Chapter 416 416. LOUD

"You have a nice house," Noah commented trying his best not to sound dry. And he succeeded.

"Please, don't with the pleasantries. I'm certain you've seen better-looking houses," the town's head waved his hand dismissing his words.

"Will you like to have anything? I have wine," the man offered, looking for a way to get the expert before him on his good side.

"No need. I just wasn't to know what you wanted to speak to me about that you had to come to say it personally," Noah explained already understanding where their conversation would go. What else was troubling the man that he would need someone of Noah's power?

"Straight to the point, I see," the expert remarked. "Before I go on. I am Kius. Head to the town of Lilua." He stood to perform an official bow which Noah nodded at.

"I am George. A normal traveler who got curious about this place and decided to visit," Noah announced remaining seated.

"I had heard of you from my guards and immediately thought to speak with you. I didn't expect my personal guards to sight your figure on a rooftop." Kius explained returning to his seat.

'Oh so that's what happened,' Noah basically "Oh'd".

"Now, onto the main topic," Kius paused for a few seconds before parting his lips to speak.

"My daughter," Kius revealed, and his words confirmed Noah's thoughts.

"I am well aware that this is very sudden, but I ask for your help in raiding--" Kius couldn't complete his words since Noah raised his palms to interrupt him.

"No," Noah announced blatantly.

"I'm not interested in dealing with bandits that have been terrorizing your town. I only came here for one thing, and that Is to have a good time."

"Fighting and killing them is useless to me as I don't want it," he explained ready to leave.

"I can pay you for your assistance," Kius chipped in, but Noah shook his head blankly.

"It's rumored that the leader of the bandit has the ability to disappear without casting a teleportation spell, especially at tier three. It'll be too troublesome. Even If I can probably still kill him," Noah explained, keeping the last part of his sentence in his mind of course.

Truth be told he could join in on the whole thing, but he simply didn't want. At least as of then he didn't

"I can see that you're not going to change your mind," Kius sighed, falling back on his chair as he had leaned forward to make his offer.

"Yes," Noah responded rising.

"I know I'm in no place to advise someone who has the weight of a whole town on his shoulders. But you should have sought help or something at the earlier stages of this issue. Surely there would have been something done," Noah explained already approaching the door.

Kius remained silent as if taking in his words.

"Good night Town head. It was nice meeting you. I wish you a quick solution to your problem," Noah said exiting the office and finding his way out of that building.

Noah moved. His sprint back to his lodge had been a short run, and when he arrived there, he simply went in through the window.

Noah lay on his bed and reviewed what just happened. The night had been a long one, and he needed closure. Heck, he had already begun considering leaving that place.

He couldn't have the town's head on his neck because of an issue his power was unable to deal with.

"It seems he's tried to pacify his people and the bandits," Noah muttered before shaking off any thought of actually helping. He would only do so out of curiosity, but his stance remained.

He didn't feel like helping.

Noah eventually felt the darkness of sleep envelop his consciousness. He had a dreamless night, but a sound one.

He awoke a few hours after sunrise and left his room to do more exploring.

The town was actually big and its buildings weren't muddled together meaning more structures across a wide area of land.

With his face half covered, he could move about with as much confidence as he could generate. Noah stopped at different establishments along the way stretching the amount of time he utilized in exploring.

He eventually arrived at a particular portion of the town, however. And could only consider it the slums since it was cut off from the rest of the town by a great crack in the very terrain, and a bridge had to be built to get there.

The people that lived there looked dirty most of the time, and their buildings looked subpar compared to the ones in the nice portion of the town.

Noah's clean and tall figure received myriads of stares from both men and women, and of course children.

Noah felt a bit of pity for the children in that area. Most looked underfed and were not tier 1's.

He couldn't help but wonder how it felt being even below tier 1.

From what he recalled reading in the library of his guild. A vast number of the population, both adults and children never began a cultivation journey.

And most of those who began never went past tier 3; assuming they had the right resources available. Then most people never went past the peak of tier 2. So that level of power would be considered the average of the nation.

The number of those that went past tier 3 and crossed into tier 4 further shrunk, and although the statistics of tier 5's weren't available, he knew that it further plummeted.

So it was more of a privilege being able to advance so fast. Many would do anything for what he had

Being able to enter the fourth tier in just a year!

The scene of low-leveled humans humbled Noah, and he found himself mesmerized in his exploration of that place.

Surprisingly, the state of that portion of the town wasn't completely bad, only that they were below the standard set by the well-to-do portion.

There were bars scattered around the place, and he visited some. Their beer tasted far from what Noah was used to, so he mostly had to puke them out of his system. Only In a non-violent way.

Sundown had to arrive before anything unusual happened to Noah.

A hooded individual about 5'4ft intentionally bumped into him. And how did he know it was intentional? Well, he had tried to steer off the person but they still made contact with him in the end. It was quite forced.

"Watch where you're going!" A female voice reached Noah's ears, and he felt taken aback by the accusation.

"You bumped into me…" Noah countered, trailing off due to how weird that situation was.

The girl removed her hood, allowing Noah to see her features.

She was young. Noah believed she was no older than 16. Her hair was literally red, but also featured tinges of deep orange at its edge.

She had an oval face, a pointed nose, and big round eyes sporting a pair of orange irises.

She had tiny spots that stemmed from cheekbone to cheekbone, crossing her nose bridge.

Despite her seeming maturity, she sounded younger than he believed she was, but that wasn't the issue.

"No, you did!" She exclaimed making sure her voice was as loud as possible.

Noah took a step back as his eyes widened. People were staring, but no one was doing anything. Yet.

"Keep your voice down," Noah spoke in a hushed tone, but her next words were even louder.

"But it's true!" She had intentionally yelled.

'No it's not,' Noah replied inwardly, and before she could make any more noise, their figures vanished from that area, and people scrambled in fear.

Noah had simply grabbed her and ran. He had done so instinctively.

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