Unrivaled System

Chapter 100: (Alex vs Aranaea 2)

Chapter 100: (Alex vs Aranaea 2)

After killing the shadow monsters, Aranaea noticed that with his eyes he couldn't see Alex he just remembered him again, because just before he was filled with hatred when seeing the hydra and completely forgotten Alex. (AN: Poor Alex)

"COME OUT!!!, I know your watching." Aranaea said, he was alert all this time because when he used his eyes he still couldn't see Alex from the beginning until now, just like as if he wasn't there at all, but he believed that there is no way that Alex would leave and escape so he thought that Alex was watching him from afar.

Before someone answered him his eyes went wide because the cutted pieces of the hydra's and manticores's was coming into one place and in just one mere second it completely turned back to it's body and got revived.

Because of the darkness, even with his eyes he didn't notice that the monster was just a shadow now

"Roarr!!!." The Hydra's nine heads roared in tandem, together with the manticores, and attack Aranaea.

"I don't know what sorcery is this, but it's still pointless." Aranaea said and control the webs around him again and cutted the monsters yet again but this time he wrap each of every pieces with his web

But even with that, he still couldn't believe because it revived again, the pieces around just passed through the web wrapping it (Of course it would because it's a shadow) and turn back to it's body again and revive.

Aranaea got mad and quickly cutted it again and again, exhausting a bit of himself

This keeps happening for five times, and Aranaea finally thought of something and that was Alex supposedly loop skill that he experienced before, he realized that Alex was wearing him out and plan to end him if he already exhausted his self while also his mana depleted.

Thinking about this he created a web quickly that seperated him from the shadow monsters, that when the shadow monsters attack him it will be cutted into pieces when it touches his spider silks. As his spider silk is so sharp and hard, it is the best defensive weapon

This was the only thing he could do as he can't keep letting the shadow monster attack him because even if he kills they will just revive again and again, so as not to exhaust his self and waster manahe resorted on defending. He has a second option and that is escaping, with his speed he can quickly get out of the place but because of his pride and arrogance he didn't want to chose that option

He could only wait for Alex to come out as the entire area was covered in darkness, and his spider eyes can't see Alex.

"Hahaha, are you scared? come out and FIGHT ME!!!." Aranaea shout, he planned to provoke Alex to let him come out

Alex who was watching him of course knows that Aranaea was provoking, but he didn't want to take this anymore longer he planned to come out, but before he came out he first put back his sword to his storage and this summoned his spear, that quickly emitted it's ominous aura.

Aranaea suddenly felt his body was cold, and quickly sense a huge amount of ominous aura was releasing at his right side, he quickly turned to look at it, and finally this time his eyes can see Alex, with spear in his hand that was the catalyst of where the ominous aura, when he looks at him he was a bit terrified because he also sensed evil aura coming from him, and instead of deep blue eyes just like a deep ocean, his eyes this time was red as blood, while the look on his eyes looks like a devil in his eyes

This time Alex unleashed his evil infant 4th stage cultivation, that give his power a little amount of increase.


"Sistine what's my status now after activating this?, you don't need to let me see the skill just my strength

"Here dear." Sistine said and show him an interface

Name: [Alex]

Age: [20]

Race: [Human]

Gender: [Male]

Level: [88] (Exp-75000/88000)>[94] (Exp-32000/94000)

Bloodline: [God Ruler] (Unlocked-15%)

Power: Infinite, Nihility

Law: Space

Health Points: [100%]

Mana Points: [36000/36000]

Elements: [Fire,Water,Lightning,Wind,Earth,Dark]

Rank: Immortal (Next level 100 for Arcana)

Unknown: Evil Infant (4th Step)

Unrivaled Points: [10400]

[Evil Infant 4th stage (Unleashed)]

Power: (9700)+ [400]

Agility: (8000)+ [400]

Speed: (8000)+ [400]

Intelligence: (250)

Dexterity: (7800)+ [400}

Defense: (8500)+ [400]

Wives: (0)

Lovers: (3)-Alexia Ainsley, Rose Murphy, Violette Watt - you can teleport to your lover anytime you want so you could always protect her, you will also be alarmed if they were in danger.

Girlfriends: (4)-Clara Smith, Selena Ainsley, Eva Range, Catherine Silva

'She really literally just remove the skills, knowing just my stats was enough though no need to let me see the others.' Alex thought

"It gives you a plus of 400 dear in every each of your stats except the intelligence, if you add and divide them it still would give you an average of 400, paired with your currently average of 8400 stats, you would have a final of 8800." Sistine explained

"I understand." Alex said when Sistine explained while he also sees the change in his stats

"Though I'm 200 short it is still enough, even if my opponent is at 10000 I can still handle it, because of my arsenal and my weapons, together with you, Sistine." Alex said, it really was true as long as he won't die instantly he can just keep buying potions, so he was really confident.


"What? Scared? judging by how you are exaggeratedly hiding inside your web." Alex said while looking at Aranaea, with disdain in his eyes

"Hahaha me scared? in your dreams kid. I was just waiting for you to come out, now DIE!." Aranaea shouted while snapping out from feeling terrified saying to himself that he was just thinking too much, he then controlled his strings and shot right towards Alex while opening a passage way to his web and also lunch himself at Alex with his extreme speed

Alex looks at the in coming enemy that was coming towards him in extreme speed together with a barrage of sharpened silks that shot towards, looking at this his face fomed an evil smile while the Gae Bolg burst out an incredible amount of ominous aura, it was also coated in flames as it was enchanted by his skill [Purifying Flame]

"Let's Dance!!."

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