Versatile System Online

Chapter 362 Unlocking A Legacy

Chapter 362 Unlocking A Legacy

Away from the core of the forest,

The battle between the controlled of tree and humans forces aligned with the forest lords raged on. It went on with full vigor as blood was shed everywhere.

At the moment, both sides were in a stalemate. The beasts outnumbered the humans and Warmacks but they lacked the wits and brains to use their advantages. Attacking liked rabid animals only made them susceptible to damage whereas humans exploited this as much as they could and killed many beasts.

However, these were only the low level beasts. The real issues started with the Calamity Realmed and Celestials who stood atop the food chain. The humans couldn't fight them as their powers were far too great for humans to counter. Not to mention the fact that these beasts were as intelligent as the humans.

Therefore, while the humans took out the low leveled beasts, the stronger ones repaid the favor in full. Only that the casualties on the human sides were barely any.

The reason for this was simple. The humans had two outstanding healers who even brought those on the verge of death to life and given how these healers kept on fighting as well as healing everyone, one could imagine their talents and the threat they posed to the beasts and their armies.

The commanders of the beast army naturally saw this and changed their orders. The priority now was changed to the healers as the order was given to aim at the two healers and try and kill them in anyway possible.

This altered the course of battle greatly, leading to the strange stalemate where humans and Warmacks circled around the two healers and did their all to protect them while the beasts pounced on them from every side.

"We need to do something and fast," Aliya shouted at the head nurse. Her body screamed of danger every time a beast pounced on her, only for the beast to be taken down by a group of students alongside her or by the Warmacks.

However well the situation may seem to her, Aliya was dead scared. It was her first battle and she wanted nothing but to be left alone now. Her eyes were and her whole body screamed in pain. She had been injured many times and with her being unable to heal herself, her only respite from injuries was the head nurse; who herself dealt with two Celestials at once while also healing many people on the battlefield.

This chaotic mess of a battle was impacting Aliya in the worst way possible. Coming from a long line of healers, her family was one of aristocracy and the highest ones at that. Forget war, she hadn't experienced such bloodshed ever.

Looking at everything here, her mind was unable to process anything. Knowing that she was panicking and it wouldn't help in the situation, Aliya started to think of the good things in the life.

She thought of her friends, her family and everyone who had helped her stand where she was. She thought of the times when she and Elina used to team up together to prank Ray in the start of the academy. Remembering his serious face full of awkwardness really made her smile as she realized.

She wasn't doing this for some stranger, but for herself. She was fighting these beasts for her happiness, for her future and for her friends. Aella was still captured and these damned beasts were rampaging around as if they owned the world.

Thinking all this, her anger rose as something snapped inside her. Her lustrous hair turned milky white while the crystal on top of her staff shone a resplendent light. She didn't know what was happening but right now, she felt it was the right thing to happen and hence she let the changes occur.

Her body started to float in the air as the pain she had been feeling up till now reduced to a minimum. The mana coursing in her body started to channel in a specific path, flowing through certain points of her body as the sounds of something snapping was heard from various points inside her.

A rushing current was created while her heart started to beat like a drum. Blood rushed to her mind as a sudden clarity hit her. Her eyes opened wide, a whitish gleam shining in them as she smiled gently.

A milky aura covered her body as it turned into a mist that constantly revolved around her. In front of her eyes, the system came online as a notification pinged,

[Conditions met:- Legacy Unlocked ],

Reading the notification, Aliya was as confused as anyone else would be but she didnt have the time for that. The beasts were closing in rapidly while the humans were falling down more and more.

The head nurse couldn't heal them all at once and hence, Aliya had to do something but the problem was that how? She wasn't a Celestial and given her powers, she was barely in the intermediate tier of the Magical Realm, not to mention most of her powers being available for healing one person at a time.

While thinking, another notification sounded;

[Legacy Skills Unlocked,]

[First Legacy Skill:- Life Aura],

[Description:- An aura spreads from the user, granting the surrounding teammates support while any enemy that comes in contact with the aura suffers from damage as their life force is stolen to compensate for the healing to allies],

The description was simple and didn't explain much but Aliya understood what it meant and just this much had her eyes widened.

"Activate Legacy Skill, Life Aura," As she called, the remaining mana she had was gone out in a single second. Feeling dizzy from the sudden mana loss; she looked around her as she held her staff tightly. All around her, a whitish mist had spread and within that mist, she could see particles of light constantly moving around and interacting with their surroundings.

However, the mist was only visible to Aliya. To others, they just felt a small wave of mana pass over them and after that, their bodies felt better as they started to heal.

But this was just for the allies because the enemies felt the exact opposite of what humans felt. Their bodies were suddenly feeling heavy. Like someone was sucking their life out of them, the beasts started to weaken as damage piled upon them.

Seeing this, the beasts turned wary for the first time during the whole battle and the humans took it as their cue. They were feeling better than ever and seeing the beasts suddenly turning weak, they pounced forward and took the offensive.

Seeing all this, even the head nurse changed her stance as she lured the beast Celestials into the aura released by Aliya. The aura sucked life force from the Celestials and although the amount it sucked was very little due to the innate resistance the beast Celestials had against the skill, the quality was top notch.

The life aura nurtured the humans and the Warmacks as the battle started to shift towards the humans side as they gained an upper hand while for the first time during the whole battle, the beasts had fear in their eyes.

The seeds of control in their minds were weakening not just because of fear of death but also due to the fact that the tree was greatly disturbed and it's influence on its subjects was starting to weaken.

The first of feel the change were the beast Celestials. Their consciousness was the strongest and they were very cautious of their lives. The fear of death mixed with the realization that their bodies might not be under their control made them even more vulnerable. Their thoughts were fuzzy and their actions were slow.

And soon enough, one of the Celestial that fought against the head nurse made a mistake. It missed its target and instead hit the Celestial behind the head nurse. This caused a small dispute between the two Celestials as the head nurse took her changed and replaced her staff for the kamas she had previously used. The kamas gleamed in the sunlight as right after, they pierced through the heart of one of the Celestials,


"Squelchhh," the sound of a Celestial's heart being pierced rang in the battle field as complete silence reigned for a few seconds. Seeing this, the other Celestial went into shock as its eyes turned blood red.

Angered by the loss of its partner, the other Celestial pounced on the head nurse and attacked without a care for its life.

The head nurse smirked at the Celestial as she blurred from her place and appeared a few meters away.

She taunted the Celestial as it got even angrier and roared in the air. Marching forward, it made a run for the head nurse as she jumped high in the air and appeared right above the Celestial. Her Kamas shone and the next second, another Celestial fell to the ground.

Looking at the weak Celestials laying dead in front of her, she looked far into the forest and shouted,

"Pesky Minotaur, come out and fight. I know you used those hatchlings to observe my strength. If you have done enough, come fight me and end it all,"

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