Villain of my own novel

Chapter 180 179. Something Is Wrong (2).

"Was it a lizard-mans gate?" Isha mumbled as she remembered the details she was briefed with when she entered the gate.

"....Why are there trolls then?" Isha mumbled as she felt the presence of trolls from her divine pulse.

"Their habitats wary greatly...." She frowned.

Trolls have pale green skin complexion, their eyes are bulged out rather than like those of humans, their average height is 13 feet tall and four humans wide, they are described to dwell in isolated areas of rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings.

Trolls are still known to be dangerous to humans, and their appearance varies greatly; they can be ugly and slow-witted, or they can look and behave exactly like humans, with no particularly grotesque characteristic about them.


"...." Isha rushed towards the swamp, lunging herself onto the trees to get to the place where she had just felt the presence of trolls.


She spun vertically and slashed down a lizard-man, who had seen her through their trichromatic vision rather than their thermal vision, which is also known as 'Third Eye.'

Though humans don't seem to know about it yet, lizardmen tend to have very good eyesight. They rely primarily on their vision to find food and evade predators. In most regards, they can see just as well, if not better, than humans! Their 'thermal vision,' as it is commonly known to humans, is just used to sense changes in light or darkness, so they don't have to depend on their eyesight.


The lizard-man's body was split in two and fell on to the swamp, since Isha was curious about when these changes, about how and why two different species of monsters spawning in the a single gate, she crouched down, placed her hand on its head.

'Authority: Ruler of the death.' She muttered in her mind and her sclera turned black while her obsidian black eyes turned dark purple.

'Time of the change. Other species in the swamp.' Isha mumbled in her mind, hoping those could be the clues and that it would be easier to find the information if she searched for something specific rather than going through the entire memory of the lizard-man.


The 'dead' lizard-man's consciousness was dragged into hers; since Isha is superior to the lizard-man in all terms, it was much easier to get hold of its consciousness, and since it had died at her hands, the fear of death remained in its consciousness.

Isha appeared in the blank space in front of the trembling lizard-man's consciousness, which was chained from all directions; she floated towards it and placed her hand on its head, and a swarm of information appeared in her mind that contained the 'time' and 'place' in which the trolls appeared as she was in that place herself.


She released her grip on its head when she got what she wanted and let its consciousness slip away.


'Authority: Shadow lord.' She mumbled as her consciousness returned to the swamp.



A one-metre-wide, pitch-black magic circle appeared in front of Isha with at least a dozen signs, patterns, and circuits. A single armoured shadowy woman rose from the magic circle and knelt in front of Isha, displaying deep respect.

"Hunt down all the trolls in this gate." Isha ordered with a deep frown on her beautiful face. The shadowy woman flinched at those words, and without saying a word, she disappeared from Isha's sight.

"These basta*d's are from the world I previously lived in!" Isha mumbled under her breath and bit her lower lip in rage.

'Did the Gods already notice me?'

"No, no, that shouldn't be possible." Isha shook her head and dismissed that possibility.

'They..... have yet to be properly allowed to interfere with the Earth; they shouldn't be able to sense me yet, and I have been getting stronger over the past month and a half. Even if they are somehow able to interfere, they will have to specifically search for me if they want to find me!' Isha reasoned and dashed forward towards the 'family' of trolls.

"....why is this happening?" Isha mumbled while slaughtering all the lizardmen and trolls that appeared in front of her while her shadow swallowed everything that she cut down. 'Mana cores' were separately stored in her 'subspace.'

"It can't be a coincidence that they spawned at the same time I ascended to godhood again in this life." Isha mumbled and appeared in front of a cave covered in thick, dark green vines that seemed to have naturally developed over the cave; if she had been just a normal hero, or if she hadn't known exactly what it was, she too would have ignored it.



".... It's gross. Seems like tentacles." She mumbled with a disgusted expression and entered the cave.

Everything around her turned dark as soon as the vines returned to their place and sunlight protruded through them like lasers. The only light source in that cave was the dots of sunlight from the outside.

"It's better like this for me."

'Authority: Shadow lord.' She muttered again; though just a thought was enough for her to use her powers, she wanted to at least mutter some basic names to the outside, just because. And soon dozens of purple dots were visible in front of her.

"Keep the strongest alive." She ordered with a domineering aura around her, and the purple dots disappeared. Those were the shadow soldiers she had over time in this life, and the one who was previously summoned through the magic circle was the one from her previous life. Though it was only a low-ranking soldier of hers from her previous life, it could easily rank as a Rank-SS hero in the human domain.


TAK-TAK (5x)

Isha walked to the dead end of the cave and saw a dozen purple dots again. She raised her left hand and pointed out her index finger, which glowed golden and illuminated the entire cave, which was filled with dark green blood and pale green fingers, limbs, heads, and chopped-off bodies of the trolls, and there was one limbless troll alive beneath the foot of five shadowy figures while the rest of the figures surrounded them while standing on a puddle of dark green blood.

"Now" Isha crouched down in front of the limbless troll which was bleeding profusely.

"Which. God. Do. You. Serve?"

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