Urban Most Awesome Dad

Chapter 125: Xu Fan is Coming to the Company_1

Chapter 125: Xu Fan is Coming to the Company_1

Xu Yixue was simply the most beautiful girl Cai Xiangdong had seen since he returned from studying abroad. Cai Xiangdong had studied overseas for eight years, completing both his undergraduate and master’s degrees, and had graduated from one of America’s best universities, Copenhagen University, with an MBA in Economic Management. Plus, being naturally handsome and tall, he never lacked a girlfriend during his school years.

As for his capabilities at work, they were also quite formidable. Not even thirty years old, he had reached a managerial position that others in their forties and fifties could only hope to achieve, and he ran the department he was responsible for with vigor and success.

After hearing that Xu Yixue also had several years of living experience in America, Cai Xiangdong felt that his opportunity had come. He hastily broke up with his girlfriend and went through an all-around grooming before he started planning his approach towards Xu Yixue.

Xu Yixue was not only beautiful but also a young member of the Xu Corporation, with enormous potential for future development. If he could win over Xu Yixue, Cai Xiangdong wouldn’t have to be just a department head anymore—he would become the behind-the-scenes boss of Xinghai Media.

After much hesitation, Cai Xiangdong finally decided to make his move on Xu Yixue today.

“Director Cai, you are very capable in your job, and your ideas are insightful, but I have lots of work to do, so thank you for your kind intentions,” Xu Yixue said, giving Cai Xiangdong a fleeting glance, her tone exceptionally cold.

“President Xu, I’ve heard that you also spent several years in America. I myself am a student who studied there for eight years. I believe that we have a lot of similar ideas and insights about the company. I wanted to invite you to dinner, merely to discuss the company’s future development prospects, nothing more,” Cai Xiangdong, still unwilling to give up, said to Xu Yixue with frustration in his voice.

“I’m truly busy. As for your insights, you can submit them in writing to my office, and I will study them carefully,” Xu Yixue said to Cai Xiangdong in a formalized tone, showing no change in attitude because both of them had stayed in America.

“Alright, I’ll submit them to the president’s office later. As long as I can contribute to Xinghai Media, my goal will be reached,” Cai Xiangdong said with a forced, relaxed smile, nodding at Xu Yixue before he left the meeting room with a dash of suave.

No sooner had Cai Xiangdong left than Xu Yixue’s phone started vibrating on the table.

Xu Yixue had set her phone to vibrate during the meeting, and now, picking it up, she saw that the caller was none other than her beloved daughter, Tongtong.

Xu Yixue had been busy all day and was feeling somewhat exhausted, but the sight of Tongtong’s name immediately injected a burst of vitality into her eyes. With a swipe of her finger, she answered the call.

“Mommy, mommy, guess who this is,” Tongtong’s mischievous voice came through the phone.

“Oh, who is this little fairy? Her voice sounds so much like my sweet Tongtong,” Xu Yixue said with a tender smile playing on her face, teasingly responding to Tongtong.

“Haha, mommy is so silly; I am your little Tongtong,” Tongtong laughed gleefully over the phone, filled with joy.

Hearing her daughter’s laughter, Xu Yixue’s mood lightened considerably; she too let out a laugh of happiness and said into the phone, “Sweetheart, I miss you so much.”

As fate would have it, Cai Xiangdong, who had just left the room because he had forgotten something, was returning to the meeting room. He hadn’t even entered yet when he heard Xu Yixue’s joyful laughter and the words, “Sweetheart, I miss you so much.”

Cai Xiangdong, about to push the door open, froze in mid-movement, his handsome face contorting with lines of distortion.

Dammit, Xu Yixue, I asked you out to dinner and you acted like an ice queen, and as soon as I leave, you’re getting cozy with someone else, sweet-talking in the meeting room and calling them ‘sweetheart’— freaking shameless.

Cai Xiangdong was just about to press against the door to listen carefully when he heard footsteps coming from the hallway. He quickly tiptoed away from the conference room door, all the while cursing in his heart, “That Xu Yixue, she’s not as pure as she appears on the surface. Maybe she’s already fooling around with some other man.”

In the conference room, Xu Yixue, oblivious to what was happening outside, continued patiently talking on the phone with Tongtong.

“Tongtong, do you miss Mommy?” Xu Yixue asked into the phone.

“Tongtong really misses Mommy. Tongtong wants to see Mommy right now,” Tongtong said, his voice filled with longing for Xu Yixue.

“Then I’ll come pick up Tongtong later. How about I bring Tongtong home tonight?” Xu Yixue proposed to Tongtong.

“No, no, Mommy has to work. I should come see Mommy. Make sure you work hard, okay?” Tongtong instructed Xu Yixue like a little adult over the phone.

“Mommy is at work, how can you come over?” Xu Yixue asked, a bit surprised.

“I can ask Daddy to bring me,” Tongtong said matter-of-factly, nodding his head.

“Uh… It might not be a good idea during Mommy’s working hours…” Xu Yixue hesitated. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see Tongtong; she just didn’t want to see Xu Fan.

“It’s okay. Daddy has a big car, and it’s really pretty. Wait for us, Mommy. We’ll be there soon.” Tongtong said sweetly to Xu Yixue and then, without waiting for a response, hurriedly hung up the phone.

“Wait…” Before Xu Yixue could finish her sentence, she heard the busy tone on the other end of the line.

“Oh no, oh no, what does Xu Fan want coming here?” Xu Yixue looked a bit nervous and frantic. After thinking for a while, she quickly took out her makeup bag and began carefully touching up her makeup using a small mirror.

At that moment, Ye Xiaoning walked in with a lively stride and saw Xu Yixue touching up her makeup. She asked Xu Yixue with a smile, “Yixue sis, are you going out later? Why are you touching up your makeup?”

“I’m not going out. It’s that Xu Fan… ah, I mean Tongtong is coming over, so I need to touch up a bit,” Xu Yixue said in a fluster, her face displaying a hint of shyness.

“Yixue sis, you don’t need to touch up for Tongtong’s visit. Besides, you’re so pretty that even without makeup, you can still dazzle all these stinky men silly,” Ye Xiaoning teased Xu Yixue, watching her nervous actions, “Unless you’re afraid of seeing Xu Fan, is that why you’re touching up?”

“Xiaoning, keep talking nonsense, and I’ll smack your mouth. With Xu Fan’s stinky attitude, do you think I would bother touching up for him? I’m only doing this because I don’t want Tongtong to see me looking worn out from work,” Xu Yixue rebutted with her head down.

“What you’re saying makes sense. But why did you blush just now? You’re not feeling guilty, are you? Considering Xu Fan is actually quite decent now, handsome too, skilled in medicine, and he even touched your foot this morning…” Ye Xiaoning said with a smirk and a low voice.

“You’re asking for it!” Xu Yixue stood up angrily and immediately got into a scuffle with Ye Xiaoning.

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