Undying Life

Chapter 296: The Rise of Hundred Dragons Stirring Thousand Waves

Chapter 296: Chapter 296: The Rise of Hundred Dragons Stirring Thousand Waves

"Release the arrows, shoot him dead!" Wu'an roared.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh——"

A barrage of broken gang arrows streaked forth.


Beneath the foothills of Zhongshan, the mountains shattered instantly. Three Sovereign Realm experts, under full protection, narrowly dodged the main volley of arrows and blocked the peripheral ones.

Seeing Wu'an in the distance, Zhongshan smirked. It wasn't a smile of personal safety, but rather a mocking one aimed at Wu'an's disarray. Facing him, Wu'an's composure was shattered, making him unworthy of being Zhongshan's opponent, regardless of his cultivation.

"General Wu'an, are you unaware of the calamity that awaits you?" Zhongshan's voice boomed.

"Halt!" Wu'an waved his hand, and all archers ceased their attack.

"Zhongshan, I'll give you a chance to speak. I don't believe you have a large army following you," Wu'an called out.

Simultaneously, he made a subtle gesture behind his back, signaling all soldiers to ready their bows. Arrows wouldn't harm Zhongshan from this distance; they needed to lure him closer. But would Zhongshan fall for Wu'an's ploy?

"Do you know the identity of the dragon you've imprisoned? Before long, you'll taste bitter consequences. Even if you remain unscathed, your hundred thousand troops will suffer heavy losses. Do you believe me?" Zhongshan chuckled.

"Humph, deceiving the masses!" Wu'an retorted angrily, stabilizing the soldiers' morale with a fierce shout.

"Don't believe me? Ask Xie Yan behind you if what I say is true," Zhongshan smiled.

If it were the astute Xie Yan, he wouldn't be swayed by Zhongshan's words. Even if true, he would rally all forces to resist. But Wu'an was not Xie Yan; he glanced back at Xie Yan.

This glance was scrutinized by all soldiers. The once steadfast warriors now showed signs of doubt.

"General Wu'an, you'd better leave here quickly!" Xie Yan spoke. As he wasn't a commanding general, he didn't need to consider the consequences.

Yet his words shook the foundation of their morale.

All soldiers wore expressions of uncertainty and concern.

"What's going on?" Wu'an frowned.

At the same time, he looked towards the battle formation where a dragon and a young girl stood together. Hao's beautiful face was cold, emitting an unusual chill that belied her age.

"Whoosh—— whoosh—— whoosh—— whoosh——"

From the east, a deafening roar of tidal waves suddenly resounded.

As if massive tsunamis were approaching, each thunderous boom grew louder, drawing nearer towards the army. The sea seemed to surge closer with each passing moment.

Wu'an leapt into the air, gazing towards the east.

Waves nearly three hundred meters high?

This was within the mountains and forests—how could there be such oceanic waves here?

As he watched the colossal waves rushing towards him, Wu'an felt his hairs stand on end, a sense of foreboding spreading rapidly throughout his body.

Has the earth sunk? How did the waters of the Eastern Sea roar all the way here? So much water, so many waves—what in the world is happening?

"Roar—— Roar—— Roar——"

Amidst the waves, resounded the mighty dragon's cries that shook the heavens.

Following the dragon's roar, Wu'an felt his scalp tingle

as he looked over. Flood dragons—countless flood dragons, not less than a hundred flood dragons, and many more hidden beneath the vast waters, were eagerly racing towards him with wild roars.

Among them, there were two serpent dragons and several true double-horned dragon clans, roaring furiously as they charged forward.

Thousands of towering waves, hundreds of roaring dragons!

Wu'an knew this was big trouble.

"Retreat! Everyone, retreat!" Wu'an bellowed to the army below, rushing towards Xie Yan to personally escort him in one direction.


The first arriving serpent dragon and three true dragons whipped their tails, a thunderous crash shattering the entire battle formation.


The golden dragon within the formation, freed at last, shouted excitedly. With a swift flick of its head, it lifted Hao beautifully, its massive dragon head glaring angrily.

"Splash splash splash——"

Endless waters of the Eastern Sea poured down madly. In an instant, the entire mountainside was submerged in water, the surrounding valleys filled, and numerous peaks were drowned.

Watching from afar, Zhongshan saw the waters, seemingly summoned by the dragons from the Eastern Sea. All that came was water—water flooding everything, causing devastation.

Countless lives were lost due to the furious dragon roars.

In a flash flood, Wu'an led the army in retreat, but they were too slow. Only the most elite managed to escape, while the others were quickly engulfed by the deluge.

In the waters, it was the domain of the flood dragons. Rolling and tumbling, they swiftly entangled and drowned those caught in the flood.

After the onslaught, countless casualties befell Wu'an's hundred thousand strong army. Only thirty thousand of the most elite soldiers managed to escape, fleeing for their lives without a moment's pause.


The dragons stared at the small golden dragon's injuries, each one furious.



The dragons roared, clearly intent on chasing down the remaining thirty thousand soldiers of Wu'an's army, determined to leave none behind.

"Dragon Generals, there's no need to go. Now that I'm out here again, they dared to imprison me and Little Jin. They will surely meet a bad end," Hao, with anger in her voice, declared.

Though the young girl lacked cultivation, for some reason, the dragons seemed to trust her words deeply. It wasn't because of Little Jin, but something inherent in the girl herself. As they looked at her, the dragons held a reverence.

Facing the direction where Wu'an's army fled, the little girl shouted angrily, "Wu'an, you bullied me, and you will face retribution! I curse you all—may you be crushed to death by giant rocks, no, by stars falling from the sky! And Xie Yan, you won't escape either. I curse you to be cut into ten pieces, no, a hundred pieces! Ah——"

The little girl's venomous shouts sounded like a release, like she was reclaiming her dignity with a touch of childish temper!

After this tirade, Hao seemed to be in a much better mood. Surprisingly, the dragons no longer pursued Wu'an's remaining army.

After venting her frustrations, Hao Meili glanced towards the distant peaks where Zhongshan and the others stood, her eyes devoid of any gratitude, as if everything were merely expected. She turned to the dragons and said, "Back to the Dragon Palace. Little Jin is injured."


The dragons roared wildly, and amidst their swaying forms, the floodwaters swiftly rushed towards the east. The dragons commanded the waters, heading swiftly towards the Eastern Sea. Meanwhile, the eight Immortal Monuments were carried away by eight of the flood dragons.

In no time, they disappeared from Zhongshan's sight.

"How rude. We just saved her, and she didn't even say thank you," Nian Youyou muttered, looking at the departing Hao Meili with annoyance.

"The Dragon Clan? Is this the power of the Dragon Clan?" Zhongshan frowned in surprise.

"The Dragon Clan, starting from flood dragons, has the formidable ability to cause great upheaval in water. They can manipulate vast amounts of seawater. This area relies on the Eastern Sea, so they can act as they please, leveraging their innate advantage in the sea. They will never be exterminated. This natural gift is incredibly powerful, even surpassing our Sovereign Realm experts specializing in water magic," A Da explained.

"However, their numbers aren't necessarily the largest. That little golden dragon just now seemed to have a high status," Nian Youyou pondered.

Watching from afar, Zhongshan's expression turned serious as he muttered to himself, "Dragon Clan? Eastern Sea? Dragon Palace?"

"Zhongshan, the dragons are gone. What are you still looking at?" Nian Youyou nudged Zhongshan abruptly.

The nudge brought Zhongshan back to his senses; evidently, he had been lost in thought.

"Let's go, pursue Wu'an!" Zhongshan declared.

"Huh?" The others immediately nodded, and A Da whisked Zhongshan away on a cloud, leading the group towards the direction Wu'an and his army had fled.

Perhaps Wu'an and his men had fled too hastily. By daybreak, they had finally caught sight of Wu'an and his thirty thousand troops.

However, Xie Yan was nowhere to be seen, likely having left midway.

At daybreak, the thirty thousand troops arrived near one of the cities not far from the coast—the third city among the Twelve Seaside Cities.

The mighty army charged towards the city.

"General, should we blend in and enter the city to gather information?" Zhao Chuan suggested promptly.

"It won't be easy to blend in," Zhongshan frowned.


Suddenly, an incredibly piercing sound rang out, and a powerful air current descended from above, directly hitting the top of Zhongshan's head.

From above?

Not only Zhongshan's head, but countless tall trees on the surrounding mountains were also forced to bow under this mighty wind pressure. Zhongshan stood at the edge, where the airflow impact was strongest, but the city ahead faced the brunt of it where Wu'an's army was stationed.

Everyone was startled, their eyes filled with astonishment, quickly setting up protective shields and looking up.

The sun? Was the sun falling?

A massive fireball plummeted from the sky, incredibly gigantic and moving at an astonishing speed. The air in front of the fireball already showed signs of distortion, explaining the sudden appearance of massive air currents below.

"A falling star?" exclaimed Zhihuo Langjiang.

Without hesitation, A Da grabbed Zhongshan and swiftly retreated. The others reacted just as quickly, fleeing towards safety at the fastest speed possible.

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