Villain of my own novel

Chapter 71 70. The Orc Warrior (3).

"Growoo!" The Orc yelled, clenching both of his fists, and emitted a blood-red aura, causing small ripples as his 'aura' oozed out.

"Sh*t!" Isha cursed at her bad luck and jerked back instinctively.

'Aura' is a power that can only be awakened when fighting to death with their life on line. To date, only 5 known aura users exist in the human domain, and they are the only people who have reached the Rank-SS, which is known to be the human limit.

Humans can only release a small amount of aura along with their mana pressure, and that small amount of release is known as aura because they have not experienced or wielded that power, and those who can wield that power are known as 'Aura masters,' and they are also known as people who have surpassed the limitations of being a human.

"Grou!" the Orc yelled and dashed at Isha.

He instantly appeared in front of Isha with a shoulder charge and pushed her back.

"Ukh!" Isha groaned and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

She became dizzy after taking the shoulder charge head on and was about to pass out as she flew back with her head bent back. With her blurred vision, she noticed a white-haired figure standing cross-armed and staring at her with a nonchalant expression.

[What? Did you think it would be easy?] Eshwar scoffed at her.

[Fight dammit!] Eshwar said in outrage, telepathically.

Her blurred vision returned to normal as she spun mid-air and landed on her feet while supporting herself with her hands. She smiled slightly because she had noticed Eshwar's hands were clenched and his knuckles had turned white while she spun.

She stood back up and glanced at Eshwar from the corner of her eyes, noticing his emotion had turned dark orange, indicating worry, while he sighed in relief.

'So much for acting all nonchalant...' she thought as she dashed at the Orc, who did the same and swung his club horizontally, sending a blood red aura arc at her.


She reacted by jumping in mid-air before realizing Eshwar was standing behind her and cursing herself for dodging rather than deflecting it by changing its trajectory.

She slashed at the Orc's head both vertically and horizontally before turning back to face Eshwar. The Orc leaned to the left and bent his left knee to avoid Isha's slashes, then swung his club as his opponent turned back.

"Focus!" Eshwar yelled.

His voice echoed, causing the Orc to halt his swing, and all eyes were drawn to Eshwar, who was standing directly in front of the Orc's blood red aura arc.

Eshwar slapped the arc downward, splitting it in half and causing it to crumble away before standing cross-armed again, furrowing his brows at Isha, who stared at him in disbelief.

'That's Aura!' Isha thought.

Eshwar's palm was covered in blood red flame before he stood cross armed, which felt more denser than the one launched by the Orc warrior. Isha is a mage who takes her pride in mana perception, that was also one of the reasons why she agreed to Eshwar's nonsensical offer because mana around him was too weak for Rank- AA hero.

Isha thought that there would be nothing she had to lose by accepting a position as an assistant professor, which was... soon proved to be wrong, as she did almost all of his work of a professor except for teaching.... and she noticed that sometimes he had no mana around him at all.

She only needed a glance to realize that what Eshwar had just used was unmistakably Aura.

'Then! Isn't he the 6th Aura master in the human domain?' she asked herself.

"Focus! You're in a fight! How dare you take your eyes off of your opponent? Do you know a split second is enough to end a life?" Eshwar snarled at Isha in outrage.

'.... He's right..' she thought and turned to face the Orc warrior she was fighting with.

"Sh*t...." She mumbled, her gaze fixed on the Orc warrior's club, which was only a foot away from her head, and stared at the Orc warrior, who looked at Eshwar with a mixture of disbelief, fear, and awe written all over his face.

"Hello?" she asked and waved her hand at the Orc warrior.

"Grr?" he turned to face Isha and looked bewildered for a brief moment before jumping back on his foot.

"..... Grrirug." He said, bowed politely and pointed his club at her again.

Isha followed the movements and resumed their fight.

[He apologized and thanked you for not attacking him while he was in his trance..... Fight properly! Because your opponent is respecting your fight, which you will 'absolutely never' find in human domain.] Eshwar explained, telepathically which sounded a bit disappointed.

'Wha.... Right.' She imprinted that in her mind and fought her fight without underestimating or disrespecting her opponent, which cleared something off her heart and allowed her to fight more respectfully and calmly.


"Ha!" She exclaimed and slashed at her opponent with her first heartfelt slash, which connected without any unnecessary movement, while her mana perception assisted her in noticing that her mana strength had slightly increased and was now, involuntarily surrounding her.

[That was a good slash, the stress you have accumulated seems to be slowly leaving your body.] Eshwar said.

'Why?' she thought, as if he had heard her thoughts.

[Why you ask? Because of what you felt when you slashed just now..... You enjoyed that didn't you?] He replied and asked.

'Yes.' She thought.

[That's it! Good! Slash to your hearts content and enjoy what you want and do what you want!] He said.

'I just have to do that?' she thought as if she was asking herself.

[Do you recall what I told Katline? I told her that I want her to live her life the way I love to live mine. If you've seen me, you know that I do what I want and say what I want, but when I don't have a choice, I do what I think is best....] He said.

[However, my friends sometimes know what I'm thinking; I'm not sure how they do that... Maybe because I spent so much time with them?] He continued, as if he was talking to himself, and forgot that he was telepathically communicating with her.

'That's because your face says it all!' she thought.

[.... Well, anyway. It doesn't matter, live your life the way you want and f**k the others.... Not literally though.] He said.

"Hahaha." Isha laughed out loud while panting and slashed at the Orc warrior, who had several cuts all over his body and was slowly but steadily healing.

She slashed diagonally at the Orc's chest and spun around, giving Eshwar a bright warm smile that changed his emotion's colour from orange to light orange with streaks of lime green and green colours, while his ears and cheeks turned rosy.

'Light orange- surprised, lime green- mesmerized and green- happy huh...' she thought amid her smile and pants.

The Orc warrior healed all of his wounds while gasping for air as his eyes slowly began to roll back, the Orc warrior had used all of his stamina into healing so that he could continue fighting his opponent.

She stopped fighting and respectfully bowed to her opponent; she, too, was tired of fighting and just wanted to flop on her bed while she was lost in her own reverie. Eshwar approached the Orc warrior, stared at him, and bowed politely.

"Grirug." He said.

"Rigurui." Eshwar said as he grabbed the club used by the Orc warrior, swung it a few times, and pulled out a 3-metre-long red rod.

As a thank you, he formed a thick layer of axe head on the rod, creating a massive war axe, and offered it to the Orc warrior who fought Isha.

"Grirug!" the Orc warrior accepted the axe and bowed respectfully.

"Grr rigrrui giri." Eshwar said to the Orc warrior, turned around, and walked towards Isha, his ears turning red as he met her gaze.

"Want a potion?" he asked.

"..." Isha stood there silently and noticed that the sun was almost down.

".... Did you just notice?" he asked.

"Yea, that was fun." She mumbled.

"Says the person with broken bones. Ribs, forearm and a dislocated shoulder..." he listed all the damage on her body.

"Ack, Ukh!" she started to groan in pain after noticing all the damage, she contained.

"Drink this!" he took out a green potion and made her drink it.

"You reckless!" he scolded.

"What's that supposed to be? A scolding?" she asked looking at him, dumbfounded.

"What am I supposed to do? I don't know any healthy scolding!" he said with a flushed face.

'How cute' she thought and laughed out loud.

"Ahem, I recommend you wearing the t-shirt you wore during the morning...." he said while staring at her forehead.

"..... Why? And why are you looking at my forehead?" Isha asked.

".... Um, because I don't know where else to look at!" He mumbled while staring at the sky, which had turned a bright orange almost the same colour as his eyes.

"... You'll know if you look at yourself." He responded by waving his hand, and an ice mirror appeared in front of her, while the air around it turned visibly white and oozed out of the mirror's sides, giving it a majestic feel.

"..." Isha looked in the mirror and noticed that her clothes were stuck to her skin due to all of her sweat.

".... You perv!" she said with a flushed face and took out the t-shirt she wore in the morning from her inventory.

".... I'll take that as a compliment..." he answered back while he walked off, whistling.

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