Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 177 Warehouse Gang

"Now, let's have Bella take full reign of this household,"

As Luna helped the head out of the room and the butler helped him to the infirmary, I shuffled through the man's drawers and finally found the paperwork I had been dying to see.

"Geez… he's had this for at least a few weeks now. Has he just been holding it back in fear that I'll fuck him up?"

Luna and I smiled maliciously before searching through any more of his documents, finding some useful things but nothing I wasn't really aware of.

"Yo, are we leaving tomorrow?"

"We can leave today. It's not like we're packing much anyway… but I want to go by myself. You all stay here and continue training. I have some important matters to attend to," I muttered before patting Luna's shoulder and leaving the room.

She tried to interrogate me, but I wasn't answering anything she was saying, so eventually, she finally gave up.

"Fine, but make sure to come back quickly. The tower master is coming back again, and negotiating without the head behind us will be difficult. Plus, if you aren't here, the negotiations will just go in his favor," Luna said, her voice echoing down the long hallway.

"I know, just stay calm. This won't take more than a week,"

"Don't die on me!"

I just gave Luna a small smile before turning the corner into my room and picking up my storage ring, a special piece of jewelry with spatial magic enchanted into it.

This thing was a gift from the tower master, but I don't think he made it as even he was a bit clueless as to how it actually worked.

Each time I wanted an item, I just had to imagine it going into the ring, and only then will it disappear and get stored inside this wonderful piece of equipment.

After a few minutes, I put on a large black cloak and packed all of the essentials, such as the necessary documents, food, water, armor, and my spear, before telling everybody my plan.

Just as I had thought, they tried to warn me and tell me not to go as it was too risky, but since I was already determined to follow through with this mission, I ignored their warnings.

Though, once I had finally stepped out the door, they wished me good luck and left Luna to explain our other plan to Bella and her siblings.

My friends would be left in the dark for now as sometimes knowing too little is bliss.

After a few hours of walking, I had reached my first destination, which was a warehouse filled to the brim with people packed in like sardines.

The sound of children crying, people complaining, wining, and just overall being miserable permeated through the air, gripping the atmosphere with an iron glove.

Everybody was miserable here but couldn't leave as the guards who I had just taken out stood tall and strong, intimidating and injuring anybody who got near… of course, I easily wiped them, though.

Once I had dragged their bodies away and infiltrated the warehouse, I made my way to the corner where I saw a few thug-looking people relaxing without a care in the world.

Plus, they seemed to have much more space and created a small base with the bunk beds everybody was given.

Though, before I could cross the barrier of bunk beds, I was stopped by a large man who immediately requested the password.

"The fourth family," I muttered, and the man was a bit taken aback before squinting at me and letting me through.

I could tell he gave a signal to the people in this base with his eyes before grumbling to himself and sitting down at the entrance.

"Welcome, brother. Are you a customer or VIP?" A man with a large fur coat asked.

"Mole," I replied, passing the second test and easing the air just a bit.

"Alright, then please follow me,"

The man took me to the very corner of the warehouse, where a trap door was covered with towels, and after jumping through it, I arrived at an even larger base.

Right now, I was in the territory of a gang that used to rule part of the city, but after the families had pressed the city, they became absolutely nothing.

Wealthy families are basically the bigger gang if you want a simple explanation.

"Lemme see your documents," The man ordered, and I quickly took them out of my storage ring, making sure everybody around me saw the mystical phenomenon.

I smirked lightly to myself when I felt at least twenty eyes scan me entirely like I was a piece of meat ready to be sold or slaughtered.

"Okay, but where is the payment?" The man asked with a large smile before stuffing my documents into his back pocket, crumbling them as if they meant nothing.

,m "I already paid with those documents. Half of those documents are confirmation of the contract and payment," I replied, but the people in front of me were too greedy to see the dire situation slowly creeping up on them.

"Woah, that's not how it works, kid. You have to pay upfront… This was just a fee to get in here,"

Everybody around me cackled like cliche villains before standing up from their seats and slowly circling around me.

"Hey, shut the fuck up and take me where I want," I said, my bloodlust scraping his forehead.

He stumbled and fell onto his ass, but in order to make sure these guys don't fuck me over on my way back, I made sure to assert myself.


I stepped onto the man's chest and broke his ribcage, the nauseating sound echoing through this dug-out base and creeping out most of the men around me.

Some tried to attack me, but I just ripped their throats out with such ease that even I was a bit surprised with my power.

I see… So training your body may not affect your status, but it definitely does help with the control over your body.

"Interesting," I muttered with a large smile.

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