Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 241 New Allies

Scorpion thought for a few minutes and answered. "I think the current system of the mystic world is inevitable, it is the price for power".

"Until someone noble and powerful enough takes matters into his hands to change the current trajectory of the mystic world, I doubt it'll change".

"With power comes greed, and with greed comes the current system".

"Those at the top are just too fixated in their current power and on getting even more power that they no longer care for those that are beneath them".

"The current lawlessness is a result of the leaders' complacency".

"Shelters were built and were divided into Great and small shelters, it's just like an economy class, those in the Great shelters enjoy all the good things and are basically nobles while those in the small shelters are the commoners".

"The system was fractured from the very beginning when Great and small shelters came, the current lawlessness was inevitable from the beginning".

"To change the current system would be like rewriting history".

"That is what I think about the current system of the mystic world. Of course, I don't approve it but I just don't have the power to change it".

After he finished his explanation, Scorpion chuckled as he looked at Rex. "You really changed me, I don't remember when I last said so many words in one sitting".

"It feels like I was stuck in a well before…, but now I see the sunlight".

Rex looked down as he let Scorpion's words settle deep into his mind, then he turned to face Gandalf. "What of you?"

"The current system of the mystic world is inevitable". His reply was the same but much more concise but Gandalf portrayed his point.

"Ok". Rex nodded. "I think I understand now".

"Do you want to listen to Max's story before his death?"

Gandalf did not reply but Scorpion nodded, so Rex continued. "Max was just like you and me, a product of the current system of the mystic world".

Rex took his time as he explained Max's full life story from when the tragedy befell his family. Though he spent over 45 minutes narrating, the 2 mystic warriors were silent throughout as they listened to him.

When he was done, Scorpion sighed. "The system is really…, messed up".

For the 2nd time since meeting Rex, Scorpion was given a prompt to self-reflect. He was just like Max, their tragic fate pushed them into taking extreme decisions that resulted in even more disaster to the world.

Thinking of all the lives that he took just to pursue the unrealistic goal of seeing his dead daughter, he laughed. "We're really just pawns in this chess board called the mystic world, the ones at the top play the game".

"And that is what I intend to change". Rex spoke again. "Who are they to think of us as only chess pawns while they play the game?"

"I want to change the current system of the mystic world".

"To prevent scenarios like yours, Max's, and the tragedy of my family from repeating itself, the current system of power need to change".

Scorpion agreed but he sighed. "I know your ambition is noble and all that, but do you really think you're capable of changing the current system?"

"No". Rex was swift with his answers". I'm not sure but that's what pushes me to try my best".

"Even if I have less than 1% chance of fulfilling this dream, I will grab it and hold tight to it with all the energy that I can muster".

Scorpion closed his eyes, then he took a deep breath. "During the past few weeks, I've been reflecting about the words you told me in the battlefield".

"I've made my decision, I will support you in your quest".

"I've done a lot of evil in my impossible quest to see my dead daughter, and the only way for me to atone for my sins is to make the real culprits pay".

"One thing that made me believe in the false hope that she was still alive was because I felt that I never stood a chance if I went up against the Holmes family".

"I still believe that I don't stand a chance, but for some reason, after that battle with you, I feel that you may perhaps stand a chance against them".

"That is why I decided to throw all my goods with you and support you".

"Someday, I want to witness the fall of the Holmes family".

Rex turned to Gandalf who finally started speaking. "For over a decade, I lost my friend to a family who manipulated him".

"Of course, after getting him back, I want to help him seek revenge".

"To fulfill your goal, the Gandalf Gang will now be at your beck and call". Gandalf pledged his loyalty. "But first, what is your plan after now?"

"Knowing the Snake Territory well, I know that after hearing about what happened here, most of the gangs there would be already eyeing the massive territory under your gang which they probably see as free food for the taking".

"How do you intend to manage them?"

Rex smiled. "I have a plan, an even bigger plan that you'd expect".

"My conquest is not stopping at the Red Zone, I want to take over the Snake Territory and Black Zone too, I want to be the sole ruler of the Gundam Shelter".

"For our future quests, the Gundam Shelter will be our headquarters".




This time, not just Scorpion but Gandalf was left gaping at Rex's outlandish ambition. Before they could speak though, Rex did.

Rex chuckled. "I believe that I can do it and I also have a powerful ally".

Gandalf creaked his brows. "Is it that one hiding in the shadows?"

"Huh?" Rex was surprised.

The next moment, Cassandra walked out of the shadows where she hid. At this moment, she was cloaked in a notorious snake-design black gown and a black Queen's crown which was another notorious mystic treasure.

On seeing this female and this attire, Scorpion and Gandalf gasped.

"The Snake Empress?!"

"Oh, you know her?" Rex was surprised, he was also surprised that Cassandra was here.

'Has she been stalking me?' He wondered.

Scorpion and Gandalf were shocked but they did not show any weakness, they calmly looked as Cassandra walked forward before standing before them.

"I secretly followed him to make sure that you 2 don't do anything to him".

"I never expected you to see me though". She smiled at Gandalf. "And yes, the Sad Flutes Assassin will soon become the secret backer of the Berserk Gang".

Gandalf's eyes narrowed as he turned to face Rex. "They helped you win the war?"

"No". Rex replied. "They set winning the war as a criteria for them to support my rise into becoming the overlord of the Gundam Shelter".

Gandalf threw one last glance at Cassandra before turning back to face Rex. "I thought you'd know better, how can you trust an assassin?"

"Ahh…" Rex scratched his head, by now, his emotional state from Max already disappeared. "Well, let's say my relationship with her runs deeper".

Since they already became allies, Rex felt it was a need to clarify things. Sometimes, revealing secrets was a way to build trust among allies.

Having spoken with Cassandra about it previously and getting her approval, Rex revealed everything about him and her. He revealed both the secrets to how she traveled to the past and how she also opposed the Holmes family.

By the time he was done, Scorpion and Gandalf were left speechless.

"So, it's like that…"

It took them about a minute to accept Rex's words but once they did, everything proceeded smoothly and was finally settled.

"By the way, my real name is Jack". Scorpion said as they left.

As they both left, Rex's system lit up another notification.


[You have gained your second ally: The Gandalf Gang!]

[Current Gang Strength: 200,000 Mystic Warriors!]

[Top tier Strength: 17 Advanced Mystic Warriors!]

[Technological Prowess: A!]

[Berserk Gang current status!]

[Current Gang Strength: 300,000 Mystic Warriors!]

[Top tier Strength: 12 Advanced Mystic Warriors!]

[Technological Prowess: C+!]


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