Versatile System Online

Chapter 266 Clearing The Path To Portal Room

"What happened?" the head nurse asked. Taking a seat, she used herself a glass of water and gulped it down in one go. Having been doing so many rounds the whole day, even a celestial like her needed some hydration.

"Just worried about the whole situation," Ray responded. Sighing lightly, he smiled and asked, "Just leave that. What about your day? How was the work? Are the injured instructions up yet?"

"Well, the day was hectic. As for the instructors, they are a mystery," The head nurse replied. Standing up, she walked to her table and pulled out a file.

Handing it to Ray, she pointed at the words written in bold and spoke, "They all suffer from the same situation as Emma. There is something even stranger down here. Also, I got another thing to tell you,"

"What is it?" Ray asked. His face was full of dark lines as the situation continued to turn even worse.

"Well, I looked at the old maps of this place and found out that before the Academy was constructed, this place belonged to the military and was used as a storage house. Also, that there are tunnels running deep inside. As for where they lead to, it's unknown," She told Ray and handed him the older maps.

The paper had turned yellow from the effect of time and was prone to tears. Holding it delicately, Ray looked at it and then consulted Aurora.

"Aurora, please scan the maps and find the whole scenario," Ray asked so because the map was missing a lot of parts due to tears and corrosion. On some parts, the ink was mixed up while some parts were erased.

"Okay, lemme scan it," Aurora replied. Ray's eyes turned red as a small reddish light shone from his eyes. A beam was projected on the map as the whole map was scanned.

The map was projected in his consciousness. Putting the map down, Ray took a seat and closed his eyes. Concentrating slightly, he delved deeper into his consciousness and appeared there.

Standing in his consciousness, he looked at Aurora and nodded. Aurora smiled back, wearing a red hoodie and comfortable trousers, she seemed to be relaxing in his consciousness.

"Hey Ray! How are you? Did you put up some muscle? You look even hotter," FengFeng arrived. Being fiery as always, she was wearing a purplish party dress that shaped a good portion of her skin and assets.

Ray nodded at her and smiled helplessly. What could he do? She was a mythical creature and currently lived in his consciousness. At times, Ray wondered if this was all a dream and one day he would wake laughing nervously and live his life normally.

"What do we have here?" Mag'ladorth also arrived. Nodding at Ray in form of greeting, he looked at the map and asked,

"That's quite some map for an academy building. Guess I will take some inspiration from this layout and consider altering my place ," He went into deep thought while Ray just sighed.

This was the situation in his consciousness, it was like a house full of people and their thoughts easily revolved around the place. There was no peace at all.

They did things on their whims. They used his consciousness as their personal place and made buildings, plazas and entertainment centers there on a whim. It was all a mess.

Even right now, one end was having a huge villa built with a lake in front. This was the place that Aurora had built for herself and she changed the layout and structure every few days.

In another corner was FengFeng's building and it was the exact opposite of what Aurora built. FengFeng had built a huge casino and partied there almost everytime.

As for Mag'ladroth, he was even stranger. He had build a huge cave filled with different sorts of diamonds and rubies. He slept on gold and that was all he did. He only slept and kept on sleeping.

"Ray, I analyzed the map. The structure was built about two centuries ago and has various pathways. As for the whole analysis, it will take some time," Aurora said and handed Ray a smaller and more refined map.

Nodding, Ray observed the map and checked the route to the underground tunnels.

"Hopefully the tunnels are closed. Or else there would be another issue at hand," Ray spoke.

Thanking Aurora, he closed his eyes and left his consciousness. Waking up in the real world, he turned to the head nurse and spoke, "I checked the map. It is two centuries old. The tunnels lead to various places. As for where the tunnels at located, they are located deep down and are probably sealed. I would say that we just concentrate on getting out of here before another issue comes up,"

"You are right," Sirius chimed in, his expression was grave as the situation kept on worsening.

"Okay," The head nurse nodded. Standing up, she walked to Emma and checked on her. Seeing Emma as she was, the head nurse just shook her head. Things just weren't going their way.

People were dying everyday. Injured ones were piling up and even though the food issue was resolved, there were other problems at hand.

"I have decided," Ray stood and declared.

"What?" The head nurse and Sirius asked. They were slightly worried about Ray. What if he made any decision in haste?

"I will form a team and clear the pathway to the portal room. I have calculated everything and have even took all of the factors into consideration. It would take at most two to three days. After that, we will move there and leave this place once and for all," He told them.

"Are you sure?" The head nurse asked, "What if your calculations are not on mark and something happens?"

"Don't worry. I have my ways," He answered resolutely.

"But… take some time and think of it a bit more and prepare more," The head nurse suggested.

"What should I prepare for? What should I wait for? For more people to die? To see more get injured? Or for the situation to worsen? I have a responsibility on my shoulders and I will fulfill it no matter what. Even if I have to sacrifice myself, I will do so in order to fulfill my task," Saying that, Ray walked out of the office.

"I will follow him no matter what," Sirius spoke as he followed behind him.

Seeing them both leave, the head nurse sighed and thought, "They are just like their fathers. I think that is why Prometheus handed them this task. Sighhh…. Hopefully they will be alright and be successful,"

Walking through the hallways, Ray considered whom to choose and whom not to. He considered some good options but had to drop them because of their incompatibility while fighting as a team.

He needed people who would listen to his every command and would trust him unconditionally. If he was to be asked, he would just choose his team members that he had been with since the start of his life at the academy.

But that wasn't an option. His friends were needed here and he couldn't ask all of them to leave their duties over here just to follow him. Also, he was worried that someone would try and do something fishy behind his back. Therefore, he had to leave them as a sort of deterrence as well.

He had decided to choose fifteen people in total. He had even planned out the formations but the issue of whom to choose still remained.

Rubbing his forehead in tension, he walked to the open hall. Taking a seat, he went into deep thought. While deep in thought, a woman came and sat besides him.

She sat besides him for quite some time and observed him silently. She nudged him slightly. Raising his head, Ray looked at her and asked,

"What happened?"

"Heyy… why are you worried?" She asked.

"Huh?" Ray raised an eyebrow and asked, "How do you know I am worried and how can you be so sure of it? Isn't everyone in worry over here?"

"Well, I know who is worried and who is not. Also, you are more worried than all of them. Looking at you, I can tell that you carry a huge responsibility on your shoulders," the girl said cheerily.

Her cheery attitude made Ray smile as he felt his mood turn for the better as he asked, "And how do you know all that?"

"Hehe… that is a secret. Just remember one thing," The girl giggled and spoke, "Sometimes, you need to keep an enemy closer to yourself than u keep your friends,"

Saying that, the girl stood up and walked away as she vanished in the crowd. Ray wanted to get up and follow her but the words she had spoken just made him confused and by the time he came back to his senses, she was gone.

"Strange," He thought and stood up. He would call a meeting and discuss it there.

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