Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 181: Return to Blue Sea

Chapter 181: Return to Blue Sea

The Clowns leave Shandora by riding the Giant Snake. They reach their ship in a short time and immediately sail away from Upper Yard. The snake seems sad, so they give it some food and say that they'll return one day, making it happy.

They move fast before the Shandians and Skypieans find them. In a short time, they reach the end of the White Sea and prepare to get down. Those who know how they'll get down just smirk and didn't tell the others about it.

"Captain, how will we get down from here?" asks Magnus.

"Hehe, you'll see it," says Buggy.

The Black Pearl reaches the corner and of course, they fall. Everyone is shocked and have their eyes pop out from their socket.

"GYAH!" shouts the crew scaredly.

"GYAH! WE FALL, WE FALL! MY EYES ARE POPPING OUT. Ah, but I don't have eyes, yohohoho. GYAH!" says Brook.


"Don't worry, just wait and see," says Cricket.


Buggy suddenly blows a flute and then a giant octopus comes out of the cloud. It jumps onto them and makes the guys scared. They want to attack it, but Palu stops them and tells them to just watch.

The octopus grabs their ship and their falling speed reduces significantly. Those who aren't ready fall on their face because of the sudden speed reduction. Buggy & co who have anticipated it laugh when they see their crewmates fall.

"Captain, you should've just told us about this," says Magnus.

"Then it won't be an exciting experience for you and it won't be fun. Also, you need to feel what we felt back then when we got down from Birka," says Buggy while smirking.

"That last sentence sounds to be the real reason," says Brook.

"Hahaha, it is. But this is still fun, right?" asks Buggy.

The crew just answers with a long sigh because they know their Captain very well. He likes thrill even if it might kill him and he will make his crew feel that thrill too. None of them can stop it, so they can only do their best to survive.

"It seems we won't die because we get killed by enemies. Captain's hobby to seek for thrill will kill us first," says a man.

"Yeah, I agree," says another man, followed by everyone's nod.

The Shipwright team then install some heat dials below the octopus to keep its size. They descend slowly and it will take time for them to reach the sea. So they use their time to manage their loot and distribute it.

"Sigh, distributing the loot is very troublesome," says Buggy tiredly while he counts everyone's share.

"Well, there are many factors when counting the shares, after all. We also need to be fair so everyone will be satisfied," says Jude.

"Let's find a secretary before we reach New World. I don't want to take care of something like this forever. I'm a pirate, not a company leader," says Buggy.

"I agree with you, but we need to be very careful when choosing a secretary. That person will take care of our money, after all. So we need to take someone that we can fully trust," says Cricket.

"Yeah, that's the most important thing," says Buggy.

*Knock knock* Someone knocks on the meeting room door from outside.

"What is it?" asks Buggy.

"Captain, we almost reach the sea. But there is a problem," says the man who knocked on the door.

Buggy raises an eyebrow before going out with the executives. They look at the problem and it makes Buggy sigh. They are on top of a Marine Base, G8.

'To think that we'll enter a filler Arc instead of following the canon. Sigh, I never expect this,' thinks Buggy.

"What should we do, Captain?" asks Cricket.

"Do we have time to avoid landing inside the base?" asks Buggy to Ruff.

"Yeah, we can avoid it if we use all of our jet dials immediately," says Ruff.

"Then let's do it immediately," says Buggy.

The others nod and immediately move to do his order. They use their jet dials to push the ship to the front so it won't land on G8. Luckily, they've bought a lot of new dials on Skypiea, so they have enough Jet dials to push the ship at a rather high speed.

The Black Pearl move away from G8 and finally landed on the sea. Buggy is relieved that now they don't need to fight the Marine. It will just waste their energy because there's no benefit in fighting the Marine in their base.

Although a Marine base will surely have some treasures from the pirates that they've caught and they also have money to fund their base. But fighting the Marine in their base is troublesome because they have a lot of advantages.

'I am not Luffy and this is not One Piece series. So who knows what will happen if I enter G8. I am not Luffy and don't have the luck that allows him to play around in G8,' thinks Buggy.

The Clowns sail away and move to the next island pointed by Log Pose, which should be Long Ring Long Land island. They'll just follow the route again instead of using Eternal Pose. This is the proper way to explore Grandline, after all.

But some minutes after they sail away from G8, a report come from their scout on Crow Nest. A Marine ship is chasing them and it must've come from G8. They look at it and get serious when they know the one who leads the Marine Unit.

"Sakazuki, why is he here?" asks Cricket.

"Probably his unit was rescued by a unit from G8 after their ship got flipped by the Knock-Up Stream. They must've come here after that and haven't left. It has just been 3 days, after all," says Deon.

"Furthermore, Sakazuki is a very persistent person. He might've purposedly wait for us here," says Buggy.

"How did he know that we'll land here?" asks Magnus confusedly.

"Because this base is close with the route that we use right now. Marine bases aren't located in any route, but they are always close with one. Even if the wind blows us away from the route, we will still follow the route in the end. That's why he chooses to stay here so he can chase us anytime," says Buggy.

"Ooh," says the crew in understanding.

"Well, that or he still can't leave G8 yet. His ship might haven't arrived, so his unit can't leave just yet. Anyway, we need to fight him on the sea. His devil fruit is too dangerous to be fought on land. Fighting him on the sea is more advantageous. Prepare the weapons! Ruff, let's test that one," says Buggy.

Ruff grins and nods before he leaves to prepare the weapon. The crew also moves to prepare their ship's weapons. They've experienced many naval battles in the last months when they explore the first & second islands. So they know what they need to do.

"Why don't we just outrun them? That is not Sakazuki's ship, it's just a normal ship from G8. There's no way that ship can chase us at full speed," says Deon while the crew prepares the weapons.

"I've considered that, but I won't do that. If the enemy is someone else then I will surely do what you suggest. But this is different because the chaser is Sakazuki," says Buggy.

"Hmm? Why is it?" asks Deon confusedly.

"Because he is strong. He is a good opponent to test the weapon that Ruff has just finished. We are using Sakazuki as our Guinea Pig," says Buggy.

Sometime later, Ruff returns and says that the weapon is ready. Buggy smirks and says, "Good, let the fun begin."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 205 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 216 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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