Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 224 Tomb Of The Blooming Blade (4)

"I hope you don't mind me having this," Orme said before tossing it in his mouth and swallowing it with the help of a water bottle.

We all looked in disbelief as nothing could've prepared us for what had just unfolded before our very eyes.

"Mind telling us what you just did?" Luna asked, gagging in the corner, about to puke up her guts.

"Oh, come on, you've seen worse than this, haven't you… I'm just absorbing his ring so I can have his other weapons," Orme replied, but that didn't help at all.

"Uh huh… I see… Well, let's continue searching, I guess," Aisa muttered before we all split up again, our eyes shifting between the surroundings and the crazy gunmetal-haired boy.

"Why are you all looking at me like I'm crazy? Everybody in our family does this,"

"Yeah, your family, but we don't do that," I sighed, and everybody nodded their heads vigorously in agreement.

"Well, just think of it as me powering up. I now have two swords instead of one even though I would've had three if my brother didn't destroy my initial one," Orme shrugged.

"How beautiful-"

All of a sudden, we heard a click come from behind the large coffin, and Cy stepped out from behind, just as confused as we were.

"I think I got it," He said, gesturing for us to come over, and when we took a peek behind the ancestor's grand home, we saw a seemingly endless staircase leading downwards.

Intrigued, we all began our descent downwards, the opening soon closing behind us not even a few seconds after the last person entered.

We were suddenly enveloped in thick darkness, but it was soon pierced by the creation of Luna's soft pink glow and Bella's burning green flame.

But, the descent downwards was making everybody stressed out, so I attempted to try and lighten the mood by taking our minds away from any impending dangers.

"How close is everybody to classing up?" I asked.

[Level: 12/55] (250/200) XP Needed

"Not very close," Everybody basically said in unison, but I still tried to keep the conversation flowing as a strange sense of bloodlust tickled the backs of our necks.

"Yeah, same… Anyway, how are all of your days going?" I questioned yet again, but this time I was met by a cruel silence that practically sewed my lips together from ever asking another question.

All of a sudden, the floor under us began to warp up, and when we tried to hold onto the walls surrounding us, they also warped up, almost pulling us in as we lent our bodyweight to them.

Soon, we were all absorbed into the liquidated walls and spit out in a new, stone brick room lined with purple torches… or so I thought.

"*sigh*... I knew this would happen," I sighed to myself before slowly standing up and swiveling my head around.

There was an exit right beside me, and when I left the empty room, I was met by a fork of short stone brick paths that led into other turns… it was almost like I was in a labyrinth.

Each pathway was connected to at least four stone brick rooms, identical to the ones I appeared in.

Thankfully, I was already prepared for a situation like this, so I had Aisa mark us as soon as we found the tomb, meaning we just had to sit in one place and hope that Aisa would find us.

"Though, this place wouldn't be a labyrinth without such creatures," I smiled as a little green monster phased out of the wall and locked its disgusting eyes onto me.

Its mouth widened into a sadistic grin, revealing those uneven and slimy knife-like teeth which could rip through the skin of any normal mortal.


Its laugh echoed through the labyrinth, and as its little feet pattered towards me, I just stared at it, my eyes being enough intimidation to cause the monster to stop in its tracks.

The poor thing couldn't even turn to run as it was frozen in place.


And, just like that, the goblin exploded into a mess of slimy pink flesh and stomach-wrenching green blood.

The smell was horrendous, and the sight was even worse, but I kept my composure as I formed the green blood into a condensed pill.

There was no notification, but I was ready for one.

"Geez, what happened here?" Aisa chuckled as she looked at the pile of bone-dry goblin corpses sucked of all their blood.

"Am I the first one?"

"What do you think? See anybody else here?" Aisa snarled before catching the pill of green blood and inspecting it with her own eyes.

As we made our way down the hallway, myself following Aisa, of course, Aisa was trapped by the magical allure of the pill I had created.

"It's pretty good… Though, you should ask Cy more about this. I know a lot about medicine, but this thing might bring more demonic energy into us… possibly making it easier for the leeches already attached to us to dig even deeper into our souls,"

"I see… well, who is the next closest person?" I asked before tearing apart another goblin that tried to get in our way.

"Lucky for you, it's Cy, but it seems he's in a bit of a pickle. He hasn't stopped moving in circles for the past hour or so,"


Aisa swallowed another unsettling amount of blue liquid and forced it down just as it was about to erupt back up.

This was another reason I gave the rings to Aisa, as she would need all the potions and equipment to keep her going as our guide.

After another few minutes, we turned another identical corner, only to be met by a gaping hole in the wall and a large expansive cave on the other side.

"Seems somebody got impatient," Aisa smirked before we stepped through the gaping hole.

[Next Side Quest has been revealed]

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