Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 5 (1/8)

Book 2: Chapter 5 (1/8)

After Gwenn, Kath, and Noe bullshit with David for ten minutes by giving him a fake mission. David was then asked to leave without knowing that his true identity of being a Blood Mage was exposed.

Noe said, He hid his identity very well. I didnt know he was a Blood Mage. Gwenn, your plan was impeccable.

Lord Clerico is correct, Holy Mage.

I thank you both, Lord Clerico and Lord Donoghan. It wouldnt be a success without your help. Gwenn bowed her head to thank Noe and Kath for their assistance.

The big Magic Crystal would have exploded if any magic casters hold it for more than three seconds. All the Executioners who have tested before were killed and have their memories cleaned after being revived by Gwenns [Resurrection] spell. That was why they didnt know they had participated in such examinations. They were then given a special assignment for a month that doesn't require any kind of magic casting. If someone was not a Blood Mage, he/she cant use Blood Magic to fight back after being accused of being a Blood Mage by Lord Donoghan right after the Magic Crystal exploded on his/her hands. But if he/she is a Blood Mage, he/she will use Blood Magic to fight back in the attempt of escaping out of here.

Gwenn smiled and said, Now that we know David Bodwyn is a Blood Mage. As long as I can keep him from casting a magic spell for the next thirty days, he won't be able to know that he was killed and revived. We can keep an eye on him to track down other Blood Mages who have infiltrated our Mages Council. Eventually, we will capture them all.

Kath said, Holy Mage, you have wasted thirty-six Large Mana Potions, but it was well worth it.

It only takes seven hundred fifty six (756) years to craft another thirty-six Large Mana Potions, but what I'm lacking is the ingredients to make them.

I will tell the members of the Brown to start finding the ingredients, you wont have to worry about it.

No, I will have some Executioners to do it. Lord Donoghan, would you please send some members to the Republic of Yfari?

Holy Mage, are you planning to assist the Republic of Yfari in their invasion against the Dryardian Empire?

Yes, its time to teach those Demi-Humans a lesson for invading other nations. The Mages Council didnt want to interfere with other nations warfare but letting the Dryardian Empire grow too large-

Noe interrupted Gwenn, Gwenn, my Gray can clear the Dryardian Empire off the world map at any time. All you have to do is give me a request and it will be done. What I meant was those Demi-Humans will never be a problem for us. Yet, the existence of Demi-Humans is a must. Without them, other human nations will start declaring war with each other again and the never-ending cycle of war wont be stopped.

Lord Clerico, I-

Per your request, I will travel to the East to help them defend their countries. But I wont do more than that.

I understand. Thank you, Lord Clerico.

Thirty days later. Noe Clerico arrived at Nosh city, capital of Commonwealth of Krorg, together with a hundred members of the Gray. After finding out the Dryardian Empire started launching full-scale attacks toward Aureshield and Dravew cities, Lord Clerico sent fifty members to Aureshield and another fifty members toward Dravew to aid them fighting back the Demi-Humans. He then headed to Lylnesle, the capital city of Grand Duchy of Macmalian by himself. To get to the Grand Duchy of Macmalian territory, Lord Clerico would have to enter the Shota Empire and go past twelve of their cities. There is another shorter way that only goes past four cities but one of those cities included Radagvic which was now being controlled by the Dryardian Empire. As you could have guessed, Lord Clerico isnt the type who will take the long way to avoid confrontation with enemies.

Inside Radagvic city. Prime Minister, the South gate was breached. A Demi-Human warrior reported to Ateia Ordia and then patiently waited for her next command.

After a minute of thinking, Ateia stated, Give the signal for our troops on the South gate to withdraw to join us at the center. We will proceed as planned.


After the warrior left to pass on the Prime Minister's command to the troops that were defending the South Gate, Ateia thought to herself, If I send troops from the other gates to assist the South gate, then it will only result in more gates getting breached. Abandoning the South gate is a huge gamble, but I have confidence that my plans will work.

A voice suddenly called out to Ateia and interrupted her thinking, Ateia.

Yes, my Emperor?

Why are we abandoning the South gate?

It was to lure them into our traps, Emperor Acilianus. They still have over a hundred twenty million troops while we only have eighty million left. Because of the troops number disadvantage, we have to use strategies instead of just pure physical strength.

Hmm Im bored. Can I go kill some humans now?

No, my Emperor. You will have your fun as soon as they fall into my traps.

About five minutes later, another warrior ran in to report to Ateia, Prime Minister, the humans have entered the breached South gate.

Good. Prepare to activate the traps.

Yes, Maam.

Just when Ateia was excited that at least a million enemies will die under the traps she had set, a female voice from the sky suddenly spoke to everybody on the battlefield, The Demi-Humans have laid out many traps in the South gate, withdraw your troops to prevent falling into it. No other gates have traps so you can focus on attacking the North, East, and West gates.

Leading thirty million human warriors attacking the South gate were General Dasha Marchenko and Executioner Rose Embers. Dasha looked up to the sky and saw a male figure was flying next to a Wind Walker. She doesnt recognize who it was because she had never met that man before. Dasha turned toward Rose and asked while pointing her right index finger toward the man, Executioner Embers, do you recognize that man?

That is that is Lord Noe Clerico, leader of the Gray! Rose kneeled one knee on the ground to show the respect she had toward Noe before standing up again to continue fighting with the Demi-Humans. Rose said, General Marchenko, give the signal for the troops to withdraw from attacking the South gate.

Right away. Signal for our troops to withdraw from the South gate!

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