Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf

Chapter 477

Chapter 477

From these competitions, Lin Feilu also possessed a clearer understanding of her sword skills and abilities. It’s definitely not comparable to Song Jinglan, an insane guy who had martial techniques that could place him on the Hero List. Nevertheless, her skills weren’t that of a bottom-feeder nor was she average, so she belonged somewhere in the ranks of an upper average martial artist.

Heroes still needed to work hard and there was still a lot of room for improvement.

But she also understood that compared with practising sword strides by herself, the progress she made from being in actual combat would actually be higher. She understood that concept when she remembered how Yan Xin travelled the world just to gain more experience from sparring. As a result, Lin Feilu enjoyed running outside the palace when she had nothing else to do, all to see if she could catch herself in an ongoing match arena and compete a bit.

Then, she discovered that there were really an abundance of matches in Lincheng.

And why did the prizes come from the Hidden Sword Villa all the time???

Was the Hidden Sword Villa doing a wholesale???

How confusing.

Even though it was still confusing to her, the games still had to be held. Just like that, she continued her journey through wins and losses. After all, the prizes from the Hidden Sword Villa were eye-catching, so it attracted some big shots of the martial world from time to time.

But she was also happy to lose since experience was gained from participating in one fight after another.

She had made rapid progress and rumours about her have already spread all over the world.

‘Ji Liang’s disciple had inherited Jimo swordsmanship’ and this sentence was always bound to be a blockbuster if just mentioned casually.

And Lin Feilu didn’t know this at all. After winter, the arena matches in Lincheng gradually disappeared, but she also had a lot of fun. She planned to take advantage of this winter to review her past experiences and learn new things before participating in battles again in the coming year!

Moreover, with how obsessed Lin Feilu was with practising her sword skills during that time, she had neglected Song Jinglan a lot. Although he never said anything, Lin Feilu was still a little bit sorry.

She decided to make up for Little Song!

That night, when Song Jinglan returned to the room after he finished handling his political affairs, he found something different inside.

The curtain on the bed was draped up by two silver hooks and a dreamy, light-coloured chiffon curtain was hung in front of the bed. A jade-coloured emerald screen was placed against the wall and a large wooden bucket beside it had been filled with hot water. Plus, the plum blossoms that have recently bloomed in the palace could be seen floating on the water.

Lin Feilu wore a chiffon dress and her long hair was scattered in front of him as her curves were faintly visible from the fabric. He stood in front of the window and asked him shyly, “Screenplay, bath play, bed play, window play(2)— which one do you want to indulge in, Your Majesty?”

(T/N: In the original novel, she actually said ‘play’ instead of the Chinese word, so Song Jinglan definitely wouldn’t have understood it)

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