Chapter 351 351. RAPID

Noah spent the next hour scouring the town in search of individuals to eliminate. He encountered battles at some point and opted to excuse them in search of others. He had even managed to stumble upon his guild-mates, surprisingly they had all reached the town. And each of them had been shocked by his presence.

However Noah had been biased and let them be, he felt bad just thinking of eliminating them.

Nevertheless, he had to rack up enough points to guarantee his spot in the top three, and during that hour he had eliminated three individuals. Allowing his points to reach a beautiful 270.

He didn't know what other so he moved on to search the city even more.

At some point he found someone, but they were a duo, and they looked to be working together even if they were spread about two locations close to each other.

"I might have stepped into an ambush," Noah muttered while he slowly walked down a certain street.

Of course, he already knew where the two women were, but they were too far apart to take care of them quickly. One would have to go down first.

'Rooftops. I hate rooftops,' Noah grumbled drawing his sword. He had already fallen for that weapon and couldn't wait to ask what type of alloy it had been made of.

"Are we going to wait all day or are we going to fight already!" Noah announced, but his words met silence, after which a wheezing sound reached his ears and he caught the projectile flying straight for his head.

'Going directly for a head shot are we?' Noah thought coldly, dropping all intentions to talk and directly disappearing from his position.

Less than a second later an explosion rang out followed by a cry of pain. Noah's figure appeared mid-air in front of the building which looked like it had been blown away by a powerful wind.

The truth was he had simply kicked it. Sending the expert hiding there, flying.

An arrow tried to reach him while in that vulnerable state, and it did, but its tip barely went past his skin. Notwithstanding, Noah felt something try to seep past his skin when pain reached his mind.

Focusing on the lady that was flying away as a result of the building's destruction. Noah landed on a piece of rock mid-air. Utilizing his agility and speed in that instant he didn't hesitate to project himself forward by leaping off the rock towards the panicking lady.

His figure struck into hers as he had calculated his movement and had been precise.

The duo crashed into the ground and created a large crater, but Noah had been the one on top and his lady opponent had suffered the power of their landing.

Two arrows struck Noah's back a moment after they landed, and he couldn't help but furrow his brows in annoyance, but his hands never left the neck of the black-haired lady before him.

Blood flowed from the expert's head staining her hair and blooding the ground. She looked unconscious but the grunts that escaped her lips showed how close she was to reawakening. Noah wouldn't allow that.

He raised his right arm and tried to deliver a blow to the lady, he didn't want to make her suffer much. Unfortunately, her partner wasn't going to let him have it.

Mild astonishment mixed with deep pain reached Noah's mind as he watched his hand become unable to descend in the punch he intended.

A black rope riddled with long curved blades wrapped around his wrist embedding its blades into him. Even more, shock filled his mind when the lady applied a powerful tug on it and directly tore his hand away.

Blood spurted everywhere and intense pain ravaged his mind threatening to make his eyes water. However, the pain he experienced was quickly suppressed, and his healing kicked in without his permission, and the lady watched in utter astonishment as his hand begin to regrow.

Fortunately, it would take a few seconds to complete growth, but she was too shocked to move. Noah on the other hand wasn't stunned and only felt his annoyance reach another level.

He grabbed the still unconscious lady and bolted, baiting her partner into a chase. One that would end in her defeat.

His figure turned into a blur that managed to leave blood stains, even if they stopped a few instants later as his hand had grown halfway.

'What do I even do now,' Noah wondered stopping behind a building about a kilometer from his former position. At that point, his hand had regained its muscles and was being covered with a new layer of skin, a process that would be done in a short while.

The black-haired lady was still on his shoulder, she barely had any weight to him, but he feared her reawakening. He couldn't kill her but he needed awake to properly eliminate her.

Or rather there was an issue with the thought of injuring her while she remained unconscious. His being didn't go with that plan. So he would use that situation to his advantage.

In a few short minutes Noah watched the other lady storm into the area with her dangerous whip, and he quickly moved to make good of his plan.

"White-haired bastard! Where are you!" She called out in a tone that dripped with ill will and fury. Noah however, remained silent while he moved soundlessly around the area to reposition himself in a spot he deemed good for his plan.

After seeing how potent her whip had been on his skin even if it was far sturdier than that of many peak middle-stage cultivators, Noah had come to one conclusion. The weapon was made for higher stage.

And he couldn't help but wonder about her identity to wield something so strong.

Suddenly he walked out from behind a building and his appearance put the lady on edge, who at this point had her bow drawn, but she clearly doubted the potency of that weapon.

After removing the arrows from his back, Noah noticed the poison they held, thankfully his body was capable of fighting it.

"Get your dirty hands off her, you bastard!" The lady yelled releasing an arrow he casually dodged.

A muscle jerked on Noah's head at her insult but his demeanor remained calm. Even if a portion of him had immediately thrown his caring plan to the side.

"You want her? Then catch," he announced coldly, grabbing the lady on his shoulder by her legs and hurling her towards a building with what he would consider half his full strength. Which would be adequate to launch her far away from that area.

The archer lady's eyes widened at the sight of her partner being tossed about like a rag-doll, and she instinctively moved to rescue her. A bad move.

Noah coldly drew his daggers when he saw that moment of weakness. He bent his knees forward a bit before propelling himself forward with all the strength his knees could handle.

The lady's instinct went wild at that point, but Noah crossed her figure before she could react properly.

Blood spurted out of her mouth as the shock of the incredibly rapid attack showed on her face. Her chest featured an X shaped slash that had begun to wither; draining her life force rapidly.

Her figure ended up disappearing before she even hit the ground.

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