Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 191 Demonic Curse (1)

"Because the presence is like being blessed by a god… but… the being who is blessing you is a bit different," Cy said.

"And where did you find out all of this information?" I asked, and Cy just slumped down into his chair before opening his mouth again.

"I read through the entire library here, and when I was getting to the end of all of the books, I found one who basically described some demonic arts. It started off with taking a pill of concentrated blood, and then you become cursed by a demon,"

"Then why the fuck are we taking it? If we're getting cursed, that's an obvious tell for us to mind our own fucking business," Luna snarled, and just as she was about to get up, Cy flicked his hand, causing a blue flame to block her path.

p "Sit down… I'm not done explaining,"

"Oh… Just cause you gained a bit of knowledge doesn't mean you're god… So take this flame down and shut the hell up. I'm sure everybody else doesn't want to do this either…."

Luna then glanced towards me and saw my sadistic smile as I eyed the pill of condensed blood.

"Except for this crazy bastard, of course," She finished, but then Cy continued.

"A curse from a demon is a blessing… right?" Cy said and then glanced towards Bella for some form of confirmation for some reason.

What? Is she cursed by a demon or somethin- wait… that would make sense.

All of our eyes widened as we looked at Bella.

"You're making me feel a bit nervous," Bella lightly chuckled before standing up and pulling up her shirt, revealing a black tattoo inked into just above her belly button.

"Upon receiving my new class, I was approached by a demon, and I'm sure you can already guess who it is,"

"A demon of judgment or some shit like that, right?" Aisa asked, and Bella nodded for confirmation.

As Luna clicked her tongue and took a seat back in her chair, Bella continued with a story that none of us had ever heard before.

"I wondered for a while why a demon approached me, and he even said we had already made a contract… but it's believable now. I'm sure he approached me when I was being punished for being such an asshole,"

Everybody glanced at me, and my cold eyes just stared back.

"What?" I muttered, but everybody just rolled their eyes before directing them back at Bella, who also now sat down.

"I don't remember it clearly, but somebody came to me at my lowest point and said they'll save me… Maybe all of this is the work of them, but I won't complain. If it weren't for the demon, then I would've rotted like the leech I was,"

The entire room went silent.

"What is the curse like? What would it give us?" Luna slowly interrogated Cy as Bella could still be an untrustworthy source.

"It would give us some new powers and some newfound strengths, but that would only happen after another evolution. It wouldn't have an immediate effect… and that is probably why Luna looks like that right now," Cy explained.

"Kekekeke… Seems fun," Aisa smiled and then grabbed the pill from the center of the table.

"But, the drawback is that you've basically sold your soul to the devil. You are no longer able to go to Heaven, Olympus, Valhalla, whatever you believe in. Also, you will essentially become an enemy of the gods,"

All of us smiled so wide that the ends of our mouths touched the tips of our ears.

"I wasn't planning on being a saint either way… Alright, let's do this," Aisa muttered before tossing the pill up into the air and then slicing it into six even pieces with her dagger.

They fell bluntly onto the table and then rolled towards us.

"Do we chew it or what?" Findir asked, but before anybody could even answer, we all popped it into our mouths and then swallowed it, making sure none of it touched our tongues.

Of course, Findir decided to try and chew it, and he almost threw up from the extremely bitter taste that coursed through his mouth.

"Gross," He muttered, and all of a sudden, I felt my heart try its hardest to jump out of my chest.

[The Ares System has detected an unsafe foreign object]

[Dispelling process has commenced-

[Interference by higher being]

[A few gods watch you with squinted eyes]

[A few gods glare at you with uncontrollable hatred]

[A few gods laugh at your daring act]

[A demonic presence has leashed you with its raven-like wings]

"Oomf… Hah… Hah… Hah… Fuck, I almost threw it all up," I muttered as the burning feeling making my heart jump slowly disappeared into thin air as if it wasn't even there in the first place.

"Did anyone else get a notification?" Aisa asked, and everybody, including Bella, nodded their heads.

Bella kind of seemed out of it, so Findir shook her shoulder a bit, snapping her awake… but at this point, we all could all tell that wasn't Bella.

Her demonic grin and completely blacked-out eyes told us everything we needed to know… and we didn't hesitate to take action.


Me, Aisa, Findir, and Cy all took our weapons and placed them along Bella's vital points after kicking her out of her chair and pressing her to the ground.

"You all don't care about your friend? Didn't you have… some kind of sibling-like relationship," The thing inside of Bella smirked.

My spear traveled deeper and deeper into the body's chest, ready to stop it at any given moment.

This thing was dangerous. Really, really, dangerous.

I felt chills crawl up and down my body just by being in its presence, large beads of sweat dripped from my nose, soaking Bella's clothes, and a strange pressure seemingly latched onto my heart.

"What the fuck… Hey! Stop! STOP! I ORDER YOU TO FUCKING STOP!" The thing inside Bella suddenly began to shout, and as he grabbed his head, we all retreated our weapons.

What the hell is happening?

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