Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 108

Chapter 108 - A Trap

Shao Hua paid no attention to Moulton.

She was devising a plan to extricate herself from the situation.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck without any sign. It hit Moulton, who was in the midst of a loud laugh.

Moulton's laughter stopped dead.

Shao Hua and the white-robed middle-aged man were both shocked.

By the time they turned to Moulton, he had been reduced to a pile of ashes.

“Who?” The complexion of the white-robed middle-aged man shifted.

As his words trailed off, another bolt of lightning hurtled towards him.

This time, the white-robed middle-aged man was prepared.

But as he was about to evade, the sewer water transformed into ropes, ensnaring him.

The water ropes weren't particularly strong.

The white-robed middle-aged man broke free from them with ease.

But having shattered the water ropes, he found himself without time to avoid the oncoming lightning.

The bolt struck him fiercely, and he spat out blood immediately. The residual force of the lightning continued to ravage his body.

Seizing the moment, Shao Hua launched her attack.

She pounced on the white-robed middle-aged man with the swiftness of a panther.

Despite being a seasoned expert of the Sanctuary and gravely wounded, he remained alert. Yet, as he braced for Shao Hua's blow, more water ropes bound his limbs, hindering his defense.

Shao Hua's palm landed heavily on the white-robed middle-aged man's chest with a thud.

He stumbled backward, a flicker of pain crossing his eyes as her strike crushed his heart.

The sewer's ropes appeared again, binding him firmly.

Shao Hua pressed her attack relentlessly until the white-robed middle-aged man drew his last breath.

Panting heavily, she caught her breath and then expressed her gratitude, “Thank you for your assistance, Elder.”

Shao Hua was certain that a master from the Way of Nature had been aiding her from the shadows.

Ye Hao, concealed in the shadows, observed Shao Hua and deduced that her cultivation level must be at the initial stage of Mountain's Echo.

After a brief contemplation, Ye Hao tossed two spirit stones toward Shao Hua.

“Since fate has brought us together, please accept these two spirit stones as a gift.”

Upon seeing the spirit stones, Shao Hua exclaimed with delight, “Senior, are these spirit stones from the Cultivation Realm?”

“Yes.” As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Hao silently departed.

“May I have the honor of knowing Senior's name?”

“Senior, are you still there?” Shao Hua called out tentatively a few times, but receiving no reply, she realized the mysterious benefactor had likely gone.

Shao Hua was well aware of the rarity and value of spirit stones.

Even someone of her standing wasn't entitled to possess them. She could hardly believe her fortune in stumbling upon such luck.

With these two spirit stones, she could elevate her cultivation by an entire minor realm.

Having left the secluded path, Ye Hao used his ID to check into a hotel room.

His recent exertion had nearly depleted his energy reserves.

This experience, however, confirmed something important for Ye Hao.

The Heavenly Thunder Spell was capable of inflicting serious damage on a Mountain's Echo expert. This meant he now possessed the power to confront such a formidable opponent directly.

Ye Hao's current level of cultivation was the third layer of Body Refining.

But he knew advancing to Blood Refining would require more time.

Roughly thirty minutes later, after using a spirit stone, Ye Hao was back to his peak condition.

He didn't rush to leave; instead, he lay on the bed, taking a moment to rest in silence.

Suddenly, a peculiar noise came from the door.

Rising to investigate, Ye Hao discovered two small cards.

He picked one up, only to find it advertised sexual services.

With disinterest, he tossed the card into the trash and returned to his bed.

But his rest was short-lived, as a knock at the door soon followed.

Ye Hao got up to answer it and was greeted by a scantily clad woman.

“Sir, may I offer you my services?”

“No, thank you.”

“Sir, I assure you that my services are exceptional and will leave you thoroughly satisfied.” The woman said, inviting herself into Ye Hao's room and shutting the door behind her.

“Get out,” Ye Hao commanded, pointing toward the door.

But the woman pressed herself against Ye Hao's body without hesitation.

With a nonchalant shove, Ye Hao pushed her aside.

Undeterred, the woman smiled at Ye Hao and began stripping off her clothes.

Ye Hao proceeded to open the door, and as he did, he was met with the sight of several muscular men standing at the threshold.

Both parties were momentarily taken aback.

Without delay, the men charged in. One slammed the door shut and stood guard.

As Ye Hao backed away, he realized he had been ensnared in their trap.

“You jerk, you dare to harass my girlfriend. Got anything to say?” challenged a long-haired man as he advanced on Ye Hao.

Contrary to what the onlookers expected, Ye Hao seized the man by the hair and slammed his head into the wall with force.

Two other men, witnessing the scene, charged at Ye Hao.

With swift precision, Ye Hao landed a punch on one man's nose and a kick to the other's knee.

Painful cries erupted from the two men.

The man at the door stood there, stunned.

As he made a move to join the fray, Ye Hao nonchalantly tossed the long-haired man at him, sending both crashing to the ground.

The scantily clad woman let out a shrill scream at the sight.

“Are you going to leave, or do I need to call the police?” Ye Hao asked icily.

The men, not daring to involve the authorities, shot Ye Hao a resentful look before supporting each other and stumbling away.

With no desire to linger, Ye Hao checked out and hailed a taxi to the Royal Ridge Hotel, where the Soong and Leng families were hosting their evening gala.

Upon arriving at the Royal Ridge Hotel, Ye Hao was greeted by two doormen who politely inquired, “Sir, may I see your invitation, please?”

”My invitation is with my friend,” Ye Hao replied, then, as if struck by a sudden thought, he turned and walked away.

A short distance away, he called Shan Lei, the intelligence officer he was working with.

”Where are you?” Ye Hao asked.

“In the hotel.”

“I'm at the hotel entrance.”

“I'll come to you.”

Shortly after, Shan Lei appeared before Ye Hao, dressed in the hotel security's uniform.

“Why the disguise?” Ye Hao inquired.

“It's the only way I can blend in,” Shan Lei explained.

“And how am I supposed to get in?” Ye Hao asked.

Shan Lei gestured towards several rooms with open windows and suggested, “You can enter through here.”

“Are you joking? The hotel is full of cameras.”

“We've already taken control of the cameras here,” Shan Lei said with a smile. “So, you don't need to worry about that.”

Ye Hao followed the shaded path, making a half-circle before leaping up.

In an instant, he found himself in a room on the third floor.

It was then that Ye Hao witnessed a scene that left him utterly astonished.

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