Versatile System Online

Chapter 269 Bathed In Blood (Part 2)

Standing still, he closed his eyes for a few seconds and perceived the flow of mana in his body. Discarding all the other energies that flowed alongside it, he focused solely on mana.

The mana empowered by his lightning affinity had a blueish tinge to it as it coursed through his body. He felt that flow and tried to increase it. As it increased, he felt closer.

The feeling of strength and control made him smile. He was getting closer to his goal but he wasn't strong enough yet. He thought a but more and realized, even if he was strong enough, his control over his element wasn't enough.

For him to reach that level, he had to feel the lightning around it and let it travel through his body. Although he had done the same when he fought against the Goblin Queen, it was different.

At that time, he had used his own mana to generate that lighting and even that hurt him and caused significant damage to his body. As for what he wanted right now was nothing less than a pipe dream.

He wanted to control the lighting particles around him and be one with them while using as little mana as possible.

"Guess I will only use lightning for now," He thought and opened his eyes. The electrical arcs snaked around his skin as he looked ahead. Raising him arm, he condensed the electrical charges around his fist as they formed a gauntlet made of lightning.

[Lightning Gauntlet]

The same happened with his other arm as Ray decided to use his fists. Picking up the Void Spear, he charged it to the limits and threw it in the air.

The spear flew high and made a small arc as it came down. The lightning danced around it. The Spear looked enthralling and even attracted the attention of many trolls. As the trolls looked up in the sky, their eyes were lit.

It wasn't long before the spear fell to the ground. It pierced through the troll and stuck to the ground up right. That was when Ray smiled and whispered, "Discharge,"

"Boooooommmm…" The stored energy burst out as a pulse of lightning was released. What followed after was nothing less of a disaster. The electrical energy charged the air particles as the current turned into lightning bolts that appeared all over the place.

The trolls were suddenly attacked by multiple bolts of lightning as they felt their skin numb and soon after, many of them were paralyzed.

Even though they were strong against lightning, it didn't matter. Ray had made it their weakness and he made it look so easy that everyone present was in awe.

"I guess that's it," Someone from the tank team spoke.

"Hehe… this is just the start," Tim commented. He was grinning from ear to ear. After all, his friend was back in action and that too in such an imposing way. It made his palms itch and he just wanted to join the fight.

He wanted to stand there with his shield in front of him and tell Ray not to worry and keep on fighting and just control the trolls attacking back. He would tank the remaining trolls and be there to support Ray.

However, Tim held back. He knew that Ray was showing his power for a reason and didn't want to ruin the show.

Also, he knew that it was just the start. Ray's brutality had just started and him joining in would just make it less brutal.

Ray clenched his fists. The air around him popped and crackled from the energy condensed around his fists. Looking up, he eyes the entrance to the next hallway and kicked the ground.

The air whizzed as Ray disappeared. Leaving behind a trail of lightning, he appeared in the air. His fists were angled outwards and a huge grin was plastered over his face, it showed how much he was enjoying and that he wanted it to continue.

Falling to the ground, he roared in the air and punched the ground with both of his fists.

"Booommmm…" a shockwave spread out as he ground was burst open from impact. Ray crouched there with the same grin and looked at the trolls being traumatized by the thick lightning bolts.

His feet kicked the ground yet again as he appeared in front of a troll. His fist disappeared and left multiple after images as Ray punched the troll without reservation.

[Lightning Punch:- Hundred Punches Of Desperation],

This was the technique he had created himself and had done so by combining his lightning element along with his speed ability. He used the lightning to supercharge his speed ability and then activated his strength ability to make his punches hit harder and cause more damage.

Not to mention that lightning being already one of the most destructive elements out there. The trolls screamed in agony as within seconds, the troll went silent.

A huge hole could be seen in place of it's stomach as Ray just vanished and grabbed the next troll. Blood was splattered all over his face as he kept on grinning. By now, it had turned too eerie to watch as some females were already looking away.

Ray had spilled a lot of blood and he did so in a very brutal manner. He used his own hands to kill the trolls and didn't mind spilling some guts on the ground or punching through a few hearts.

Anything that killed worked and that was all Ray needed.

On the other hand,

Adrian just smiled. He had finally found someone like him. Someone who enjoyed fighting as much as he did and didn't hesitate in killing the enemy.

"I should join his group. It would be fun," Adrian thought. As he did, he eyed the members that were already present.

Looking at Sirius, he nodded and thought, "Even that wolf is strong. I reckon as strong as I am. Also, that wolf uses the same element as I do. It would be pretty helpful in finding my weaknesses,"

Adrian wasn't a fool. He just hated the dean but that was also something instilled onto him by his mother. In front of pure skills and fighting abilities, he respected anyone with decent abilities.

Also, any chance for him to get stronger was appreciated. Even if it came from his enemy. This was the creed that Adrian lived by and tagging along with Ray and the others for so long, he had long since left his hatred for dean interfere with his decisions.

He now looked at the issue from both sides and slowly found out that the dean wasn't as bad as his mother made it seem. Instead, it was the politics that his mother played for the seat of the dean that brought many benefits along with it.


Ray had killed almost all of the trolls. His whole body was covered in blood and he looked unrecognizable. A strange madness swirled in his eyes as his bloodlust took a tangible form.

His aura skyrocketed and he seemed even more dangerous all of a sudden.

Seeing this, Sirius sighed. He knew what was coming and also knew that he had to stop Ray before Ray's new title [Berserker], took effect.

His muscles tensed a bit as he partially transformed himself. Nothing changed on the exterior but his body changed internally. The muscle composition and bone density changed. His muscles got firmer and more tougher while his bones got lighter and denser.

It defied the science by a good margin but was something unique to Sirius and came to him naturally. Sirius didn't mind the ability as it was quite handy at times and even helped him get out of many tough situations.

Being on alert, Sirius waited for the right moment to dash in and aid Ray. He knew that the more he killed, the more his bloodlust increased and if it reached to the point that his title got activated, it would just turn harder for them to make sensible decisions.

Ray would lean more and more towards fighting and bloodshed and it would just increase his bloodlust and in exchange of temporary strength, he would loose his rational thinking ability.

"Whoooshhh.." the shadows swirled as a wind blew by. Sirius couldn't wait anymore. There was no time left, he had to join right now or else it would all be lost.

Like a dark shadow, he completed the distance within second and appeared besides Ray.

"Ray," he called out, "Take a break. You are reaching the limits and you know what happened last time,"

"I know but I am so close to it. If I stop, I don't know when I would get such a good opportunity," Ray answered back. A strange emotion to be seen over his face.

It seemed as if madness and conviction were mixed together along with persistence and a lot of other emotions. Ray just seemed different. He was in a world of his own and kept on killing.

There were barely any trolls left and Sirius was afraid that Ray would go in deeper into the hallways to kill more trolls and just find himself in trouble.

"Don't worry. I am almost there," Ray said yet again as bashed the head of another troll until it was mush.

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