Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 212 Duel (2)

Let's end this.

She blocked it with her arms in an X shape but flinched under the pressure of her bones cracking, most likely creating small fractures in her precious skeletal system.

And then, using the momentum, I kneed her in the chin, sending her flying backward.

"It was a good fight,"


But all of a sudden, her arms extended even though they were supposed to be like jelly, and then she caught herself on the ground.

She went from a handstand to standing up normally, and only when I saw her readjust her chin did I know what she did.

"You… How the fuck… Did you… Pull your head back at the last second?" I asked in disbelief as that took inhumane reaction time to pull off.

"Yeah, and what if I did?" Luna smirked.

She pulled her head back at the last second to minimize the impact, thus minimizing the damage that was dealt to her.

"Let's stop here," I said as we didn't want to rough each other up too bad, and if the conflict from before reignites, our slowly mending relationship would crumble yet again.

"What? You scared?"

Luna's smirk widened as she looked at me with eyes filled to the brim with excitement as if she had been waiting for this moment for over a millennium.

"Huh? You wanna go bitch?" I bantered back with a wide smile, and now, the real fight had begun.

[Cloak of Blood]

A blood-red cloak folded over me, and Luna's sparkling eyes suddenly turned into stars. They were bright and filled to the brim with absolute mystical power.

Just looking into them made me feel like I was staring into the unknown, like the abyss… but this abyss didn't stare back.

Instead, she looked straight through me as if she had already seen the finish line not too far ahead.

"Kekekeke… This is why you're amazing," I muttered under my breath before both of us clashed arms, our bones creaking under the pressure of our excitement.

Luna knew her body couldn't withstand much more but continued to fight as the exhilarating amount of adrenaline was everything she needed right now.

The only thing pumping through her veins was pure adrenaline. No blood. No mana. Nothing besides pure adrenaline.

Her smile matched mine as she pulled out a flurry of kicks that I was forced to dodge as each of them was too flexible and… snakey? I don't know how else to describe them.

Her toes, strangely enough, were like hooks trying to sink into the most vulnerable part of their enemy.

She kept aiming for my carotid artery whenever a kick went high and kept aiming for my solar plexus or liver whenever she aimed low.

Defending them was a pain, but I still managed to slip in a few blows due to her overwhelming amount of excitement.

She wasn't thinking and instead just went.

Her body seemingly moved on its own while her brain just soaked up the endorphins rushing straight through her skull.

"Seems like you're having a lot of fun!" I shouted before ducking, causing her to fly over me, but I didn't let this chance go.

I placed my hands on the ground and side-kicked straight upwards into her tailbone, sending a rattling sensation up and down her body as soon as she landed.

"Having trouble standing?" I smirked.

"I could file you for sexual harassment,"

"Oh, shut the hell up, and let's fight,"

"Huff… huff… huff… huff… That was fun," Luna muttered with a large smile, reaching her right hand towards the stars above us.

Of course, I had won, and though it might've just been by a slim margin, I wasn't going to complain about taking a W over Luna.

We both laid next to each other on the cold hard, and slightly unkempt grass below us, staring up at the stars.

"Yeah… and I won, so it was even more fun,"

"I hate you,"

"I hate you too," I smiled at Luna, and her disgusted face slowly turned the other way, causing me to chuckle a bit.

"So… what happens next from here? You gained my trust back after making me lose practically all of it… you better have one hell of a plan," Luna muttered, breaking the few seconds of awkward silence that befell the atmosphere between us.

"Well, as you've seen, the Bonebloom kid is currently staying here, and we'll be taking care of him for quite a while. We've already infiltrated his mind, and with this, we should be able to gain some favor over the household once the head has been killed,"

"And how the hell are you going to do that? That guy was barely trying against us, and he killed us like three times over. If it weren't for my emergency skills, our graves would've been built on enemy ground,"

"That's true… but I have a plan,"

"Then can you tell me the real plan… Without any other things. No hidden information. No withdrawn secrets… and even the backup plans… tell me everything," Luna muttered as her glaring eyes stared deep into my cheek.

I could feel her eyes next to me trying to burn holes into my face as I stared up at the stars, making sure to not look back down.

"Fine. I promise I'll tell you everything… But I don't know if you'll want to proceed with it. The amount of risk here could kill us at any turn,"

"Like I give a shit. Now spit it out,"

And so, I explained my plan to Luna, and surprisingly she was very understanding about the risk.

Was it due to my warning? Possibly… but it could be that she trusts me even more than ever now, and so I couldn't break that trust.

If I let her down again, she'll just outright despise me.

"You could tweak a few things about the conclusion… but overall, it's pretty good. Now, let's get some extremely early breakfast cause I'm starving,"

"We should shower first… you smell like shit," I muttered before immediately getting up and running to my room.

I could feel Luna chasing me behind me, but if I didn't look back, she wasn't ever there… right? Right? Right?

Anyway, she slapped me as soon as we had breakfast.

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