile and struggled against the chains, begging to replace me.

But, as I turned to the demon lord, I just nodded, wanting to keep him here as long as possible.

"Your friends are here… but there's no way they'll be able to find this place-"


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