Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 150: The Martial Expert

Chapter 150: The Martial Expert

Gu Wanyu conveyed the good news of gaining control over the Li family to Chen Luo.

“However, some people have started suspecting me of killing those members of the Li family.”

“It’s normal for them to suspect you, it would be strange if they didn’t.”

Chen Luo wasn’t surprised that the Li family members suspected Gu Wanyu. First of all, Li Ting’s death put the biggest suspicion on Gu Wanyu. The others also had ambitions and opposed Li Qiwen’s control over the Li family. Those who were suddenly killed by assassins–could there be any suspect other than Gu Wanyu?

“Just gradually eliminate those people.”

Neither of them was the type to be soft-hearted. For those who might become obstacles, they were bound to be dealt with sooner or later. If the people of the Li family were obedient, it was fine. If not, they might as well kill them all.

“Li Hai was the one who openly doubted me during the family meeting. Should we get rid of him first?”

Li Hai clearly intended to oppose her, and Gu Wanyu was not planning to let him go.

“He’s smart. Openly doubting you, if you eliminate him now, wouldn’t that tell the other members of the Li family that it was indeed you?”

“So you mean we shouldn’t kill him yet?”

“No, you’re wrong. The more he behaves like this, the more we need to kill him.” Chen Luo smiled faintly, “Even if others find out, what can they do without evidence? It might even serve as a warning.”

By making an example, they would show that those who disobey would die, which would make the ambitious members of the Li family fall in line.

“I’ll have Elsa handle it. Just send me his information,” Chen Luo told Gu Wanyu.

“Alright, I’ll send you his information right now, and I’ll join you once I’m less busy.”

Gu Wanyu was very busy dealing with all matters concerning the Li family. Although she would rather be with Chen Luo, she had to endure it for now to ensure his plans didn’t go to waste.

“I’ll come to see you when I have some free time, and I’ll bring some helpers with me.”

Chen Luo knew Gu Wanyu’s capabilities were limited, especially in managing a company, so he planned to send some talented individuals to assist her. These talents could be traded from the system as artificial beings who are completely loyal to Chen Luo and work without requiring a salary.

“Then it’s settled. You must come.”

Gu Wanyu was very excited and looking forward to Chen Luo’s visit after hearing his promise.

Chen Luo called Elsa over just as Gu Wanyu sent the information.

“Elsa, eliminate this person, but be cautious. He might be on guard,” Chen Luo instructed Elsa.

Since the man dared to voice suspicions about Gu Wanyu, he would certainly be prepared if he wasn’t a fool.

“Chun Mei, you go with Elsa too.”

To be extra cautious, Chen Luo decided to send Chun Mei along with Elsa.

“Master, I can complete the task on my own.”

“It’s just to be safe. You’re not worried that Chun Mei will hold you back, are you?”

Elsa was certainly not worried about Chun Mei being a liability. She was well aware of Chun Mei’s strength. She herself had been no match for Chun Mei in the past. Even after Chen Luo had enhanced her abilities, Elsa was still not confident she could outmatch her. The two were evenly matched, although Elsa was more skilled in assassination.

Since Chen Luo had suggested sending Chunmei as a precaution, Elsa didn’t object.


“The two of you, my safety is in your hands.”

Li Hai was very courteous to a couple around thirty years old.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Li. We take the money, we do the job.”

Xu Ping, facing Li Hai, didn’t dare to put on airs. He and his wife needed to earn money from Li Hai, who was now their employer.

Though they were martial artists, they dared not flaunt their skills before Li Hai. The society of today could not be ruled by fists alone.

“Here’s a card with five million in it, as your compensation,” Li Hai said as he placed a bank card in front of Xu Ping.

“Mr. Li, wasn’t it agreed to be three million?”

The additional two million was beyond the couple’s expectations.

“You two masters are worth five million, consider the extra as a way to make friends.”

Li Hai was trying to ingratiate himself with these two genuine experts, who were not like those so-called masters exposed as frauds on the internet.

He had seen Xu Ping split a stone with a single palm strike, a genuine stone without any trickery involved. The bodyguards he had hired for a high price previously couldn’t withstand more than three moves against these two.

If it weren’t for their restraint in not wanting to cause serious injuries, they could have knocked down his hired bodyguards in just one move.

“Mr. Li, you flatter us. We really can’t consider ourselves as masters.”

Although he said this, Xu Ping’s face bore a hint of pride. Nowadays, not many practice martial arts, and even fewer reach the level of ‘Ming Jin’—the level of manifesting power. They were among those rare individuals.

Due to the declining number of martial artists in modern society, genuine masters were even rarer. Besides their own master, they had yet to meet any worthy opponents.

But strictly speaking, they indeed couldn’t be considered grandmasters. Those who had reached ‘An Jin’ were considered highly skilled, and only those who had achieved ‘Hua Jin’ were recognized as grandmasters.

Because there were so few practitioners, sometimes even those who reached ‘An Jin’ were referred to as grandmasters.

Although they might not be considered top experts, they were more than capable of handling ordinary people.

While they were exchanging compliments, Elsa and Chun Mei had already arrived outside Li Hai’s villa.

“We should sneak in.”

“Do we need to sneak? Wouldn’t it be quicker to just go in and kill? We are wearing human skin masks, so we don’t have to worry about being recognized,” Chun Mei said, kicking open the villa’s door, as Elsa watched speechlessly.

Then Elsa followed Chun Mei in. Naturally, Li Hai’s villa was guarded by bodyguards, and he had even hired additional security for his own safety.

“Mr. Li, there’s some noise outside,” Xu Ping immediately stood up.

“Such audacity.”

Li Hai’s face soured, having never seen such brazen killers who would storm right up to his door.

“Please handle this,” Li Hai said, quickly making his way upstairs.

A wise man did not stand under a collapsing wall, especially when the assailants might have guns. If they did, Li Hai doubted that the two martial artists could protect him.

“Don’t worry, we don’t take money for nothing,” Xu Ping’s wife said calmly.

The couple was confident, unafraid even if the assailants were armed. They couldn’t outspeed bullets, but they could react as soon as the guns were aimed, dodging in advance.

When Xu Ping and his wife came out, all the bodyguards outside had already been knocked out. Even if those guards were armed, they were no match for Chun Mei and Elsa.

“These are skilled fighters,” Xu Ping’s wife, Miao Zhi, cautioned him.

Ten guards taken down so swiftly indicated they were dealing with experts.

“Could they be better than us?”

Having faced no real challenge for a while, Xu Ping had grown arrogant.

“I’ll take on the slightly taller one, you handle the other.”

Xu Ping charged at Elsa with great speed, a look of surprise flashing in her eyes. His speed was formidable. The old her might not have been able to react, but now he was well within her ability to handle.

She stepped back to dodge his punch, then with a knife in hand, she stabbed at Xu Ping’s neck. Elsa was an assassin, and her strikes were aimed at vital points.

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