Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 230 Tomb Of The Blooming Blade (10)

"Where did you get that sword?"

Everybody froze, and like predators encountering their first meal, our eyes glowed, ready to kill the girl at any given moment.

The knight could feel our deadly presence erupt through the hallway, but he knew that interfering now would most kill him… and despite him being the shield to his Miss, he watched the girl walk straight to Cy.

"Can I take a look at that?" She asked Cy, who returned to an expressionless face, but once he handed it over and the girl looked away, his eyes darkened, and a spear slowly formed in his hand.

"This sword could be really high quality if it was sharpened. Where did you get this? Or did you have it made?"

The knight breathed a sigh of relief as he saw us practically all power down and relax our muscles from the tension that shocked through them.

"I had it made a few years ago but haven't sharpened it. It's proof of my hard work," Cy lied straight through his teeth before taking the sword back.

We all talked for a few more hours until Aisa finally woke up, looking as defenseless as ever.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. It's time to get your ass up and back to work," Bella said as she helped Aisa up, but all of a sudden, a loud rumble came from below her… well, her stomach, which was screaming for food.

"I'm so hungry,"

"Here," I said, handing Aisa a plate of curry, but nowhere near as much as Bella since she wasn't a complete vacuum who would absorb anything edible in a ten meter radius.

"Thank you," She muttered before chowing down.

The plate didn't even last a minute as it was soon cleared of everything, leaving a shiny and white plate left, which I tossed back into my spatial storage.

"Okay, let's go," I announced, and reluctantly and very drowsily, Aisa stood up and led us down the hallway, the girl behind us asking questions as we went.

"Where is she taking us?"

"To our other friends. You'll meet them later, but for now, just shut up and stop talking. My head is starting to hurt," Cy muttered as he gripped his forehead.

I stared at both Aisa and Cy, whose hair had grown way past what they previously liked, meaning once we got back, both of them needed a very required haircut.

"Orion, stop staring at the back of my head. Are you trying to burn a hole in me?" Aisa complained as she also gripped her forehead, seemingly trying to suppress a migraine, sort of like Cy.

Wait… This is weird.


"Yeah, I know,"

Suddenly, a wave of pink energy burst through the hallway, knocking the Bonebloom girl onto her ass while shoving the knight way back.

He sprinted back to his young miss' side before looking up at the blast of pink energy that radiated through the hallway once again.

I could feel my head practically throb as the energy traveled through us, numbing our brains and eating away at our minds.

"Aisa!" I shouted from down the hallway.

"Yep! It's Luna, alright! She's just around the corner!" Aisa shouted back, so I covered everybody in my [Tangible Bloodlust], easing the blasting energy which seemed to have no signs of giving up.

We casually walked down the hallway, and upon turning, we saw Luna, who was severely injured.

"Fuck… I didn't want you guys to see me like this," Luna smirked before snapping her fingers, turning off the throbbing blasts of pink energy.

As she turned to fully look at us, we got a full view of her terrible injury, which definitely wasn't done by a monster, judging by how precise the strike was.

"I just barely managed to get it to miss my vitals, but this amount of blood leaking from my body… is going to kill me," She muttered before lifting her hand off her torso, and only then did we realize how much blood soaked her armor and spilled on the floor.

"It's deep, but it isn't wide. We'll be forced to cauterize it," Bella muttered as Aisa immediately began to apply pressure, but it did absolutely nothing.

Everybody soon scrambled to help Luna out, and the most important piece was Bella heating up Cy's sword, which served as a large metal rod that we could use to cauterize the wound shut.

"This is gonna hurt," Bella said as she backed away, and we forced a towel into Luna's mouth whether she liked it or not.

Cy and I restricted one of her arms while Aisa held down her legs loosely as it wasn't that important.

We doubted Luna would try and kick us off, seeing how this was going to save her life, but you could never be too sure.

"Is there any way I can help?" The young miss asked, but we just ignored her as Bella lay the sword on the side of her torso, completely closing the wound and burning the surrounding skin.

Luna's pain tolerance was impressive, but the longer we held it there, the more she looked like she wanted to punch Bella in the chin.

"Promise me you won't punch me when we release you," Bella muttered before slowly removing the sword and tossing her a bunch of antibiotics… but it was too late as Luna slipped out of our grip and socked her in the chin.

"Shit… That really fucking hurt," Luna muttered while jumping up and down, thankfully not opening the wound.

But, the adrenaline that rushed through her was so much that she could barely contain herself, and we were worried she got hooked on something quite weird.

"Alright, stop moving," Cy said as he slowly helped her down to the ground, and she obediently swallowed her antibiotics.

Now that the problem was solved… I can finally deal with this asshole.

My head slowly turned to the knight, who displayed an uncanny amount of bloodlust towards us while we were helping Luna out.

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