Versatile System Online

Chapter 360 Ray's Transformation

360  Ray's Transformation

"Let's go!" Elina held Tim's arm as they both around the tree's perimeter, looking for the opening in its trunk.

"Are you sure its here?" Elina asked Emma through the telepathic link as she heard an affirmation from the other side, "Then where is it?" Elina muttered as she kept on looking around, even going as far as to poke at the trunk of the tree.

"Elina!" Tim called.

"What happened doofus?" Asked Elina, annoyed that her brother wasn't doing any word but instead distracting her more and more. Ignoring her brother, she kept on searching.

However, Tim didn't relent as he kept on calling out to her, even poking her shoulder continuously, "The hell with you!" She turned around in anger. Only to see her brother staring up at the tree.

A few meters above the ground, the trunk seemed to expand as a hole as large as a man was there.

"The entrance isn't down here but up there," Tim said while Elina simply nodded. All this time, they had been looking at the wrong place. She had thought that the entrance must have been down near the ground but instead, it was high in the air. A dozen feet higher and from their point of view, it was pretty hard for them to get up there.

"This damned tree," Cursed Elina as she kicked the tree in anger. The tree was huge and given its size, it would take them some time to climb up. Time they didn't have, not to mention the fact that they weren't even sure if they would be able to climb the tree easily.

"It will alert the tree," Tim spoke as he tried to think of something but no ideas came. He could see only one option and that was taking the gamble and climbing the tree. If they got caught, so be it.

"It's our only option," Tim said to Elina as he stood straight and activated his ability. A bronze sheen covered his body as Tim straightened his back and gestured Elina to use him as a ladder.

"You sure?" Elina asked, a bit uncertain if she should be the one to go there.

"Yes I'm sure. Now go. I will keep watch," Saying those words, Tim took out his shield and then grounded it next to him. Using it as a support, he looked back at his sister and waited for her to climb up.

"Here goes nothing," Elina said to herself as she calmed her nerves. Taking a couple of steps back, she planted her feet on the ground and crouched down slightly. With her eyes full of determination, mana pumped to her legs as an energized feeling coursed through his feet.

And with a push, she took off. Kicking off above the ground, a cloud of dust rose behind her as she ran straight at Tim.

Looking his sister run at him, Tim simply smiled and braced for impact. As he did, Elina reached him and planted her feet on his back. Then using him as a springboard, she pushed up with all her strength as she flew straight up.

The hole in the tree coming closer and closer to her, she kept herself ready. Her arms almost reaching the edge of the hole, she touched the tree's trunk with her feet and pushed once again, clearing the distance between the hole and herself, finally grabbing onto the edges of the hole. She hanged for a few moment before pulling herself up and going inside.

Tim watched it all from below, a smile on his face that disappeared the moment Elina went inside the hole. Turning around, he held his shield straight and stood guard. His sister was going to rescue other while he would make sure that no one thwarted their plans.


The battle between the tree and Ray's mother was still ongoing. The tree's canopy was on fire while Ray's mother constantly used hit and run tactics to keep the tree's attacks at bay. The strategy was such that no side got the upper hand but both were equally occupied that they couldn't get distracted for even a single second and that meant a win for Ray's mother.

After all, she wasn't alone but the tree sure was. It was fighting on its own and with it not being able to divert its attention somewhere else, it only gave Ray and the rest of them an opening to exploit while the tree was kept busy.

At the base, the tree's trunk was lighting as the reddish veins running through it started to glow. Seeing this, Sirius realized that the tree was probably preparing for a bigger attack, to try and get out of the stalemate.

"Not so fast," He muttered as his body changed into that of a Werewolf. Running forward, his claws opened up as a dark armor appeared over his skin, fused into his very flesh; the gleam on his claws shone a deadly glint as he swiped in an X. His swipe was infused with mana and he had aimed it directly at the reddish veins running through the trunk. However, he slash seemed to have offered little to no resistance as the energy flowed through effortlessly.

"There are more veins too," Sirius realized as he used another strategy. Taking out his spear, he infused it with all his mana and took a step back. Readying himself, his hands tightened around the grip while his muscles tensed up. The air came to a still as the very next moment, the his arm turned into a blur.

Followed by that we hundreds and hundreds of slashed within a few seconds that Sirius had started with his spear. The enemy might have been old and ancient but not immortal. With his last attack at the tree, he knew he could hurt it and damage it too but he needed to speed up and do as much damage as he could.

After all, even though a single slash wasn't much, it wasn't same for hundreds of slashes being done at the same time. The damage would pile and the tree would eventually feel it and thwart was exactly what Sirius aimed for. He kept in slashing with his spear nonstop as the tree finally felt a minuscule difference in the energy it had been gathering.

It wanted to look down and see which pest was causing an issue to its plans but the damned woman in the air kept on attacking.

"Nice work Sirius," Ray thought as he looked down at his own arms. It was the first time he had used all his bloodline strength to transform after Mag'ladroth and FengFeng gave him full authority to the two parts of his bloodline and he wont be lying if he said that he wasn't satisfied.

A lot of things had changed from the last time and by looking at how things were, the influence of phoenix blood had increased too.

His eyes were still in the shape of slits but an unnatural flame burned in them while the wings sprouting out from his back had feathers on them. He could feel a connection to those feathers, as if a great purpose they served but he didn't know what it was they did.

Along with that, his hands were more scalier while his claws were sharper than before. His skin was full of scales that unlike the previous faint ones, were prominent and showed truly that they hailed from the draconic lineage.

"It's the physical strength that's different," Ray thought to himself as he clenched his fist. Right now, he was feeling as if he could clench the whole world in his hands but he knew that it was nothing but an illusion that his strength represented.

"It's gonna be fun," feeling his blood rush with excitement, Ray flapped his wings as he took to the air. The Yagdrassil staff in his hands, he pumped his mana into it as he made a temporary imprint on it.

Given the staff's nature, a permanent imprint would have taken time while right now, he didn't have much time while the temporary imprint was enough for what he was attempting to do anyways.

"Hmm, I can do that too?" Ray thought as he followed his instincts and pumped mana through the feathers on his wings. As he did, the feathers suddenly burned as a fire blazed over them. However, it wasn't the usual fire but purplish flame that burned coldly without any heat.

"Strange," Ray muttered as he continued to fly at the tree. Not knowing that he had unlocked the legendary flames of times that only the great Temporal Phoenixes ever unlocked.

Rushing at the tree, he channeled a bit of his mana through the staff, feeling a connection to it; he smiled as he got what he needed to do. Yagdrassil was the world tree and it had knowledge from all over the universe and with his contract, he realized what he had to do to defeat it.

"So it's weakness is the essence of Yagdrassil itself,"


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