Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 369: Even Soraka Can Whiff Ultimate

Chapter 369: Even Soraka Can Whiff Ultimate

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the bottom lane was pushed in, vision around the Dragon was easily controlled by the enemy team.

To know how strong a team was, all you had to do was see how they controlled their vision. Fen Da and Fei Ge of Team ILUN indeed had their strengths, and laning wouldn’t be much of a problem for them.

It was a shame, though, that their rhythm was completely off-beat, and they couldn’t build up on any advantages that they got, giving their enemy time to catch their breath and get their bearings straight. Even a single badly-initiated team fight could cause their brief advantage to go down the drain.

This time, a fight over the red buff caused a homicide.

The enemy Jungler tried to gain control over Zhou Yan’s red buff, but he did so without proper vision of the area. The more experienced Zhou Yan caught on to his tricks quickly and got Wu Sen, who was in the mid lane, to camp out at the red buff with him.

Their reinforcements came quickly, and as soon as the fight broke out in the jungle, the enemy bot lane duo and Mid came to back their Jungler up.

Under these circumstances, Lin Dong had no choice but to give up on farming to help his team in the jungle

Pinging Xiao Ya, Lin Dong rushed over to the jungle.

Zhou Yan’s Maokai was fearless, and he rushed forward alone, setting up for Lin Dong and Wu Sen to deal massive damage. The enemy Corki was no coward either, hopping over the wall with his W-skill to attempt to kill Lin Dong’s Ezreal!

“Sh*t, you think you can scare me?” Lin Dong decided that enough was enough, and he faced the Corki head on. He still had a Soraka next to him, regardless of how behind she was, she was still good for healing, right!?

Corki had pretty decent items, and a single combo from him cut Lin Dong’s health in half, but thankfully, Xiao Ya was there to top his health up.

The difference in equipment was too great, and if this continued, Lin Dong would surely be left at a disadvantage. However, Lin Dong wasn’t afraid, because he knew that Xiao Ya still had her ultimate on her!

As his health began to run dangerously low, Lin Dong suddenly sensed that something was wrong!

Xiao Ya, your ultimate!

Xiao Ya was still using her silence, casting her auto-attack against Corki, looking as though nothing was amiss.

Lin Dong could see his health bar shrinking dangerously, and he was getting anxious.

Hello!? Why are you still auto-attacking? Use your ultimate skill!

Finally, Xiao Ya remembered the existence of her ultimate and hurriedly pressed her R key.

Alas, just as the R key was pushed into the keyboard, Zhou Yan’s Maokai had already died while solo-ing in front, and Lin Dong, unsurprisingly, had also met his end at the hands of a well-equipped Corki, while Wu Sen was covered in blood at the back.

Suddenly, the entire hall was dead silent. The ones who were drinking beer and the ones who weren’t, all of them were in shock at what had just transpired!

I’ve seen Sona miss ultimates, I’ve seen Annie miss ultimates, but this was the first d*mn time I’ve ever seen a Soraka miss her ultimate!

My dear Support, you’re a spy sent by the enemy team, aren’t you!? So ditzy that you’ve managed to turn the entire audience red!

After their screens turned gray, Zhou Yan and Lin Dong gave each other a silent stare.

Naïve, they had been too naïve. They had seen the green circle under Soraka’s portrait, and thus, had subconsciously added the healing from her ult to their health total, thinking that they would be able to run away with a little extra health. Who would have known that this little girl would only use her ultimate after the both of them were dead!

Woman, did you even read the ability description for Soraka, it was a team-wide heal, not a team-wide resurrect!

Double kill!

Triple kill!

Wu Sen was feeling good this time. Starting by taking out the enemy Jungler, he quickly switched targets to the Corki, following up with a well placed ultimate to blow up the enemy’s Support.

Wu Sen’s Ziggs was truly and utterly disgusting. With Zhou Yan creating the perfect environment for him to deal damage, his blue-buff-empowered bombs rained down on the enemy team by the ton, wiping those Team ILUN suckers off the map.

“F*ck, I told you guys to cut that Ziggs off, what the hell were you doing!?” Feng Da screamed.

Trying to take care of a Corki had somehow resulted in them trading 2 for 3, losing 3 players in a 4 vs 5. They had lost this fight big time.

“This Jungler and Mid are pretty good,” said Fei Ge.

Fei Ge was laning against Wu Sen, and Wu Sen’s Ziggs was driving his Orianna crazy. He had already been at a monetary disadvantage, now, he might as well just AFK for the rest of the laning phase.

“They’re way more than just ‘pretty good’.” Their jungler sighed.

Jarvan should have had an easy time against Maokai, but for whatever reason, every time they met in the jungle, Maokai would always have the upper hand, and no matter where he tried to gank, the Maokai would appear within 5 seconds flat, often winning the fight, too.

“Who are you calling ‘pretty good’, can’t you see that I’ve almost pushed through their entire bot lane already! You guys had better step up your d*mn game!” Feng Da ordered.

“Bro, Ezreal’s not doing that bad...”

“Not bad my ass, didn’t you see how I killed him like the poor little dog he is!”


Luocheng was happily climbing ranks in the Korean Servers, and since his elo had already dropped, the opponents they were facing weren’t all that strong, giving them an easy win.

This time, Luocheng and Shallow Dream weren’t only queuing for the bottom lane, allowing their teammates to take their positions before filling into whichever role was left.

After one round, Luocheng glanced at Lin Dong beside him, saying, “How are you guys not done yet?”

“Shut up, you try to 1 vs 3 in the bot lane!” Lin Dong whined.

Luocheng looked over to Lin Dong’s screen. At a glance, he calculated that the enemy team was up by roughly two or three thousand gold.

Their advantage was mainly around the bottom lane and Dragon, whereas Team Skycrown had an advantage in both the top and middle lane.

Not bad, a heavy tank taking up the front line and a Ziggs that was pumping out decent consistent damage and burst. Even if Lin Dong’s equipment were not up to par, he could still hold his own in a fight, and as long as Wu Sen and Lin Dong had good positioning and didn’t get CC’d, they could still win a team fight.

“The enemy is going to group up soon, if you stay on the defensive, you should do well. If vision over the Dragon is being controlled by the enemy team, you should just give the Dragon up so that no one gets caught,” Luocheng warned.

Team Skycrown’s side was devoid of any crowd control, and except for Corki, the enemies’ crowd control was quite potent. If their back line were to get caught, their team fight would go south immediately. This was a test of positioning.

“But with Jarvan, they will basically force a fight whenever they can...” Luocheng continued to muse.

Just as he finished his sentence, the fleeing Jarvan suddenly turned around and flashed toward them, jumping toward Soraka and Maokai with an EQ-combo.

“Sh*t, he’s on the aggressive!” Lin Dong shouted.

Flashing and following up with an EQ-combo, that would mean leaving your team behind by 1,000 units! Forcing team fights was a good skill, but could your teammates follow up?

Sona, Orianna, and Renekton had already rushed over, and Orianna’s ball could be seen floating around Jarvan’s head. She was waiting for Jarvan to use his ultimate before following up with her own!

After this combo, Sona would surely follow up with her ultimate, and she would be able to CC 3 people!

As expected, Jarvan jumped toward Ziggs and Ezreal.

Lin Dong reacted quickly, using his E-skill to dodge as Jarvan’s Cataclysm landed. The enemy Orianna didn’t have too much time to think, one-shotting the Ziggs would be worth it too!

Zhou Yan’s Maokai and Da Luo’s Shyvanna weren’t just there for decoration, and with Jarvan starting a team fight like this, the enemy would naturally rush over.

Da Luo looked for the perfect opening to throw his ultimate out, diving upon 3 people in 1 hit. With his E-skill only raised to its second level, Renekton stormed in to kill Ziggs.

Zhou Yan unleashed his skills precisely, and while under normal circumstances Maokai would go straight to root the opposing ADC, stopping them from dealing any damage, Zhou Yan didn’t do so, and instead, rooted the Sona.

With Jarvan forcing a team fight, Orianna following up with an ultimate, and Sona following up with hers, this combo-CC would kill anyone. If Wu Sen and Lin Dong got hit, the game would be a loss, and so, the focus shouldn’t be on the ADC, but on stopping the Sona from using her ultimate.

A single root snared Sona in place. Sona had wanted to flash toward her team, but just as she was about to, she was rooted to the ground, and along with a lunge from Shyvanna, she wasn’t able to follow up with her crowd control ability, instead, taking the brunt of the enemy team’s AOE damage! (AOE means “Area of Effect”, describing wide range abilities)

Shyvanna’s burning ultimate, Ezreal’s Trueshot Barrage swiping across the enemy team, Maokai’s ultimate skill and set of abilities, as well as Ziggs raining his ultimate down from the sky.

Such was the tale of a poor Support, running into the fight, thinking that she could finish the opposing team off with a single ultimate, but due to the lack of resistance, health, and awareness of incoming AOE abilities, she was finished off before she even got the chance, left to draw circles in a corner while her team continued to fight.

The problem was, would a Maokai care about an ultimate’s crowd control? Attack all you want! He could barely feel it through his thick skin.

On the other side, the surrounded Wu Sen wasn’t worried at all. As soon as Orianna used all of her abilities, he placed a Satchel Charge at his feet, launching himself back and bringing with him his health bar that was not even a third.

Soraka had already healed him at this point, and Wu Sen knew that Orianna couldn’t deal such a high damage, and with Xiao Ya healing him, he didn’t even need to use his Flash. Blasting out of harm’s way, he threw a myriad of abilities toward Jarvan who was tangled up with the rest of his team.

How high could a Jungler’s magic resistance be? For a 5/0/3, 150 CS Ziggs, Jarvan was practically defenseless.

In mere seconds, Jarvan had been slain, and Ziggs looked at the half dead Ezreal that was being chased by Renekton, quickly spreading his bombs on the floor to slow the latter, relieving some of the pressure on Ezreal.

Lin Dong was truly poorly equipped, not doing much damage to even an under-leveled Renekton, however, Ziggs managed to shave Renekton’s health in half with a single combo. The malicious attack left Renekton in tears, and if he had thought that Shyvanna was merciless in her proxy farming against Renekton, then this Ziggs was downright evil!

Not long later, Renekton caved, dying to Ezreal and Ziggs.

Finishing off Renekton, the two massive tanks that were Shyvanna and Maokai retreated from the frontline, regrouping with their backline.

Team ILUN was left with 2 players still standing, and all through this, Zhou Yan’s Maokai had saved his W-skill. Upon regrouping with the rest of his team, he snared the fleeing Orianna, knocking her toward his team!

Ezreal and Ziggs followed up quickly, however, Orianna did manage to take Soraka down with her, dying just like that!

Sona and Corki were left, no longer daring to continue the fight. It didn’t matter how low Maokai was, all they could do was flee.

And thus, following the way Jarvan had started off the team fight, the battle ended with a 3 for 1 trade. All Team Skycrown had lost was a Support, but Team ILUN had lost 3 of their major carries.

Needless to say, Team Skycrown killed the remaining players, even taking the Baron!

Oddly enough, Team ILUN did not pick themselves up for quite a while, and even the spectators were beginning to wonder what had happened.

They had been at such an advantage in terms of both gold and items, how had they lost so easily?

If it weren’t for the undercover Soraka feeding them a kill, it would have ended in a 0 for 3 trade.

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