Valkyrie Domination

Chapter 5333: space folding

Such a mysterious place of space instantly aroused Qin Chen's interest, and he immediately understood that this place is definitely an extremely terrifying place of space.

You must know that the space rules he now masters are inherited from Emperor Miekong, and Emperor Miekong was the existence who fought with Emperor Youming back then and almost killed Emperor Youming.

If Emperor Youming hadn't come from the underworld and had a unique way of keeping his remnant soul, it would mean that Emperor Youming and Emperor Miekong would have died together in that battle. Even if Emperor Youming left one more remnant soul than Emperor Miekong in the end, Emperor Youming was also trapped by the secret realm formed by the origin of space after Emperor Miekong's death. If Qin Chen hadn't gone there and obtained the inheritance of Emperor Miekong ,

Liberating Emperor Youming, the remnant soul of Emperor Youming will only be wiped out little by little in the end.

But now, even Qin Chen, who has mastered the space inheritance of Emperor Miekong, can't see through the space fluctuations here. How can Qin Chen not be surprised?

It is possible that he cannot clearly see the space movement here because of his lack of cultivation, but no matter what, the space rules here are so powerful that they must surpass the rules of transcendence.

At the moment, Qin Chen stimulated the origin of space in his body, and constantly analyzed the spatial fluctuations in front of him. The more he analyzed, the more shocked Qin Chen became. The depth of folding and circulation of the space in front of him is nothing at first glance, it is very simple, but when Qin Chen carefully analyzed the origin of the space, he discovered the horror of the space operation, and the profound rules of the rules are actually given to him.

Qin Chen felt dazzled.

But to Qin Chen's surprise, after he had sensed it for a long time, he could vaguely see some clues. Qin Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If he couldn't see any clues, it would be scary. He might have to turn around and leave, but now, he actually saw a clue, even though it was only a clue. but at least

It means that he can slowly figure out how these spatial rules operate.

As long as the rules are clarified, the spatial operation here can naturally be deciphered.

Thinking of this, Qin Chen hardly hesitated. He was immediately immersed in it, and began to dissect and analyze the rules of the space in front of him bit by bit.

These spatial rules are extremely cumbersome, like a mess of twisted threads, entangled together.

And what Qin Chen saw was as if he had found one of the thread ends, and through this thread, he slowly sorted out the direction of the whole thread ball.

This process sounds simple, but in fact it is extremely cumbersome. For several hours, Qin Chen still only figured out a very small part of the rules, which made Qin Chen's face look ugly. According to this speed, Qin Chen wanted to thoroughly figure out the rules here

Doesn't it take a long time to run?

Only then did Qin Chen understand why the Ghost King Senming had controlled the Ghost King Pool for so many years, but still failed to discover the source of the Ghost King Pool.

Qin Chen was still thinking before, with the strength of the Ghost King of the Underworld, no matter how complicated the space rules here are, it would take such a long time to figure out the direction of the space here.

After all, how can a strong man who has reached the level of the Forest Ghost King not have a little understanding of the rules of space? The formation of the realm of eternal order itself requires the blessing of extremely profound spatial rules.

But Qin Chen now understands that the space here is so complicated that if a triple detachment who only has a certain understanding of the rules of space, it may take hundreds of millions of years to fully understand it.

Because the space rules here are constantly changing.

You parse a part, and soon the space here changes again, and you have to start all over again.

Including Qin Chen's continuous analysis, the space rules here are also constantly circulating. If Qin Chen hadn't mastered the space origin and inheritance of Emperor Miekong, what he did before would almost be in vain.

But even so, if Qin Chen wants to thoroughly analyze the spatial form here, he can't finish it in a day or two, a month or two months, or even a year or two.

"I can't go on like this, I can't stay in this abandoned place for long."

Qin Chen's heart sank. If he had nothing else to do and could practice here with peace of mind, then he naturally didn't care.

But now, Sisi was in a crisis, and he didn't have so much time to waste.

But let Qin Chen give up here directly, and he felt a little unwilling. For some reason, Qin Chen had a faint feeling that special places like Guiwangchi seemed to hide some secrets of the abandoned place.

If he can figure out the formation of Ghost King Pond, it will be of great benefit to him when he leaves the Dead Sea.

"If I don't analyze the space operation here from the underlying rules of the space, how can I pass the space trap here?"

Qin Chen fell into deep thought.

He defines the space flow here as a space trap, in the form of a labyrinth, making it impossible for people to see the core origin of the space rules at this moment.

Qin Chen emptied his mind and suspended in this space. The ghost king's pool of water passed over his body like a breeze blowing over his skin.

At this time, Qin Chen was like a small fish in a river, drifting with the flow of Guiwangchi, aimlessly.

"Go with the flow?"

Suddenly, Qin Chen's mind lit up, as if he had caught something, he opened his eyes suddenly.

The operation of any space, no matter how irregular it is, is actually regular, it's just whether the laws are clear or not. The operation of all things in the world is almost never completely irregular.

For example, for an ordinary person, his life seems to be irregular, but according to his birth and the education he received, the process of going step by step and the final destination are actually regular.

It's just that the rules are vague.

And this ghost king pool, what is the law?

The power of the Dead Sea?

Qin Chen's heart skipped a beat.

For some reason, he always felt that the essential power in the depths of the Ghost King Pond was somehow related to the water of the Dead Sea.

This is not a random guess. The Abandoned Land is surrounded by the vast Dead Sea, which is extremely miraculous. If it is said that the Abandoned Land has nothing to do with the vast Dead Sea outside, no one will believe it.

It is nothing more than the degree of depth of the relationship between the two.

"Since there is some connection between the Ghost King Pool and the power of the Dead Sea, can I combine the power of the Dead Sea to analyze the flow of space in the Ghost King Pool?"

As soon as he thought about it, Qin Chen closed his eyes directly, and bang, an invisible force of the dead sea flowed out of him to sense the space around him.

this perception.

Qin Chen was startled suddenly, because after he released the breath of the Dead Sea, the power of space rules that was originally extremely cumbersome and dense in his perception became extremely simple in an instant.

The space that was originally entangled with the sky, disappeared little by little, became clear, and returned to the original.

"The power of the Dead Sea actually has such an effect?"

Qin Chen couldn't believe it. If he still didn't understand that this place had some kind of connection with the Dead Sea, then he had lived in vain for so long.

Qin Chen immediately continued to release the power of the dead sea.

Boom boom boom!

The breath of the Dead Sea was released from him one after another. To Qin Chen's surprise, with the release of the power of the Dead Sea, the circulation of the surrounding space became easier and clearer.

When he pushed the power of the Dead Sea under his control to the extreme, the spatial rules in front of him became extremely clear, and the difficulty was reduced by tens of thousands of times.

"This's unbelievable that there is such a magical way of space operation in this world."

At this moment, the essence of the space circulating in front of him was completely presented in front of Qin Chen. Looking at the essence of the space in front of him that was reduced to simplicity and returned to nature, Qin Chen was deeply shocked.

The nature of the space in front of me is extremely simple, but there is a deep and vast atmosphere in the simplicity, as if explaining the theory of the supremacy of space.

Moreover, this theory is not the same as the origin of space controlled by Emperor Miekong, it is completely expounded in another direction of the way of space. If the essence of space controlled by Emperor Miekong is tearing, attacking, and destroying, and Qin Chen has mastered such spatial killer moves as the cracking **** mark, then the essence of the space in front of him is the vastness and unpredictableness of space, and the infinite space.

Endless, ever-changing, and immortal, that's why this place is like a labyrinth of space.

At this moment, Qin Chen was completely immersed in the movement of the space in front of him, attracted by the magnificence and vastness of it, and wandered in it.

I don't know how long it has been.


A deep breath of space surged from Qin Chen's body, Qin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and a deep space artistic conception flashed from the depths of Qin Chen's eyes.

"Space maze."

Qin Chen suddenly raised his hand.

hum! I saw that the space in front of me quickly folded up, turning into a labyrinth-like pattern, just like a mirror folded continuously, any matter in this void was constantly displaced during the space folding, and was sealed in

the deepest part of space.


Qin Chen was pleasantly surprised.

He never expected that when he came to the depths of the Ghost King Pool, he would have such a harvest, and he would have mastered a unique space rule and space method. The maze of space in front of me is so strong that once I make a move, I can put others in the endless abyss of space in an instant.

will be stronger.

This was definitely a pleasant surprise.

"Go and see what's in the depths of this Ghost King Pool."

Qin Chen put away the power of the Dead Sea and plundered towards the depths of the Ghost King Pool again. At this time, the space folding of Guiwangchi has not hindered him too much. Although it still takes some time to figure out the direction of space here, for Qin Chen, these directions of space are not obstacles, but rather

It is to let him swim in these space folds.

Swish Swish Swish!

Countless Ghost King Chishui quickly passed over his body, and the power of space folding cut through the void like a paper knife, but Qin Chen was fearless, as if walking on flat ground, without any obstacles.

After a while, Qin Chen came to the depths of the ghost king pond.

"This is..." I saw below, one after another astonishing pools of ghost king's water surged, exuding a palpitating atmosphere. At the bottom of the ghost king's pool, there was a huge gap like a black hole. From the gap like a black hole, faintly pass out

There was an extremely terrifying breath.

"Space channel?"

Qin Chen was shocked.

Back then, the bottom of the Dead Sea was a space channel, but the bottom of the Ghost King Pool was also a space channel. Is there any connection between the two?

In the depths of the special place among the two abandoned places, there is a space passage leading to an unknown place, so why doesn't Qin Chen think too much about it?

Where does this space channel lead to?

Qin Chen approached slowly. In the dark space passage, one after another ghost king pools of water surged out. Qin Chen approached this dark passage. Suddenly, he felt a slight tingling sensation all over his body, and a faint pain suddenly emerged in Qin Chen's heart. of Crisis


This is almost the same as when he approached the bottom of the Dead Sea spring.

"When I was at the bottom of the Dead Sea Spring, my cultivation base was not high, so I couldn't enter the space channel. Entering rashly, life and death are unpredictable."

"But now..."

Qin Chen looked at the space passage in front of him, his figure flickered, and he flew straight towards the space passage.

boom! The moment Qin Chen entered the space channel, a terrifying space breath swept out, and in an instant, the entire Ghost King Hall trembled, and an astonishing space breath burst out of the Ghost King Hall in an instant, rushing straight up Thousands of miles of high altitude, sweeping all directions.

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