Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 - Crimson Blossom Tea

“This is actually a Void Condensing Charm,” Ye Hao exclaimed, his face showing his astonishment.

The Void Condensing Charm was an incredibly challenging efficacious charm to create, only possible for those deeply versed in the art.

In the next moment, the charm merged into Tang Pianpian's body, and the radiant light from her spirit root began to fade.

“I can tell that the grade of your spirit root is at least an entire realm higher than mine,” the disheveled elder said with a light chuckle. “There aren't many like you in the entire Way of Nature, so you can cultivate with ease in the mortal world.”

“Furthermore, once you reach the Soul Refining Realm, you'll be able to rectify the flaws in your spirit root on your own.” He then removed a jade pendant from his waist. “This amulet I found years ago will form a light shield to protect you in times of danger. You'll be able to refine it once you've reached the first layer of the Body Refining Realm.”

“This jade pendant is far too valuable; I cannot accept it.”

“It's not as precious as you think,” the elder replied with a dismissive smile. “Xiao Ming, show your two friends around the Keepers of Forbidden Lore.”

With those words, the elder turned and retreated back into his room.

Ye Hao watched him leave, a hint of amazement in his eyes. The old man's free-spirited nature was evident; he seemed to care little for worldly concerns.

“Come on, I'll take you to try the Keepers of Forbidden Lore's Crimson Blossom Tea,” Xiao Ming suggested.

“What's Crimson Blossom Tea?” Tang Pianpian inquired with curiosity.

“You'll find out soon enough,” Xiao Ming replied, gesturing for Ye Hao and Tang Pianpian to follow him.

He led them through a sea of flowers to a secluded courtyard.

There, a young woman with a striking figure was rinsing petals of myriad hues.

“Senior Sister Su, I've brought two friends to sample your Crimson Blossom Tea,” Xiao Ming called out to the young woman.

Upon hearing him, she turned, her gaze shifting from Xiao Ming to Ye Hao and Tang Pianpian.

“Please come in,” the young woman dressed in white invited them with a gentle voice.

After the young girl invited the trio to take a seat, she brought out a tea set.

“Preparing the tea will take a little while. Please be patient,” she said in a gentle tone.

Tang Pianpian watched the girl's tea-making process with keen interest, and Ye Hao was equally attentive. However, he gleaned something deeper from her technique.

Ye Hao closed his eyes naturally, and his vital spirit began to circulate rhythmically within him. He sensed that the bottleneck in his cultivation was on the verge of being shattered by the vital spirit.

In that moment, Ye Hao smoothly advanced to the third layer of the Body Refining Realm.

The girl in white glanced at Ye Hao with a hint of astonishment, then gestured to Xiao Ming and Tang Pianpian to refrain from interrupting him.

Xiao Ming's mouth twitched slightly. Ye Hao was truly extraordinary; his progression through the realms was astoundingly swift!

After the breakthrough, Ye Hao needed to grasp the intricacies of the third layer of Body Refining. He meditated on this for roughly fifteen minutes before opening his eyes.

“Thank you,” Ye Hao said, expressing his appreciation to the girl.

“You were already on the cusp of a breakthrough. This enlightenment simply hastened what was inevitable,” the girl replied modestly. She handed Ye Hao a cup of freshly brewed Crimson Blossom Tea, “This will help solidify your newfound level.”

Ye Hao offered his thanks and accepted the Crimson Blossom Tea. With a sip, the delightful aroma enveloped his senses.

The fragrance permeated through Ye Hao's limbs and organs, bringing with it an unparalleled sense of refreshment, as if he were enveloped in the warmth of the womb.

Meanwhile, Ye Hao's cultivation level began to stabilize.

Tang Pianpian, who had also tasted the Crimson Blossom Tea, widened her eyes in surprise. “Why do I feel like my cultivation has significantly improved?”

“Crimson Blossom Tea is crafted by Senior Sister Su from a hundred exquisite flowers, which is why you're experiencing such a boost in your cultivation,” Xiao Ming explained with a smile. “But remember, Tang Pianpian, moderation is key. Too much could be detrimental.”

“Given your current level of cultivation, overindulging could do more harm than good,” Ye Hao added, before draining the last of the tea from his cup.

“It's such a shame,” Tang Pianpian remarked after taking a cautious sip, not daring to drink any more.

Ye Hao closed his eyes, savoring the enigmatic sensation. Eventually, the spiritual energy from the Crimson Blossom Tea suffused his body. Not only did his cultivation stabilize, but it also subtly increased. This revelation made it clear to Ye Hao why many cultivators aspired to join a major sect—the resources and legacy of a large sect were beyond the wildest dreams of a solitary cultivator. Without the black dragon inheritance, Ye Hao might have considered joining a sect, but with it, he never gave it another thought, fully aware of the value of the black dragon's memories and wary that other cultivators might covet his treasure.

After some time, Xiao Ming led Ye Hao and Tang Pianpian away from the area. They spent the next day touring Moonstone Monastery before taking a military flight back to Glento.

Upon his return to Glento, Ye Hao received a call from Shao Hua. “Come to my office,” she instructed. After bidding Xiao Ming farewell, Ye Hao rode in Tang Pianpian's car to the Martial Arts Bureau.

Shao Hua's demeanor had shifted from playful to gravely serious. “What's happened?” Ye Hao inquired.

“Did you give Sima Zhengtian a thrashing?” she asked.

“Yes,” he confirmed.

“Mr. Sima has personally demanded that I hand you over to him.”

“And then?” Ye Hao pressed.

”I'm under a lot of pressure,” Shao Hua admitted, but Ye Hao could tell she was capable of keeping him safe.

“And then?”

“I've managed to quell the situation using my connections. The Sima family won't openly challenge us again, but they'll certainly take covert action.”

“Thank you.”

“To resolve this issue, I've expended considerable resources and effort. As a result, you need to assist the Martial Arts Bureau with a few tasks.”

“What do you need?”

Shao Hua handed Ye Hao a file. “This is a list of enemy agents who have infiltrated our country. Your job is to eliminate each and every one of them.”

“Sure.” Ye Hao, now possessing a certain level of ability, was naturally eager to contribute to his country.

Ye Hao was a patriot through and through.

“Tonight, the Leng family's daughter is set to be engaged to the Soong family's son. Our intelligence indicates that Soong Yu has allied himself with the Putbard family from Reshaerus.”

“A shadow warrior?”


“Do I need to eliminate Soong Yu?”

“Besides Soong Yu, there's also a Lower Shadow Warrior accompanying him.”


After ironing out a few more details, Ye Hao rose to bid farewell.

As Ye Hao reached the door, Shao Hua's voice rang out.

“Ye Hao, can you explain why you brazenly targeted the Sima family? What's your ace in the hole?”

“I have nothing to disclose.” Ye Hao certainly wouldn't reveal anything to Shao Hua. Should any issues arise, he could always claim his affiliation with the Supernatural Bureau.

After all, Xiao Ming was the head of the Supernatural Bureau in Glento.

Xiao Ming had long ago extended an invitation to Ye Hao to join the Bureau.

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