Villain of my own novel

Chapter 378 374. Vine (4).

Chapter 378  374. Vine (4).


A character that was supposed to be the final boss of my novel of I ever wrote another part as a closure of that series.

I had, of course, only remembered that name as a sense of Deja Vu slapped me in the face. Similar to those that were increasing upon me returning to this world, more so after I started the arc of the apocalypse.

I have a, what to say....a condition? If there was something that managed to incite my curiosity, then it better be satiated without delay, if not then,

I would annoyed the more it got delayed.

It was also due to this I would intervene the moment I got curious, of course, I would ignore it entirely if it seemed like the answer Vine just felt so natural that it was strangely strange. And he just fit the description I had thought of if I ever wrote the character Vine, would be too boring, the same reason I would use the whole of my strength in fights after a few moments of playing around.

The reason I hadn't gotten enough leisure to play around with "Eshwar" was also because he too, just like me, began to get irritated and though coincidentally, brought Isha together with him to meet me upon the time I had called for him with the clock of fate.

'Well, it is irritating to not know of something you only know half of.' I thought and nodded to myself.

And Vine,

I gazed at the existence I had named Vine that had gotten his sh*t together. It was only for a split second, but that name abruptly flashed in my mind when I saw VV, as he previously called himself.

Vine just felt so natural that it was strangely strange. And he just fit the description I had thought of if I ever wrote the character Vine, so perfectly that it was just.....


'I need answers.' I muttered as spiritual energy flickered in my consciousness.

I focused the spiritual energy on my senses and the world that was being sensed upon, changed, since the authority of the Black Ink, and the ability of Frost had merged with my existence, the world in my domain flickered with an unseen ripple and the world changed as I sensed it.

The world I was currently in had turned black, pitch-black, with not even a hint of light seen around. But, it wasn't long until a humongous blob of blinding white light manifested in the pitch-black world that I was sensing, that couldn't be felt no matter how much I tried as if that humongous blob didn't even exist.

'It is either too strong or it really doesn't exist....'

'Well, I had learned that the world is vast in a hard way, I shouldn't think that I am the strongest, nor should I think that Isha and Eunomia are, who are clearly stronger than me, to be the strongest.....'

That thought wasn't me underestimating them, it was me not overestimating them, there is a difference.

"Huuu...." I exhaled as thin lines of similar blinding light manifested in a flash and ceased to move.

'Light speed....' I thought as I gazed at those thin lines that had extended out from all around the pitch-black world which I could sense, and seemed to be numbering to the infinite.

What were these?

Soul links.

Or at least that's what I call them.

All of those lines were souls of everything to ever exist.

If you want a practical answer in a world where "practical" didn't really apply nor matter. Then, they were the energies of every existence to ever exist.

As Einstein said, "Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be changed from one from to another."

Everything I was looking at was pure, absolute energy.

If I want to make one feel a pain they would want to never ever want to feel even in however many lives they are destined to live, I merely have to grab hold of their soul link, and it is literally game over for them.


To merely grab hold of their soul link

'I have to find it first.'

If I could find one whenever I wanted so easily, wouldn't I be the most threatening existence to ever exist?

Now that I think about it, it certainly does sound cool be called as such.

'Should I try if it works?'




[Here.] My glitched system that I thought to have already been merged with the system responded.

[Waiting for the orders of the creator.] And the system too appeared.

'Search for 'Vine's' soul.' I commanded the system, I didn't know if it could see where I was, or whether it could interfere with this place where I had managed to arrive, but whatever it was, I'll knew soon enough.

[User 'Vine's' soul is existing in a physical body of flesh, blood, and veins.] The system responded as if it was something only it could tell.

'Seems like I expected too much....'




'Wow, finally something is starting to go my way, without me forcing it to!' I exclaimed inwardly.

Soon, with a system prompt of the completion of the given task, a thin soul link came into sight as those around it seemed to disappear from my sights.

'This.... Is Vine's soul?' I muttered in my consciousness.

It too was a circuit-like link that seemed to be connected to two different things (?), but it was thin, so thin that it almost even made me discard the idea to grab hold of it.


I needed answers.

If I grab hold of it and send my own spiritual energy into it, I might figure out the source of his creation and the history behind it. With those thoughts, I discarded my hesitation and reached out to grab hold of the soul link,


'Whistle~' I whistled when my body jolted awake as my ethereal eyes focused on Vine's figure that had punched my chest with one of the many humongous arms reaching out from the cracked space.

'Well, well, well, look at my carelessness ~' I muttered in my consciousness, but by the next moment, those very words resounded throughout my domain in a hoarse, unidentifiable, genderless and hypnotic voice.

The voice was loud enough to force Vine to cover his ears and nearly squash his own head in between his palms, as he trembled violently, while the group behind him giggled and glanced around the domain in awe, since they merely heard playfulness in my voice while Vine heard the most domineering voice of absolute strength.

"You aren't relying on the memories of Vinny and Vassago, I see." I eventually spoke out loud as I stared at Vine with a curious gaze that unveiled my desire to learn his reply.

"....." Vine, who seemed to have understood my gaze, nodded his head without a single change in his expression even while his body "You would have been desperately trying to escape instead of fighting me." I clarified as I simply gazed at him, curious to know of shuddered.

"Well, it's merely an advice, but you should make use of such informative memories, because if you were smart enough and knew how to make use of those memories,"

"You would have been desperately trying to escape instead of fighting me." I clarified as I simply gazed at him, curious to know of his next course of actions.

"Why-" Vine spoke, but as soon as that word came out of his mouth,

"Haaaa...." I sighed in disappointment.

[What did I expect from a new-born, anyway...] My thoughts resounded in the domain even without me doing so voluntarily. I noticed Vine furrow his brows at me in confusion,unable to understand the "new-born" part.

Which I muttered since he, who had become a new existence after both Vinny's and Vassago's souls merged, technically (?) was a new-born.

"Because if you did as I advised, you would have known that in a domain its creator is the absolute."



Before Vine's mind understood the meaning behind my words, the snap of my fingers erased the existence of the cracks mid-space around Vine without even a momentary delay.

"!!??" Vine flapped his bat-like wings and shot back as if the distance would buy him time, while fear enveloped him as understanding dawned upon him.

[Where are you going?]

With a flick of my fingers, Vine was brought back in front of me as he abruptly clapped and joined his palms together and stretched out wide open by the next instance.

"DOMAIN OF THE NEWER!" He roared atop his lungs as his chest pumped up.


I weakened my domain enough for his domain to meet with enough resistance before overpowering my domain, since everything existing in my domain would still remain within thanks to Eunomia, who would take control as soon as I release my control over it, nothing should be noticeable to Isha, Zephyr, and Jewel.



"Hehehe!!' Vine's not funny enough laugh resounded, creepily.

As a pink coloured domain enveloped me, Seo Hana, Katline, Grace, Neal, Reynolds, Hannah, Louie, Core, Arngrim, Frostine, Amanda, Gerry, Greg, Simon, Ash, Clifford, Dominic, and Belinda, of course, its creator, Vine, included.

'... Pink?'

Why is it pink?

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