Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 10 (9/10)

Book 2: Chapter 10 (9/10)

Hoh? Kain and his Second Soul stopped for a moment after seeing Tim turned himself into two. Kain asked, Are you a Twin Soul magic caster?

Tim shook his head and said, This is [Second Self]. Its just a magic spell that I have created. Its different compared to your [Second Soul], no worry. Tim has no problem explaining it to Kain.

Kain looked at Tim and the other version of Tim, they looked precisely the same. Perhaps that magic spell works like [Replica] of Wind Magic. In that case, there is nothing for me to worry about. All I have is to do is kill one of them and this battle will be over. Kain thought to himself as he and his Second Soul continued to attack.

Kain and his Second Soul decided to attack Tim while ignoring Tims [Second Self]. Because Kain has four health pools in his body and can actively heal himself using [Cure] ability, getting injured wouldnt be a problem. Both the black-hair Kain and blonde-hair Kain allowed the Second Tim to attack them while continuing to focus all of their attack on Tim. After Kain and his Second Soul successfully killed Tim, the other Tim casted [Second Self] spell again to create another version of himself.

Kain was surprised, but he didn't overreact. Kain said, Ah, I see. Your [Second Self] spell is much stronger compared to [Replica] because you wont die unless I can kill both of you at the same time. You can continue to create a new version of yourself every time one of you dies.

Tim smiled and confirmed Kain's suspicion, You are smart, that is exactly how it works.

This battle is harder than I thought it would be. Killing both of them at the same time is hard but not impossible. Another way to win is that I will have to outlast him in terms of both physical and magical fights. I have a full mana pool and almost four blood pools left while he only has one mana pool. However, the only problem with that strategy is he can use [Mana Regeneration] spells to continuously recover his mana pool since he is a Light Mage. Maybe I should find another strategy instead of outlasting him. Kain thought.

To make the situation worse for Kain, Tim casted [Summon Angel Warrior] spell and a Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior was summoned. Like Kain has predicted, Tim immediately casted [Mana Regeneration] spell on himself to start recovering his mana pool.

"Such a useless tactic, that Angel Warrior won't make any difference. Do you really think it would be harder for me to kill both of you at the same time because of that Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior?" Kain rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Kain activated [Bloodlust] then casted [Enclosing] spell to lock the Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior inside a circular magical barrier to prevent it from getting out. The Angel Warrior attempted to fly higher thinking it could escape. However, it doesn't matter how high that Angel Warrior fly, the circular magical barrier will continuously follow and trap it inside. Kain smirked and said, Be a good little pet and stay in there for me until this battle is over.

Normally a Light Mage can only summon one Angel Warrior, but Tims Second Self was able to summon another one. Kain was surprised that could happen, but he used the same tactics by activating [Bloodlust] then casted [Enclosing] spell on that Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior as well. These [Enclosing] spells have cost Kain a lot of blood to casted and maintain. Even so, Kain willingly sacrificed his blood pools to prevent the interference of these Angel Warriors.

Even though killing both of you at the same time wont be easy, there is something I have that you dont. That is the advantage of creating nearly unlimited allies. Kain said as he casted [Conjure Ice Gargoyle] spell repeatedly until sixty Ice Gargoyles were conjured. Kain then commanded his Ice Gargoyles to help the blonde-hair Kain while he continued to fight alone. He planned to exhaust Tim to the point that his [Mana Regeneration] spells wont be able to recover his mana fast enough. The moment Tim has his mana pool reach depletion, Kain will finish him off and make sure his Second Soul and the sixty Ice Gargoyles can kill the other Tim at the same time. By that way, the other Tim won't be able to regenerate his mana pool fast enough to cast another [Second Self] spell.

Tim knew exactly what Kain was planning and the strategy of making Tim and his Second Self reach mana depletion before killing them off would have worked out perfectly only if Tim didn't have a way to counter that. Tim started chanting for another self-created Saint-tier Light Magic spell that would possibly change the tide of this battle. Tim has been chanting for this magic spell since the battle started and it finally finished. Not because this magic spell took that long to chant, but because Tim chanted five times with the intent of sacrificing almost all of his life force to take Kain down.

Tim casted [Purification], six powerful bright white explosion auras repeatedly released from Tim and his Second Self that could affect twenty thousand square feet radius. After six explosions auras were released, sixty Ice Gargoyles were killed because they couldnt cast [Ice Barrier] spells repeatedly fast enough to protect themselves. Each [Purification] spell will release six explosion auras. Tim casted five [Purification] spells in a roll which means thirty powerful bright white explosion auras were released from Tim and his Second Self. Even though this spell is potent, Tim wouldnt consider it as his strongest spell because not only does it use mana, but also put a toll on his life force as well. Even so, Tim had calculated and knew for sure Kain would die before Tims life force is fully drained.

After a total of thirty explosion auras were released from Tim and his Second Self, Tims five [Purification] spells were over. Seeing all Ancient Vampires were killed by his [Fly Swords] spell as well, Tim smiled because he thought Kain was dead which was logical. If Kain was still alive, he could have continued using his blood pools to instantly revive all Ancient Vampires. Tim checked his mana pool and felt it was about to reach depletion due to five [Purification] spells being casted at the same time.

My life force was almost fully drained too. One simple strike from an Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior would have taken my life right now. But that wouldnt happen if I have enough time to recover my life force and mana pool. Tim thought as he casted [Mana Regeneration] and [Minor Healing] spells on himself. I dont have enough mana left to cast [Major Healing]. There is no need for that spell anyway since this battle is over. Tim stopped flying and landed on the ground while holding his head high waiting to be announced as the winner of this match.

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