Undying Life

Chapter 300: Zhongshan’s Declarations of Love

Chapter 300: Chapter 300: Zhongshan's Declarations of Love

In the midst of a square filled with roses, their fragrances mingling in a riot of colors, the scene seemed almost surreal. The impact of this floral display was profound, especially for women. Even Nian Youyou, with her undisclosed secrets regarding Zhongshan, felt her heart stirred deeply upon seeing this spectacle.

Gazing at the countless roses, a fleeting sense of happiness washed over Nian Youyou, quickly replaced by curiosity as she turned to Zhongshan and asked, "What is all this?"

Zhongshan had been observing Nian Youyou's expressions attentively, trying to decipher her thoughts. But how could he discern her intentions from just a few facial expressions?

"I promised you initially, three thousand varieties of roses. Here, we have two thousand nine hundred and eighty. The remaining twenty are proving to be quite elusive, but I will procure them for you in due time," Zhongshan stated frankly.

Realizing it was just a task being fulfilled, Nian Youyou couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed, yet she pressed on, "And?"

"And what?" Zhongshan furrowed his brow.

"You also promised that for each rose you gave me, you would say a romantic phrase," Nian Youyou insisted persistently.

Hearing Nian Youyou's demand, Zhongshan broke out in a cold sweat!

"I think it's better if we forget about that!" Zhongshan said with a wry smile.

"No, you must say it. You promised," Nian Youyou insisted.

Looking at Nian Youyou, Zhongshan felt helpless. Who let him make such promises in the first place?

"You make my heart flutter, Youyou!" Zhongshan said.

"Is that it?" Nian Youyou raised an eyebrow in amusement.

Was that supposed to be the first romantic phrase?

"Yes!" Zhongshan replied matter-of-factly.


Thankfully, there were still over two thousand more to go.

"You really make my heart flutter, Youyou!" Zhongshan repeated.

Nian Youyou was speechless. Just adding two words made it the second phrase already?

... "The farthest distance in the world is not life and death, but standing in front of you and you don't know that I love you."

Zhongshan had plenty of these kinds of lines, effortlessly reciting them, albeit in a dry tone, merely going through the motions.

"Zhongshan!" Nian Youyou finally couldn't hold back.

"What's wrong? We're only at a thousand, and we're not done yet?" Zhongshan replied.

"Are you reading from a script? Can't you inject some emotions?" Nian Youyou said, visibly irritated.

Inject emotions? Zhongshan was speechless. We don't have any emotions between us. You have no feelings for me, and I have no feelings for you. How can I inject emotions?

"Fine!" Zhongshan nodded helplessly.

"That day, when you left, my heart shattered..."

"Holding your cold hand, I..."

Zhongshan continued with his 'emotional' declarations.

After listening for a while longer, Nian Youyou couldn't take it anymore. "Zhongshan, you're being too much."

"What did I do now?" Zhongshan asked, feeling frustrated.

"Are you reciting a eulogy? The way you're speaking, it's like I'm dead," Nian Youyou said, exasperated.

"Alright, I'll stop with the melancholy ones!" Zhongshan sighed.

"Guan Guan Ju Jiu, on the river isle, elegant and graceful lady, a match for a gentleman."

"Tiao Xi Da Xi, at the city gate, a day not seen, feels like three months."

... Over two thousand phrases later, even with Zhongshan's wealth of eloquence, reciting them without any genuine emotion was becoming taxing. Eventually, he resorted to lines from ancient poems.

Nian Youyou rolled her eyes beside him, wondering what mishmash of words he was reciting.

With poetic lines exhausted, Zhongshan felt even more frustrated. He hadn't reached two thousand nine hundred and eighty yet, and he had to continue.

"How deep is my love for you? The moon represents my heart."

"You are the wind, and I am the sand..."

"Even in death, I will love..."

... Finally departing from poetic lines, Zhongshan attempted to sound more sincere, yet wondered what the moon had to do with love. He knew it was unrelated, but it was sung that way, so he recited accordingly.

... "Let the deceased have an immortal name, let the living have an eternal love!"

After uttering this final phrase, Zhongshan breathed a sigh of relief. This was more mentally taxing than leading troops into battle.

Initially critical of Zhongshan's haphazard declarations, Nian Youyou gradually quieted down as she listened. Despite not understanding most of what Zhongshan was saying, she seemed to be strangely enjoying herself.

"Alright, two thousand nine hundred and eighty phrases," Zhongshan breathed deeply.

"Is that all?" Nian Youyou sounded somewhat reluctant.

"Yes, that's all," Zhongshan nodded.

"Oh, I forgot to record this just now, could you say it again?" Nian Youyou stared at Zhongshan.

Say it again? You might as well kill me!

"Uh, my throat is about to give out. I need to go get some water. Please put away these flowers, I'm leaving!" Zhongshan, the Supreme Commander of the Eastern Hou, dashed off.

Watching Zhongshan disappear in the blink of an eye, Nian Youyou stomped her foot in frustration.

Two months later, in the City Lord's Mansion, Central Hall of Wushuang City.

Standing before Zhongshan, Ada lowered a massive ice coffin from his hands, which Zhongshan promptly stored away.

Taking a letter in hand, Zhongshan carefully read it, a faint smile gracing his face.

"Sir, the princess said once she breaks through to the Emperor Realm, she will come immediately," Ada reported.

"How is the princess now?" Zhongshan asked Ada.

"The princess is well. According to Ah Er, she spends every day watching the sedan chair," Ada replied.

"Sedan chair?" Zhongshan was puzzled.

"That's the one used when the princess was poisoned, the one you had brought over," Ada explained.

"I see," Zhongshan nodded thoughtfully.

"You've worked hard during this period. Take some rest," Zhongshan said.

"Yes!" Ada acknowledged and then withdrew.

Zhongshan stared at the letter from Princess Qianyou, reading and rereading it:

"This is the body of the third prince, preserved intact. He still maintains his appearance. Tianlao has confirmed he is the ninth generation of the Haotian bloodline. Regarding the matter of the Immortal Monuments, I will cooperate with King Daxuan in bringing it to the Emperor's attention.

Also, I miss you!"

A brief letter, detailing matters discussed with Zhongshan, concluded with the heartfelt "I miss you!", expressing all of Princess Qianyou's sentiments in a single sentence. It didn't need flowery words or excessive sentimentality; just those four words were enough to convey everything and make Zhongshan understand it all.

Taking a deep breath, Zhongshan carefully folded the letter and stowed it away.

Ten days later, a messenger arrived from King Daxuan.

Standing before the City Lord's Mansion in Wushuang City, the messenger made a gesture, and fifteen massive "Immortal Monuments" rose in the square.

"Dongfang Hou, these were sent by King Daxuan himself, fifteen Immortal Monuments. East and West have already been delivered. The King hopes you won't disappoint him," the messenger smiled.

"Thank you to the King. Please convey to him that Zhongshan's words will be fulfilled. Starting now, within a year, I will secure the twelve cities of Linhai," Zhongshan said solemnly.

"The King will be pleased to hear that. He holds you in high regard, Dongfang Hou. Take care of yourself," the messenger smiled faintly at Zhongshan.

Zhongshan unexpectedly smiled back, "Please assure the King of my commitment."

"Very well, I shall return to report to the King. May Dongfang Hou have a victorious start," the messenger bid farewell.

"I'll see you off," Zhongshan offered.

"No need, farewell!" the messenger said before disappearing with a step.

Watching the messenger vanish into the distance, Zhongshan smiled faintly, leaving those around him puzzled about what was on his mind.

Turning to the fifteen Immortal Monuments, Zhongshan took a deep breath and stowed them away in his storage bracelet. Everything was prepared; now all that was needed was the right opportunity!

"Marshal, shall we prepare to invite Emperor Xidu?" Shui Wuheng immediately asked curiously.

"Train the troops well. When the time comes, the specifics of the battle plan will be known. We'll set off soon. Be prepared," Zhongshan said.

"Yes!" the generals responded.

In the city where Marquis Qitian resided, within the central mansion.

Marquis Qitian sat behind his desk, with generals standing on both sides.

"It's been over a year. Zhongshan still hasn't moved yet?" Marquis Qitian frowned.

"No, Marshal. Perhaps Zhongshan is all talk, and capturing Wushuang City was just luck," a senior general spoke up.

"Luck? Hmph, continue to investigate," Marquis Qitian ordered.

"Yes," the generals responded immediately.

In the city where Master Shuijing resided, in the central square of the City Lord's Mansion.

Master Shuijing, though now a commanding general, still wore scholarly robes and held a feather fan, gazing at the floating islands below, with generals standing behind him.

"Marshal, when shall we continue our siege?" a general asked.

"The time is not yet ripe. This Xiao Wang is too formidable. We must wait a little longer," Master Shuijing said.

"Yes!" the generals agreed.

"Any movements from Wushuang City?" Master Shuijing inquired.

"Not yet. General Zhongshan, after taking Wushuang City, has been solely focused on training his troops," a general reported.

"Still training? Heh, it seems Zhongshan is confident now?" Master Shuijing smiled faintly.

"Confident? Marshal, Zhongshan hasn't made a move at all!" the general expressed disbelief.

"Silence is golden. One burst of sound shakes the nine heavens. Zhongshan is that kind of person. Just wait; before long, you will understand," Master Shuijing took a deep breath.

"Yes!" the generals nodded with a hint of skepticism.

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