Versatile System Online

Chapter 284 Out Of The Academy

"Spurrtt," He then ap peared from the other side. The strange mucous substance covered his body as the fire around him burnt it. Looking at his sword, he flicked it once and then turned around. His single flapped and he turned into a streak yet again as he went through the other eyehole.

"Spurttt…" The troll went down on its knees as the fire in its eyes was extinguished. The power of time eroded it whole as its life force was sucked into the Void Sword.

Ray looked at the gate behind the troll and jumped high in the air. Grabbing the sword tightly, his muscles tensed up as he swung it down.

While he did, the temporal energy was replaced by Void energy. The sword turned greyish purple as a colorless fire covered it whole. The space around the sword cracked while Ray's eyes turned mysterious.

A supernova appeared behind him while various shards joined to form the eye of a dragon. The eye looked at the door as immense tangible pressure descended over it.

[Eye Of Void:- Spatial SuperNova],

Ray muttered deeply and brought the sword down. The sword cut through the space as everything in front of him was cut down in half.

A spatial arc spread forward as it formed an eye mid-air. The eye expanded until it formed a small moving supernova. The pressure around it increased as everything in its vicinity was sucked inside it.

The death energy continuously being released by the door was sucked into the eye as the space around it slowly fell apart. Slowly, the door broke down as all of it was sucked into the supernova.

Only the troll's lifeless skeleton was left behind while the path up ahead was clearer. Though, it was still dangerous. No one knew what lied up ahead and it was just the start.

Ray canceled his transformation and descended downwards. His eyes were still filled with mana and he could see the spatial disturbances around him.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, a spatial line appeared. From the line, he could see another portal trying to open up but it couldn't.

Pumping his mana, he used the bloodline energy and lifted the Void Sword. The Sword lit up as he angled it horizontally. He was ready for anything to appear from the other and whatever it would be. He would fight it till the end.

However, the spatial line was suppressed and the space around him recovered. Ray sighed in relief and put his sword down.

"Guess the array is failing faster than expected. The academy wouldn't be able to hold for long. We gotta hurry," Ray thought out loud.

"Well, there seems to be something speeding it all up. I feel that some intelligent races are eying the city," Aurora replied.

"Hmm… I guess the ones from System Online are stepping up their game," Ray guessed and sighed. There was nothing he could do on a big scale. He wasn't strong enough yet.

Remembering something, he opened the system inventory and took out an oddly shaped box. The box had a couple of buttons and a small screen in the middle.

Tapping the screen, it lit up and showed three red bars. Looking at that, he sighed yet again and put the box back.

"What happened?" Aurora asked.

"Nothing. I just checked the box the princess gave me. They aren't coming yet, their empire needs time to be transported," Said Ray and continued, "They are our only allies in this fight. So I hoped to get some help from their side. Though, I am sure that they will be here at the most crucial of times. Until then, let's fight to survive and get stronger,"

Thinking, he walked to the troll's corpse and looked at it. The corpse was ruined and there was nothing valuable. The armor was rusted and even its life pearl was ruined.

"The power of time sure is a double-edged sword. It ruined the gains I could have gotten," he thought and walked back to where everyone was.

The fight had taken place a bit far from their original position to avoid any other casualties. So Ray just walked casually without any fear.


Sirius slashed with his claws and Hailey was struck right in her stomach and was sent flying as she crashed into a wall. Sirius disappeared into the shadows and appeared in front of her as he punched down with all his strength.

One punch after the other, Sirius punched rapidly as his hands turned into a blur. Blood gushed out of Hailey's mouth as the sound of broken teeth and jaws reverberated in absolute silence.

The anger was evident on his face and Sirius had to get it out. So he unleashed it all on Hailey. While he attacked, the others slowly came back to their senses. Hailey was losing consciousness and couldn't hold on to her control over everyone.please visit

Not long later. Hailey finally lost consciousness and fell to the ground all limp. Her face was swollen while her eyes were blue and puffy. Snot and blood covered her face as her teeth fell down to the floor. Her nose was at an odd angle while her jaw was snapped completely out of place.

Sirius grabbed her by her collar and dragged her back. As he walked back to their original position, everyone stood there and watched as they saw the wolf drag a beaten woman back.

Throwing her on the floor, Sirius shouted, "I know no one remembers everything. So let me explain. This woman right here bewitched you all," Sirius spoke, his finger was pointing at Hailey as he explained the whole story.

Slowly, everyone's faces changed. Realization hit them as they felt shame. They realized that they had acted like fools all this time and just moments before, they sympathized with this woman who had controlled them for hours.

Anger came over them as they clenched their fists. A man took a step forward as a fireball formed over his palm.

"You f*cking witch. I will kill you!" The man exclaimed and raised his hand. He threw the fireball at her as a couple more followed his example and attacked Hailey.

"Enough," A shout reverberated in the surroundings as the shadows covered the whole area. Sirius appeared in front of Hailey and raised his arm. A wall of shadow appeared before him as he blocked the attacks.

While he did that, a strong gust blew by as Ray also arrived. He looked around and observed the whole situation. He patted Sirius's back and spoke, "Good job. I will take it here from now on," Saying that, he turned to everyone present and looked at them with his eyebrows raised.

"Are you all the same as her? Do you all want to hurt an unarmed woman? I understand that she did wrong but do you all also want to do this? Is revenge all that you need? If so, then I am very disappointed in you. I thought of you all as the protectors of humanity. The next generation that would think for the future of humanity and would learn to forgive rather than kill," Ray shouted at them. His voice was loud enough to reach their ears.

And not only did his voice reach their ears but it also penetrated their hearts. It shook them to their basics and made them remember their roots.

Ray knew that they all were good men and women and that anger had blinded them. So he just used his words to pull them back and he did so with such ease that even Sirius looked at him in astonishment.

"Thanks, Sirius," Ray thanked Sirius and turned around. Looking down at Hailey, he noticed her barely breathing. She was on the verge of death and even the weakest attack would have killed her.

Ray didn't want that yet, he had uses for her. He turned to Sirius and asked him to pick her up.

Then he turned to the others once again and spoke, "We will be moving forward in an hour. Till then, you all please rest. I will be reassigning the teams at the time of moving.

Ray said that and disappeared. Sirius disappeared along with him as he carried Hailey in his arms.

The others slowly dispersed away and tended to themselves.

Ray appeared at the edge of the hallway. It was silent and no one was present. This was the location they had chosen to meet up.

As he appeared, the darkness in the surroundings swirled as hands appeared from the ground. They made their way and opened the space as Adrian walked out. His face was full of scars he looked quite beaten.

"What happened to you?" Ray asked in amusement. He knew that Adrian was strong and seeing his condition, he was sure that someone had owned Adrian in a fight.

"Don't ask," Adrian didn't reply and walked to the edge of the wall and sat down depressingly.

"Strange," Ray muttered to himself.

While he did, Elina also came in. She walked calmly and her expression was of bliss. Looking at her, Ray smiled and asked, "You know, I see Adrian and then I see you. I got to ask, what happened? Why is he so depressed and you seem so happy,"

"Hehe…" Elina giggled, "Well, he was under that bitch's control and I beat him up. Sadly, he remembers me beating him up and playing with him," Elina said with a playful smile.

"Eighth," Ray exhaled. He couldn't do anything about them, he turned to Sirius. Looked at him with utmost seriousness and spoke, "Turn Hailey Into A Beta,"

"What?" Sirius asked in shock.

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