Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 58

Tang Siyu stroked his cerebellum melon seeds. "It's OK. When Mommy stopped, she passed by the grass, didn't see the road clearly, and accidentally fell."

"Seriously?" The little guy immediately felt more distressed and didn't doubt anything else.

However, the man standing next to him flashed a sneer. Her son was cheated by her, but he could see clearly that the woman was like fighting with someone on the grass, with several marks on her face.

So big, even learning how to fight with children? This immature mind is still his son's mother, which makes him worried about his son's intellectual development in the future.

Tang Siyu looks up and feels that this man is staring at himself. She can't help but stare at him with a guilty look, "what are you looking at? I haven't seen a woman wrestling! "

After that, Tang Siyu hissed. Even though her scalp was torn hot, her feet must be blue and purple. She had to find a medicine wine to wipe it. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to have a medicine box. However, Tang Siyu looked under the cabinet.

"Mommy, what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for the medicine box. I don't know if your grandfather bought it." Tang Siyu said while rummaging to find.

The handsome face of the man behind flashed a cold Chi. He had a premonition that she must not be prepared. He turned around and walked to the door.

The little guy followed mommy to find out that daddy was missing.

Tang Siyu is crawling in front of a cabinet. He carefully flips the things inside. Suddenly, someone on the ground next to her puts down a medicine chest and kicks it in front of her.

"Xiaoxi, where did you find it?" Tang Siyu immediately looked up with joy.

At this point, she was silly for a few seconds. Where did her son find her? It's Xing liehan standing in front of the medicine box, and it's clearly not her family's medicine box.

"Mommy, this is daddy's medicine chest! You can apply the medicine quickly! "

Tang Siyu can't care who it is. She takes the medicine box to the sofa and gently lifts up her trouser legs. Under the knee of her left foot, a piece of cyan red blood can be seen clearly.

"Mommy, how did you fall, how did you hurt your face and legs?" Little guy also has normal thinking. Did Mommy fall and roll on the ground?

Tang Siyu took the potion and put it on it. She was going to ignore it. At this time, a man nearby couldn't see it. Does this woman think it's OK to paint a layer on it?

Does she have any medical knowledge? If you don't rub the swelling on the blood, it doesn't work at all.

"Xiao Xi, get out of the way." Xing lie's son in front of Tang Siyu speaks in a low voice.

The little guy moved away a little bit, and Tang Siyu saw him approaching, and immediately got nervous, "what are you going to do?"

Xing lie cold pedal lower body, his big palm has no pity to hold her slender calf, with the palm of the hard press to her blue and purple place, hard rub up.

"Ah Pain Pain Xing liehan, please take it easy. It hurts so much! " Tang Siyu was so hurt that her eyes turned red all of a sudden. Even if this man wanted to help her, could he be a little gentle? The place that hurt originally was rubbed so hard by him. She was going to faint with pain.

Xing lie ordered coldly, "bear it."

"Ah Well Ah Woo... " Tang Siyu wants to bear it, but he can't help it! The pain is beyond her endurance.

Xing lie's cold and dark eyes were thick for a moment. She stared at her as if she couldn't change the night. Is this woman crying or is she giving him some hint?

Tang Siyu is in a cold sweat. Xing liehan has to support his son. "Xiao Xi, go to my house and stay. Don't come here without my order."

"Why?" The little guy has big eyes of ignorance.

"Be obedient." Xing liehan gives an order to his son.

"Oh!" The little guy quickly pushed in through the side door.

Tang Siyu felt that the place where she was hurt was as hot as a fire. She sobbed and murmured from time to time, like the cry of the injured animals.

"Why do you want your son to leave?" Don Sisi doesn't understand this man's practice. Does she want to do anything dangerous when her son is away?

"I just don't want my son to listen to you!"


"Because five years ago, you were under me, that's what you called it." Xing liehan doesn't mind reminding her.

Originally, a small face of Tang Siyu was red enough. Now, it was red directly. She was angry and broke her calf out of his big palm. She didn't have a good airway. "OK, don't rub it again."

Xing liehan put the medicine wine back into the medicine box, picked it up and left, and entered his room through that door.

Tang Siyu took a breath of air-conditioning, then walked into the bathroom with one foot and one turn, looking at the red faces in the mirror. She reached for the cold water and washed her face, and then took the comb to comb the grass on her hair.

She went back to her room and changed her clothes. She came out of the sofa and looked at the time. It was almost 9:30. It's time for the little guy to go to bed.At this time, the door opened again, and Tang Yixi came to her worried face, "Mommy, do you still hurt?"

"It's much better. I'm ok. I just fell. Next time Mommy pays attention."

"Well! You must be aware that if it's too dark, I'll prepare a small flashlight for you to put in your bag, and you can take it out later in the evening. " The little guy is very worried about Mommy.

Tang Siyu chuckled and looked at his son with gentle and moving eyes. "Don't worry! Mommy will come back earlier. Go to bed now! Tomorrow is school! "

"Well! Mommy, you should go to bed earlier "Good night, Mommy!" the little one told her, and then left the door

"Good night." Tang Siyu smiles and waves his hand. The little guy closes the door. Tang Siyu is so angry that he wants to find someone to settle the account. This person is mufei. He is good. Why don't he get engaged with Tang Yiyi? To cause such trouble to her.

However, she doesn't want to cause any more trouble. If she tells mufei that Tang Yiyi is in trouble with her, and mufei is in trouble with her again, she really can't explain clearly.

This evening, Tang Yiyi also came home in a shawl. Qiu Lin was very upset when she saw it. She asked who hit it. Of course, Tang Yiyi said it was Tang Siyu. She had a palm print on her face! Qiu Lin's hatred for Tang Siyu is stronger.

"Don Siyu, I will never let her go." Qiu Lin swore.

Tang Xiong recently worked late. If he knew that his two daughters were fighting, he would not know who to advise.

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