Undying Life

Chapter 305: Capturing Twelve Cities

Chapter 305: Chapter 305: Capturing Twelve Cities

Four months had passed, leaving only a month and a half before Zhong Shan's promised deadline to Great Xuan King. Standing on a distant mountain peak, overlooking the last of the twelve coastal cities, Dacheng City, Zhong Shan wore a serene smile.

"Commander, this is our final battle!" Shui Wuhen exclaimed with excitement at his side.

"If all goes as expected, the city gates will open soon!" Zhong Shan replied, still smiling.

"The city gates will open?" Shui Wuhen asked, puzzled.

Squinting at the distant city, Zhong Shan said, "Yes, they will open. This city will be the easiest to capture among the twelve."

"Huh?" The others looked at Zhong Shan with surprise, then turned their gaze back to the tightly closed gates of the distant city.

Nian Youyou, instead of looking at the gates, watched Zhong Shan. She had followed him through all twelve cities, witnessing his rapid conquests. His methods of subduing the surrendering soldiers were truly remarkable—changing situations with a mere wave of his hand, transforming cloud into rain. It all seemed so surreal, yet it had happened right before her eyes.

Watching Zhong Shan, Nian Youyou couldn't help but sigh softly. Her eyes revealed a hint of a peculiar gleam, as if she had realized something of great importance.

"Sound the war drums," Zhong Shan ordered.


"Boom-boom, boom, boom-boom—"

In Dacheng City, within the City Lord's mansion.

"City Lord, what should we do? Zhong Shan is really attacking. How can he be so fast?" a general asked, his voice filled with worry.

"Four and a half months, and he's already captured eleven coastal cities. Four and a half months! And he has also controlled the forces of those eleven cities. How can Zhong Shan be this fast? It's too fast!" The City Lord of Dacheng City looked bewildered.

"City Lord, you must make a decision. If the dragons bring in the floodwaters, we will lose the city for sure," the general urged anxiously.

"The reinforcements, where are the reinforcements?" the City Lord asked in panic.

"The reinforcements from King Ju Lu will take at least another half month, but by then, the city will be gone," the general said, fear evident in his voice.

"Yes, in half a month, everything will be gone. Zhong Shan started with fifty thousand soldiers, and even after capturing eleven cities, he still has fifty thousand. Not a single soldier is missing?" The City Lord of Dacheng City was filled with frustration.

"Zhong Shan has subdued the generals of the eleven cities, leaving some troops behind in each city, and taking the rest to attack new cities," the general said angrily.

"Heaven's will! Heaven's will!" The City Lord looked up and cried out in grief.

"City Lord, what should we do now?"


"Boom-boom, boom, boom-boom—"

At that moment, the thunderous sound of war drums suddenly echoed from outside the city.

"City Lord! It's starting! The attack is starting!" the general exclaimed anxiously.

With a resolute expression, the City Lord said, "We can't hold the city, but I cannot betray the Dayu Empire. Issue an order for all soldiers to prepare to withdraw from Dacheng City with me. At the very least, we must preserve a million soldiers for the prince."

"City Lord, are you saying we should flee?" The general was taken aback.

"We can't defend the city. If we stay, half of our army will end up being captured by Zhong Shan, just like in the other cities. It's better for me to take all our troops and our treasures, preserving as much strength as possible for the Dayu Empire," the City Lord sighed.

"Yes!" The general responded with a sorrowful sigh and quickly left to organize the troops.

In the grand hall of the City Lord's mansion, the City Lord of Dacheng City sat in bewilderment once again.

The twelve coastal cities, known for their formidable natural defenses, had turned out to have such significant vulnerabilities. It seemed they were not worth holding onto after all. He thought to himself, "Once we move into the inland cities of Zhongzhou, let's see how they bring the waters of the Eastern Sea there!"

Outside, the war drums echoed, their sound shaking the heavens. The assembled generals waited patiently, their respect for Commander Zhong Shan evident. At this moment, there was no one among them who did not admire him. Each of them was filled with awe.

Suddenly, a scout flew in from a distance and reported, "Reporting to the Commander! The City Lord of Dacheng City is leading his army to retreat through the west gate."

"Hmm!" Zhong Shan nodded.

"Commander, the City Lord of Dacheng City and his hundred thousand soldiers have been scared away by us?" Zhao Chuan asked in disbelief.

A city with natural defenses and a hundred thousand soldiers turning and running just at the sight of Zhong Shan's banner? This seemed unbelievable to Zhao Chuan and to the others as well. They were all astonished—had the enemy really abandoned the city?

"Send another scout," Zhong Shan instructed.

"Yes!" The scout immediately flew off.

"Zhong Shan, it looks like the City Lord of Dacheng City has really been frightened by your reputation!" Nian Youyou remarked with a laugh from the side.

Zhong Shan smiled but did not respond, as if he was waiting for something.

"Commander, now that the City Lord is fleeing with his troops, this is the perfect opportunity for us to pursue and annihilate them. I request permission to lead the troops in pursuit," Shui Wuhen promptly said with respect.

"Pursue them? There's no need," Zhong Shan shook his head.

"But it's such a good opportunity," Shui Wuhen protested, a bit reluctant to let it go.

"Hehe, and how many soldiers do you have?" Zhong Shan asked with a smile.

"Uh?" Shui Wuhen immediately fell silent.

Yes, how many soldiers did he actually have? Most of his direct subordinates were stationed in the other eleven cities. The ones at hand were mainly the surrendered soldiers from Dayu. Leading thirty thousand surrendered Dayu soldiers to chase after a hundred thousand regular Dayu troops? That would be a recipe for disaster, potentially leading to defections and leaving him in a perilous situation.

"Commander, the soldiers on the city walls are also beginning to withdraw," Liu Wushuang pointed towards the distant city walls where troops were gradually retreating.

"Zhong Shan, did you know this was going to happen all along?" Nian Youyou asked, looking intently at Zhong Shan.

"Uh? What makes you think that?" Zhong Shan replied with a smile.

"The Western Poison Emperor hasn't shown up yet. That beautiful Haomei hasn't come either. Without Haomei, the dragons of the Eastern Sea won't come. Did you anticipate this outcome in advance?" Nian Youyou asked, staring at Zhong Shan.

"Hehe, Youyou is indeed clever. Yes, the City Lord of Dacheng City is indecisive and cowardly. He acts like a loyal minister of the Dayu Empire, but with the pressure of my successive victories over eleven cities, it's natural for him to pack up and flee. As for your comment about the Western Poison Emperor not coming, you're mistaken," Zhong Shan explained.

"Mistaken?" Nian Youyou looked around, still skeptical.

"The Western Poison Emperor and Haomei are already waiting for us in the City Lord's mansion of Dacheng City," Zhong Shan said with absolute certainty.

"They're already inside?" Nian Youyou was shocked.

At that moment, from the distant east gate:


The east gate slowly creaked open.

A group of about a dozen people, dressed as commoners, opened the gate and walked outside. They stood before the gate and saluted in the manner of the Da Luo Celestial Dynasty.

"This—? Was this arranged by you? When did you do this?" Nian Youyou asked, looking at the distant scene in surprise.

"A year and a half ago," Zhong Shan replied.

A year and a half ago? So Zhong Shan had planned ahead and secretly sent subordinates to infiltrate all the cities?

Nian Youyou looked at Zhong Shan incredulously, and those around who heard Zhong Shan's words also showed shocked expressions. So, the twelve cities of Linhai were already Zhong Shan's a year and a half ago. It's just that Zhong Shan didn't take them earlier and instead took half a year to do so.

Zhao Chuan swallowed hard. The Grand Xuan King had instructed him to watch Zhong Shan's every move. If he were to report this situation to the Grand Xuan King, he wondered if the Grand Xuan King would believe it?

"Enter the city!" Zhong Shan waved his hand.

"Roar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" The soldiers roared in unison.

They all marched towards the last city, Dachi City.

Full of vigor and morale, the army was now in high spirits.

Dachi City was taken without losing a single soldier, just by sounding the war drums. What a great victory this was!

Even after entering the city, the soldiers felt a sense of unreality.

Under the organization of Shui Wuhen, Zhao Chuan, and Liu Wushuang, they quickly occupied the major fortresses of Dachi City.

Then, they implemented Zhong Shan's policy of pacifying the people.

Dachi City became bustling with activity.

Meanwhile, Zhong Shan, accompanied by Nian Youyou, Ah Da, and Zhi Huo, arrived at the City Lord's mansion.

On the floating island square of the City Lord's mansion, Xiduhuang and Hao Meili were waiting.

"Zhong Shan, you've finally come." Hao Meili immediately expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Kid, you have quite the knack for leading troops in battle," Xiduhuang sighed, shaking his head.

"Thanks to the senior, and to the lovely Miss Hao Meili," Zhong Shan replied promptly.

"What about the goods?" Hao Meili immediately reached out her hand.

With a flip of his hand, Zhong Shan took out the remaining six pieces of the Immortal Stele from his storage bracelet and erected them on the square.

Looking at the six pieces of the Immortal Stele, Hao Meili smiled faintly, flipped her hand, and put them away.

"Hmph, you know your place," Hao Meili snorted.

"At the same time, I have something else to give you!" Zhong Shan's expression turned serious.

"Oh? Are you so generous?" Hao Meili said skeptically.

"This is something I had someone fetch at great expense. I think it's quite suitable for you. Although you haven't seen him, I believe you must have seen some projections or similar things he left for you. In terms of appearance, you should know—it's him!" Zhong Shan said heavily.

"Who?" Hao Meili frowned.

With a flip of his hand, a crystal coffin appeared in front of Zhong Shan. Before everyone could take a closer look, Hao Meili suddenly widened her eyes, flipped her hand, and took it away, staring at Zhong Shan intently, taking several deep breaths.

"How did you get this?" Hao Meili said coldly.

"You can ask the coiled dragon that carried him back then," Zhong Shan said.

"I've already cursed it to death!" Hao Meili said bluntly.

"Sorry, I have my ways. I'm giving this to you now, which can be considered a reward for your efforts during this period," Zhong Shan said.

"Old man, let's go!" Hao Meili immediately called out to Xiduhuang, obviously in a very bad mood.

Xiduhuang glanced at Zhong Shan, flipped his hand, and a cloud quickly carried him and Hao Meili away.

"Zhong Shan, what was that just now?" Nian Youyou asked in confusion.

"Something that belongs to Hao Meili," Zhong Shan said.

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