Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 209 Throne Of Purple Flames

"I dunno,"

It was a clear and crisp answer, yet the doctor still looked at me with rightful suspicion… but I felt kind of disturbed as his eyes landed on me.

"What?" I asked, waking him up from his little staring contest with my forehead.

"There was extreme trauma to the back of your head, and you don't know? Are you saying you forgot what happened?"

"Nah… *sigh*... Anyways, I'm feeling better. I'm gonna go take a walk," I muttered, and even as the doctor tried to stop me, I continued out the door.

For some reason, I felt like throwing up but suppressed this sensation deep inside of me to where it could no longer come out.

My legs felt weak, and I could barely breathe as I used the wall for support.

"Didn't the doctor heal you up? Why do you look like a girl who just got railed for several hours?" A voice I did not want to hear right now appeared behind me.

Slowly, I swiveled my neck, and with beads of sweat running down my face, the clear image of Luna standing right in front of me continued to persist.

Even as sweat dripped down into my eyes, I continued to stare at her with a mix of emotions.

Luna as well looked like she wanted to say something after immediately regretting saying her sarcastic greeting.

"Come on. Spit it out," I said.

"I-I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I should've been the bigger person and not have snuck up on you like that and said stuff about your mother… It was just… a knee-jerk reaction, y'know,"

"No, I don't know," I muttered before dropping to my knees, losing all feeling in my legs.

It felt like a cloud was permeating throughout the entirety of my gaping mind, twisting and cutting the nerves inside of it.

My thinking process seemed to be inhibited by something, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Suddenly, Luna ran over to me and helped me up, slinging my arm over her shoulder and then bringing me back to the infirmary.

"Ugh… my fucking head," I complained as it was now throbbing like a beating heart, trying to pump blood into a guy that had just run an entire marathon without any prior training.

"Just lay down for a bit…." Luna muttered as she pulled up a chair to the bed beside me.

"What?" I muttered as her staring kept tickling the back of my neck.

"Your eyes keep flashing between the blacked-out state and their normal ones… I'll stay here for a bit just in case the demon tries to take over again," Luna sighed before grabbing a snack from the doctor's desk.

As my cloudy mind just barely functioned, different thoughts flowed through my head like a rushing river of water.

"My bad… I shouldn't have said those things in the first place,"

"Mhm… I won't be forgiving you, though, and I'm sure you won't be forgiving me… So let's just say none of this happened and continue on with our lives,"

"Whatever. Go fuck yourself," I smirked, and as my eyes grew too drowsy to even keep them open, Luna rested her hands across my face, calming me down with some type of illusion.

And soon, my mind drifted off into the land of dreams… or so I thought.

As soon as I woke up, I was greeted by a golden throne alit by dark purple flames, strong enough to melt a city with just a single spark.

Just being in the mere presence of this throne and the man sitting atop it made my knees weak once again, and my body felt like my skin was practically sliding off of me.

Everything was burning, but I could withstand this pain… I've experienced much more hellish situations.

"I congratulate you for withstanding the presence of me and my throne combined… most would melt away just being in my presence, so I'm impressed… but shall we proceed with the specifics?"

The man sitting atop the throne snapped his fingers, causing me to appear just at the foot of the throne, where I noticed we were in a dark hall… in what seemed to be a different dimension.

The sky outside the tinted windows was a dar red, seemingly oozing with drops of blood attempting to imitate rain.

Various demonic creatures roamed the skies, and if I had to assume, it wasn't just the skies that were filled with such grotesque and detestable creatures.

"Look here," A commanding voice ordered, and like a lowly servant, I couldn't resist turning my neck and beckoning my eyes to stare upwards.

Everything about the demonic silhouette in front of me was frightening… but somehow… somehow, he hadn't killed me yet.

"What is it you would like?" I asked, trying to retain some of my pride but also acting still a bit polite.

I knew killing me was like swatting a fly, but he still hadn't done it yet, no matter how many times he's already attempted to take over my body.

"You… You're quite interesting. It's a shame I can't try any harder due to the orders of the king but don't fret. I'll have you in the palms of my hands soon… just you wait… because this future of yours looks to be a bit hellish,"

And with another snap of his fingers, I appeared at the exit to the throne room, leading into a portal of abyssal darkness.

I stared into the darkness before me and what greeted me was a single dark red eye that sent chills down my spine.

"We meet again. You've used the spear well, but it still hungers for more… Soon, I will crown you the-"

But just before the eye in front of me could finish talking, a hand pushed me into the darkness, evaporating all of my senses.

I drifted along the darkness like a grain of sand in a current of salty ocean water.

The darkness was rough against my skin, but it also felt like it was nurturing me somehow… somehow… somehow.

My consciousness soon slipped out of my hands again, and I awoke back in the infirmary.

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