Twin Soul

Chapter 7: (9/9)

Chapter 7: (9/9)

Because Kain's current level is 25. The Thunder Eagle Emperor he conjured and trapped inside his LYAUR had the power to be on par with a level 30 Thunder Mage. It may not be strong enough to fight against Alek if he is really a Blood Mage. But it will surely be enough to keep Kain alive until help arrives.

Kain commanded the Thunder Eagle Emperor, "Fundin, get your [Shocking Grasp] and [Thunder Claws] spells ready. If this Fire Mage does anything foolish, give him a free invitation to go visit his ancestors."

Fundin nodded and replied in a sad tone, "Understood."

More than two hundred thousand years ago. The former Emperor of Thunder Eagles passed away from old age. Fundin was just a regular Thunder Eagle and was so thrilled when he was chosen to be the Emperor of all Thunder Eagles by the Watcher in his realm. He was given a name and tremendous power that transformed him into a giant Thunder Eagle. The Watcher also granted Fundin the ability to speak human language. Fundin was conjured many times by the humans of many realms in the universe. But he was always released back to his realm after the battle was over. But now, an asshole Conjurer Mage trapped him here permanently and there is nothing he could do to change it. He cant commit suicide because the Watcher of this realm will erase him from existence as punishment (thats mean he will truly die). Fundin secretly hopes someone can be strong enough to kill him or his conjurer so he can be banished from this cursed realm (Toria Continents).

Kaim calmly led Alek away from his chamber leaving Wayne speechless. If Wayne and David fight now, it wouldnt change anything.

Alek was busy planning on how to kill both Kain and his Thunder Eagle Emperor then escape from here using [Abyssal Flesh]. After Alek noticed Kain was leading him into a dark corner. Alek was happy because this dark corner will be the perfect spot for him to take Kain out. Kain suddenly turned around, raised both of his hands up, and activated his Twin Soul. A dark red energy ball was flying on Kains left hand while a dark gray energy ball was flying on his right hand.

Alek opened his eyes wide and asked, Are you a Blood Mage?


You didnt say the code words.

We dont have time for that. Give me your Blood Pendant immediately. Kain told Alek in a quiet tone.

Yes, senior.

Alek immediately took out his Blood Pendant and gave it to Kain. Kain took the Magical Storage Ring hidden inside his boot out and dropped it on the floor to turn it into a storage chest. Kain quickly threw the Blood Pendant in the storage chest and locked it which turned it back into a Storage Ring. Kain hid the Storage Ring back inside his boot and continued leading Alek toward Lord Clericos room.

Senior. You didnt use the code words. What if Im not a Blood Mage? Alek quietly whispered into Kains ear when they were walking together.

In that case, you will be powerless against Fundin and he will kill you. Kain calmly answered. Alek turned to look at Fundin as he nodded in agreement. A level 20 Fire Mage like him wont be able to defeat the Thunder Eagle Emperor.

How are you going to explain to other people?

I will hide one of my Magical Blood Daggers in your robe and then fake a story about you wanting to kill me. People would definitely believe that you are a Blood Mage. Please shut the f**k up. There could be people nearby that use [Whispering Wind] to hear us. We will talk later.

Knock, knock, knock. Come in. Noe gave permission to whoever knocked on the door of his room to enter.

Kain and Alek walked in. Kain nodded his head as he said, Lord Clerico.

Alek followed the tradition by kneeling his right knee on the ground, keeping both of his hands crossed on his chest, and said, "Honorable leader of the Gray, my name is Alek Silvergraft and I am at your commands."

Uhm. Rise. Take your clothes off.

Your grace?

I said, TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF! Noe repeated in an angry tone.

Yes, your grace.

Alek immediately stripped down naked in front of Noe like a little bitch without any further objection. Noe turned toward Kain and said, Search every inch of his clothes.

Kain immediately dug through Aleks clothes and found nothing unusual. Kain said, Lord Clerico, I found nothing concealed in his clothes. No hidden Magical Fire Stones.

Magical Fire Stones? Ah... Noe said as he nodded. Noe was glad that Kain didnt know he was looking for Magical Blood Equipment. Its better to suspect someone of cheating instead of suspecting them as a Blood Mage. Uhm. Alek, I thought you were cheating since your mana pool is too large compared to Mages at your level. You may dress now.

Alek dressed up as he kept his head down and then remained silent.

Are you angry? Noe asked in a mocking tone.

I don't dare to, your grace. Alek answered while continuing to look downward.

Kain, why are you here? Where is David?

Executioner Bodwyn was arguing with someone else. I have no idea what happened. I just came over to say hi to him and he asked me to walk Alek to your room.

Hmm? What were you doing at Aleks arena battle chamber?

I thought Alek was cheating and wanted to confront him when the arena announcer stopped the match.

I see, you were looking out for Arthur Castillon.

Yes, your grace.

Kain, you may leave.

Yes, Lord Clerico. Kain left the room and quietly closed the door leaving Alek by himself with Noe Clerico.

Kain got back to the audience side and was questioned by Vincezo about why it took him so long. After several minutes, Vincezo decided to stop nagging after Kain agreed to go visit a physician about his stomachs problem.

Kain finally relaxed his mind when he heard the arena announcer announce, Ladies and gentlemen, the match between Arthur Castillon of Nosh and Alek Silvergraft of Flumen will now resume. Both contenders, please stay inside your spots and be ready to resume the battle.

The signal for battle to start was fired. Alek casted [Flame Wall] to prevent Arwen from sprinting toward him while chanting for [Flaming Familiar]. Arwen shot several Astral Arrows toward Alek but missed because the [Flame Wall] covered her point of view. Arwen grabbed Arthur and ran far away as she heard a roaring sound. Feeling like something was chasing after them, Arwen turned around and saw a Flaming Tiger was approximately thirty feet away from her. Needless to say, this Flaming Tiger was created by Aleks [Flaming Familiar] spell using the remaining of his mana.

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