Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 11 (7/11)

Book 2: Chapter 11 (7/11)

Loud explosions after loud explosions repeatedly occurred as Kains Ice Spear and Kimariss Ursula collided. Kain knew Kimaris wasn't immune to all of his attacks. Because if he is, Kimaris wouldn't keep parrying or dodging Kains attacks but would be allowed Kain's Ice Spear to hit him. However, every time Kimaris couldn't keep up with Kain's speed. It created opportunities for Kain to successfully land attacks on Kimaris using the Ice Spear. Still, it caused no damage whatsoever.

Throwing his Ice Spear into the direction of Kimariss heart but it couldnt penetrate through Kimariss thick skin, Kain said, I know you arent immune to my physical attacks. Sooner or later, my spear will break through that thick skin of yours.

Kimaris parried seven of Kains Ice Spear attacks in a row. He said while swinging Ursula at Kain, You intend to kill me using that pathetic Vampire Emperor form? It will not happen in your lifetime. Even when using your Devil form, you still wont be able to kill me without sacrificing most of your life force.

You may be right. I wont be able to kill you using just my Vampire Emperor form. But dont forget that I am a Conjurer Mage as well. Kain smiled evilly as he casted [Conjure Phantom Leech] and [Conjure Ice Gargoyle General] spells twenty times. Not stopping there, Kain casted another self-created Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spell he recently created named [Conjured Imreia].

Imreia, Phantom Knight of the Nivin Tribe. She was the one that refused to be bound to Kain's Conjurer Soul. Ever since Kain reached level 51. He had been traveling many times to the realm of the Phantom Knights through astral projection. After countless failed attempts at locating the Nivin Tribe, he finally found Imreia when she was training other Phantom Knights of the Nivin Tribe preparing for a battle with another tribe. Imreia couldn't believe Kain managed to reach Saint-tier that fast and agreed to be bound to his Conjurer Soul but Kain refused her because he already had Finwe. Kain then defeated Imreia using his astral form and successfully created [Conjure Imreia] spell.

Kain commanded Imreia and twenty Phantom Leeches to fight with other Demon Lords while all Ice Gargoyle Generals helped him to fight with Kimaris.

Kimaris got angrier and said, I expected a one versus one duel with you, why are you letting your creatures interfere? Do you have no courage and honor?

Kain laughed and said, Man, screw your courage and f**k your honor. My goal is to win this battle. I never said that I wanted to fight one versus one with you. It is you who wanted it, not me. Now, to be fair for me. I am but just one person. Still, I am fighting with a Devil, thirteen Demon Lords, and millions of demons at the same time. Speaking of having courage and honor? You sure dont have any more than I do.

The twenty Ice Gargoyle Generals couldnt stand a chance against Kimaris, but they are great tools for keeping him fighting nonstop. Every time an Ice Gargoyle General died, Kain could easily conjure another one. Kain thought to himself, I have more than two hundred Magical Blood Equipment, it is impossible for me to lose this battle. Regardless of fighting with an Archangel or a Devil, I cant lose to any of them. All the Watchers who have bet against me will realize how stupid they are very soon.

Approximately forty minutes later. Kains Ice Gargoyle Generals were repeatedly killed at a fast pace that meant Kain couldn't have enough time to conjure all of them back yet. Kimaris swung Ursula at Kain sixty times in a row in less than ten seconds and successfully knocked the Ice Spear out of Kains hands. Not stopping there, Kimaris spun Ursula and swung one more time using all of his might toward Kains left side. Kain used his right leg to block that attack knowing that would not be enough. Just like Kain had thought, Ursula cut Kains right leg down as it continued penetrating through Kains body which resulted in splitting him into two pieces. Despite continuously using [Cure] and [Life Drain], Kains health pools couldnt regenerate in time.

Shit, I only have one health pool left. I will start using the blood pools of my Blood Equipment then. My four health pools will take a while to fully regenerate. Kain thought to himself while activating [Abyssal Flesh] spell.

After transforming into a Flesh Vampire Emperor Monster that can instantly regenerate any body parts that were injured, Kain sacrificed one blood pool of a Blood Ring to casted [Blood Iron Spikes] spell. A giant floating ball that has a dark red color was created. Kimaris thought Kain was sending that dark red floating ball toward him, but Kain sent it toward the demons who were fighting with the vampires instead. Kain wanted to eliminate as many demons as possible. Because the sooner he gets rid of those demons and their Lords, the earlier Finwe and other conjured creatures can team up with Kain to defeat Kimaris.

I thought you were going to send that giant blood ball to attack me. Kimaris asked using a mocking tone because that blood ball would cause no damage regardless of how many iron spikes it shoots out.

Kain answered, I know it wont be able to cause any damage toward you. No worry, Im about to send you back to hell. Kain then opened the palm of his right hand allowing his Diamond Ice Spear to fly back into it.

Dont you get it now? You cant defeat me using that pathetic form.

Not only will I defeat you, but I will kill you. That is a promise.

Kain flew toward Kimaris and their physical battle continued for four more hours. This time, the one smiling wasnt Kimaris, but Kain as he successfully penetrated his Ice Spear into Kimariss heart. Kain wouldnt let this chance of killing Kimaris slip away. Kains left hand choked Kimariss throat and pulled him closer to Kain while using his right hand to push the Ice Spear deeper and deeper until it finally went through Kimaris body. Using all of his strength, Kain continued grabbing Kimaris by the throat and slammed him from flying a thousand meters in the sky down two hundred feet below the ground creating a loud explosion as it released a powerful earthquake for ten seconds.

Kain said, I told you-

Before Kain could finish what he wanted to say, Kimaris stared at something behind Kain with a surprising look and yelled out loud, "No!"

By the time Kain realized something weird, a sword made out of stone stabbed him from the back toward the direction of his heart and successfully penetrated through it. Kain turned his head backward and saw a female human was staring at him like she wanted to kill him. Well, she technically did.

Kimaris appeared to be mad but he swallowed his anger and warmly said, Ursula.

Ursula knew Kimaris was mad at her. She softly whispered, Kimaris.

It's alright. You have done well. Heal me.

Yes, my Lord.

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