Versatile System Online

Chapter 345 Regrouping With The Head Nurse

"Emma, you are up next," Ray said as he stood atop a tree. His eyes peered into the distance as he felt the dense mana fluctuate within the forest. Knowing what it was and how little time remained, he let Emma start searching.

Emma nodded as her eyes turned a shade of blue. Blueish aura covered her body fully as a small sphere of aura appeared in the middle of her hands. Looking up in the sky, her eyes opened wide; their color different from before as a blue light shone in them.

Looking at her and the changes she experienced, Ray knew that it would be a bit before Emma located the head nurse. Until then, he ordered everyone to ready themselves and kill any enemy that crosses them.

In short, Ray was giving them free reign to kill as many beasts as they could. After all, that was what they were here for and Ray wanted nothing more than to rip apart those beasts who had dared to capture his loved ones.

Waiting for some time, blood splattered on the ground as multiple beasts who were still moving towards the core of the forest were killed unceremoniously. Their corpses being tossed aside while their mana cores were harvested out of their bodies. For the time being, all the mana cores were being given to Noah as he used their powers to power his spirits that he had bonded with.

Ray looked up and noticed that Emma was almost done with tracking the head nurse. As the aura covering her slowly receded, she floated back to the ground and sat near a tree with a sigh. Her forehead had beads of sweat falling down it as what she had done was a very exhausting task for her.

"Here, this will help," Ray gave her two potions; a mana recovery potion and an energizing potion that revitalized the mind and body.

Taking the potions, she gulped them in one go as her breathing stabilized and color returned to her face.

After a few moments of respite, she looked up at Ray and nodded at him, "I have mapped the whole forest along with all the energy signatures," She spoke as Ray nodded and sent a telepathic message to his close friends to regroup back with him.

As everyone came back, Ray created a makeshift tent using the supplies in his spatial storage. Waiting for them, he looked down at the ground, worry evident in his eyes as he hoped that Aella would remain safe. Along with that worry was a tinge of anger that he contained well, knowing it wasn't the time and place to lose control over his emotion.

"Don't worry, we will find her before any harm comes to her," Sirius; who stood behind him, said. He was also worried and knew that what Ray was going through was something most would never want to go through and therefore, he tried his best to comfort his friend and put his mind to ease.

"Come on, everyone has arrived. Its time we finalize everything and move forward with our plan,"

Ray and Sirius walked to a big round table that had many chairs around it. Taking a seat, he looked at everyone present and motioned Emma to start.

Nodding, Emma stood up and raised her hands as she used her ability,

[Aura manifestation],

Her aura appeared around her hands as she directed it towards the middle of the table and created a hologram using her aura. Trees took shape as various different animals and beasts took appeared in the hologram. Within seconds, the whole forest lay in front of them, scaled down to the tiniest detail; it looked as realistic as ever.

"This is the whole forest that I mapped out along with the living beings in it. Including humans and beasts, the forest has more than a million living beings, out of which; at least half have already started on the path to evolution," Emma's words made everyone realize the importance of the task they were going to do and the gravity of the situation they were in.

"So we fight half a million beasts? Ranging in strengths from Mortal Realm to Celestial Realm?" Asked Tim, a bit shocked and scared by the prospect of fighting such a huge number of enemies.

"I dare you to run away from a challenge," Emma glared daggers at Tim. They both were a thing and she didn't Tim's cowardly attitude one bit, much less the question asked by him.

Good for Tim, Emma's glare did wonders as Tim calmed down like a puppy and sat in his seat as if nothing happened. If not, Emma had already made her mind to teach him a lesson.

"Well, for all of you. We will have support. A beast lord from one of the regions is ready to collaborate with us and he is already working along with the head nurse to get ready to face those monsters," Ray stepped in as he then explained everything that Kashish had told him.

Listening to him, the others had their throats parched and their faces pale as fear struck them down to the bone. The prospect of having an enemy that could plant seeds of control in their minds and then remotely control them, their actions and everything about them made their stomachs churn in disgust. Wishing to end it as fast as possible, the meeting ended almost instantly as everyone nodded to Ray and swore to do their best against the enemy.

Ray smiled as he knew that these were his friends and even if he didn't tell them all of this, they would have fought along his side but looking at the bigger picture; he told them everything about the situation so they won't be fighting in the blind but be aware of the trouble they were in.

"Mom? U there?" Ray looked at the small badge in his hand. He was using it contact his mother as she had been gone for a long time and Ray had an idea of her strength. Therefore, he really needed her help as he knew that the enemies were not only numerous but very strong as well and his contingency plan wont be enough to contain them all.

"Yes dear, you go forward. I have some business to attend to and will be there in time. Don't error, mom will take care of it all," his mothers clam and assuring voice came from the badge as Ray smiled. His mother had her secrets and he didn't pry into them and he knew that she was probably doing something important and wouldn't ask her anything about it from her unless she herself wanted to tell him.

He just smiled and sent back his reply, "Sure mom, I will wait for you and hold out till you come. Don't worry, your son wont go down so easily," his words garnered a chuckle from the other side as his mother bid him goodbye and Ray pocketed his badge and moved out of the camp.

It was time for them to move forward and group up with the head nurse.

Meanwhile, the head nurse was standing in front of a huge barrier that she had formed with the help of the Warmacks. She had used her ability and converted the mana around her into a formless energy that was invisible and then imbued that energy into the wind magic that the Warmacks cast. When both of those were mixed, it created a forcefield made out of wind that repelled anything that tried to come inside while the ones within could easily go out.

A simple use that would make a big difference during the battle and the head nurse was pretty impressed by the amount of mana the pack of Warmacks could flush out when they all acted as one.

"Explains their ties to the Wargs and if not for their calm nature, they would have already taken over a huge part of the forest," she thought as plans formed in her mind to befriend the Warmacks and have them on her good side as they made a wonderful ally.

Suddenly, the academy badge she had on her rang. Her interest piqued as she took it out and looked at the mana signature of the one trying to contact with her.

"Yes Ray," she picked up the transmission as Ray's voice sounded on the other side, "We are almost here and can sense the scouts. Ask them to let us through," Ray spoke and cut the call.

"Good, they are her on time and we probably wont have to go for the worse conditions," she thought as she sent a message to Alden and told him of the good news that help had finally arrived.

Alden was of course overjoyed as he rapidly pulled back the scout and personally waited near the barrier to greet the one who had come to help them fight against the damned tree. However, seeing a kid in the front made his smile waver a she wondered if the kid could even stand up to the tree's pressure let alone fight it.

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