Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 194 Collective Manipulation

"You're pretty good at planning, but how are you at fighting. Don't think we'll be your underlings just because the tower master sent us here,"

I glared at the four in front of me, seemingly looking down on them.

They were strong. But their stats seemed to be around Aisa's level, impressive, but in the big leagues, not so much.

"Shut the hell up. You were our underlings ever since you came into the mansion," All of us said in unison, our eyes staring down at the commanders in front of us.

"Huh? Don't fuck with me!" Owen snarled whilst standing up, his hands palming the table below him.

"Luna…" I muttered, and as we both met eyes, she gave me a nod.

"This took me fucking days to make, so try not to destroy it," Luna sighed before snapping her fingers, causing a crown of pink jewels to form around the commanders heads.

Suddenly, the pink jewels pressed against their heads, causing them to scream in pain before jolting upwards.

"How… the hell… did you get such things?" Brienne asked as she held onto the edge of the table, just barely managing to stay put.

"Oh, she doesn't know,"

"Wow, how terrible… I almost feel bad for them. Truly, I feel, very, very, bad for them,"

"The tower master is so cruel… I can't believe we sent our baby there without us even checking in on the tower master's real personality,"

"Yeah, I guess he doesn't give a shit about his servants… how disappointing. And this is why the world tower is going to shit… oldies like him should be excreted and let the new generation take over,"

"Kukukukuku… What a bunch of fucking idiots," Luna muttered after everybody had spilled their lines.

Confused, the commanders tried to interrogate us, but as we now had power over them, we just ignored them.

"Huh? Did the tower master not tell you that he sent the pink gems to us? Really? He wanted you all to be our servants all along?"

Already weakened in the mind, their dull expressions and masks slowly crumbled, slightly revealing their overwhelming amount of anxiety.

"S-Seriously?! STOP FUCKING LYING!" Astoria shouted, but our cold gazes gave them every single answer they wanted to know.

"We're not lying," I smiled.

We're lying. All of this was a bluff meant to make them crumble and become our underlings.

We knew it wasn't going to be easy to get these men and women under our control, so we, of course, needed a plan… and that was to bluff our way through everything.

First, we bought moon gems with the fortune of the Wony household as if we all die, the fortune would go to waste, so we might as well use it to survive.

Next, we had Luna link her illusion magic with these moon gems but how this works is that they react to the power of the connecter, meaning the array that will be set up won't be as powerful as you would expect.

Luna is very proficient in illusion magic, but her damaging skills aren't the best… but she is capable of creating a single shock strong enough to even knock a boss monster out if close enough.

So, if the moon gems were to be strapped to their heads, they could easily be knocked out… though it seems we also underestimated them a bit as well.

Once that happened, we lied and lied until we broke down their mental barrier, with Luna sending our minor shocks.

And then our bluff was complete. Everything was in place.

The four commanders immediately left the room, taking a walk to discuss whatever needed discussing… such as their future and their trust between the tower and them… everything was falling into place.

"Findir. Aisa. Follow them,"

"I know, I know. Don't go ordering me around, asshole,"

"I was planning on doing it anyway,"

After making their snarky remarks, they finally disappeared into a cloud of snow and a stream of winds that completely covered up their appearance and presence.

(Commanders POV)

"They're bluffing. They have to be bluffing… I know the tower master can be cruel sometimes, but completely selling us out to them? Would he really do that unless he has an ulterior motive?"

"I did hear that he tried to recruit them directly, so maybe we're the offer for the deal,"

"That is idiotic to think. We're some of his best servants and commanders, yet he gives us to a bunch of kids?"

"Those aren't just a bunch of kids. They may have just barely turned 18 or 19, but their capabilities to make us think like this is outstanding… plus, that boy's speech skill was impressive,"

"Well, what are we going to do now then? If we do call their bluff but end up being incorrect, then they might put in a bad word to the tower master, and that is the last thing we all want, correct?"

Everybody nodded their heads.

All of a sudden, a few cackles came from down the hall and what appeared in front of the four commanders were a singular dark elf and a girl as white as snow.

p As the commanders turned the corner, they all met eyes, but the two kids were so much more confident than the four hardened warriors.

Well, that might've been untrue.

The hardened warriors might've been the kids who have been tempered by the battlefield, cut by hardships, and knocked unconscious by the worlds turning tides.

"You all are quite funny," The dark elf muttered while wiping a tear of laughter from his right eye.

"You think we're bluffing? Then call it! CALL THE BLUFF!" He shouted with a smile so wide that it set shivers down the commanders spines.


The girl whose skin was white than snow smiled like a demonic being toying around with a few puppets.


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